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haha4 Sep 7th, 2005 19:38

rong170, it is better to apply for secondary school teacher
In Ontario, they have too many elementary teachers and it hard to find a postion as an elementary teacher. Your teachable subjects can be mathematics and computer science. You may go to the website I posted before to check if you are eligible for those subjects.
Each year the deadline for next year's teacher education program is Nov. 31.

有容奶大 Sep 7th, 2005 20:01


rong170 Sep 7th, 2005 20:12


作者: haha4
In Ontario, they have too many elementary teachers and it hard to find a postion as an elementary teacher. Your teachable subjects can be mathematics and computer science. You may go to the website I posted before to check if you are eligible for those subjects.
Each year the deadline for next year's teacher education program is Nov. 31.

Haha4, thanks for your advice. Hopefully I can reach my goal like you. Take care!

tangdan Sep 7th, 2005 22:39


作者: haha4
In Ontario, they have too many elementary teachers and it hard to find a postion as an elementary teacher. Your teachable subjects can be mathematics and computer science. You may go to the website I posted before to check if you are eligible for those subjects.
Each year the deadline for next year's teacher education program is Nov. 31.

太感谢haha4给大家一个振奋人心的消息了,我希望能了解更多的信息,不知可否电子邮件联系你呀? 我在国内时是高中物理老师,总觉的在这边继续本专业不太可能,所以连TOFFEL也没考,而改读幼儿教育ECE了,心里想都是搞教育嘛.哪知读后才知跟自己原来的工作差太远了,还是喜欢原来的教师工作.我的电邮是tangdan2003@hotmail.com.

tangdan Sep 9th, 2005 15:49

To haha4: May I know where you took the course? You told us different University has different requirements. Do you know which one is easy for immigrants to apply?

haha4 Sep 9th, 2005 18:34

University of Ottawa, OUIT and Queen's University have lower requirment
University of Ottawa, OUIT and Queen's University have lower requirment on TOEFL score but University of Winsor may be easier to get admission. If you can go to USA, you can pay less money for the teacher education program there and I heard it is easier to get admission.
Good luck.

tangdan Sep 11th, 2005 17:25


作者: haha4
University of Ottawa, OUIT and Queen's University have lower requirment on TOEFL score but University of Winsor may be easier to get admission. If you can go to USA, you can pay less money for the teacher education program there and I heard it is easier to get admission.
Good luck.

To:haha4, Thanks for your answer.

tangdan Sep 11th, 2005 17:30

To haha4, I have one more question again. If I enroll in Teachers College at University of Winsor, may I teach in Ontario? Thanks for your time!

haha4 Sep 11th, 2005 19:45

Hi, tangdan, Winsor is in Ontario.
so there is no problem for you if you graduate from University of Winsor.

haha4 Sep 11th, 2005 19:54

Hi, there is another way that new immigrant can try.
New immigrants may try these ways
(1) The private school does not require teacher certificate.
(2) Educational assistant position does not require teacher certificate. The pay is $17.00 per hour.
(3) Internatinal language instructor. The pay is $21-24 per hour.
Position (2) and (3), you can apply to Toronto, York, Peel region school board directly. The websites for teaching position are:


Good luck.

格林威治 Sep 11th, 2005 20:16


tangdan Sep 12th, 2005 23:38


作者: haha4
New immigrants may try these ways
(1) The private school does not require teacher certificate.
(2) Educational assistant position does not require teacher certificate. The pay is $17.00 per hour.
(3) Internatinal language instructor. The pay is $21-24 per hour.
Position (2) and (3), you can apply to Toronto, York, Peel region school board directly. The websites for teaching position are:

Good luck.

Thanks haha4 for your important information.

haha4 Sep 14th, 2005 20:55

tangdan, you are welcome. good luck.
格林威治 I like your sentence: 你问一下伍冰枝:难民的孩子能当加拿大总督么?
Nothing is impossible.
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit." - Aristotle
" I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it." -Stephen Leacock.

shanxiren Oct 23rd, 2005 09:19

你的希望很大.你是师院毕业,不需要一年的教育学学习.只是要通过英语考试: 托福600以上,写作和口语有特别要求.过了语言可直接申请,参加执照考试,通过后,一切OK.数学更容易.

shanlinqd Oct 28th, 2005 19:25

我在国内大学时专业是食品工程,但多大给我做的学历认可是化学专业,毕业后在一家职业高中教了1年半的食品加工课,参加了一个市里举行的教学比赛,得了三等奖,后来辞职做了检验分析。请问各位,不知道我这种情况可不可以申请这个program?他们要求的related experience不知道我在国内的教学经验算不算数?试着打电话给他们好几天了想问这个问题,但是老是没有人接,急呀,离dead line没多少时间了。


bianlidian Oct 28th, 2005 21:38

,其实,上面,YIER-ZHUZHU和WANGTEMP给的两个网站对怎样申请入学介绍很清楚。所以要想当一名小学老师,必须有安省的教育文凭,所以必须要上学,哪怕你有博士文凭。所以在国内是本科文凭,且有学位证和毕业证,且在国内有相关教学经验,理论上都可申请。当然必需有TOFEL成绩。上学时间为两学期,实际上也就七个月,包括两个实习。安省提供这样的课程有16个院校,叫做“ONE YEAR EDUCATION PROGRAM”毕业后发“THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF EDUCATION”,然后考取教师资格证(通过率为99。9%),然后理论上你就可以申请当一名教师了。至于能不能当上,和找工作一样,因素就多了。但是我告诉大家一个秘密,安省目前急缺老师,所有不得不聘用已退休的老师。我在告诉大家一个事实,毕业后,很难立刻找到正式老师,但是,如果可能先做一名SUPPLY TEACHER,就是SUPPLY TEACHER,也是很难。关键是看你有没有勇气一直走下去。如果想申请,还是多看上面两个网站。

如水平淡 Oct 28th, 2005 21:39


onlybob Oct 31st, 2005 21:43

my wife is in teacher‘s licence program right now. the entry requirement is TSE 60-full score. but I am not sure whether my wife will be fail in the program. because her classmate who got master degree in english from UBC, but she was fail in this program at the last practicum.

onlybob Oct 31st, 2005 21:46

一年的program is over.

青岛的海 Nov 13th, 2005 17:33

我想修这个课程,请问前辈们能否联络一下了解点感受?shanlinqd◎yahoo.com (416) 902-9950 多谢多谢!

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