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lfan_cn Aug 7th, 2007 15:25

以前在温哥华常去hiking,现在搬到Victoria,只看到clubtread.org有西人的hiking club,不知道华人里有没有爱好此类活动的朋友?

这周末打算从简单的开始,至少去Duncan附近(Mt Wood, Mt Prevost or Mt Tzouhalem)看看,也可以考虑Arrowsmith Mountain,有人有兴趣么?

开吻 Aug 7th, 2007 18:59

感兴趣, 不过还是秋天以后再参加. 现在是夏日, 水上运动的好时机. 等过了9月水就太冷了, 再Hiking也不迟.

lfan_cn Aug 7th, 2007 19:31

5 个附件
很想去Glacier冰川湖Camping,象去年去Wedgemount Lake那样:



木匠 Aug 7th, 2007 19:38


木匠 Aug 7th, 2007 19:42

游泳 我喜欢

作者: 开吻 (帖子 1917229)
感兴趣, 不过还是秋天以后再参加. 现在是夏日, 水上运动的好时机. 等过了9月水就太冷了, 再Hiking也不迟.

对头, 简简单单 去游泳, 或者复杂一点 加上划船.


1) Durrance Lake
2) Matheson Lake


lfan_cn Aug 8th, 2007 02:45


作者: 木匠 (帖子 1917325)


lfan_cn Aug 8th, 2007 14:07

初步确定去Cowichan Lake西端的Heather Mountain(海拔1200+米),希望还有野花看。

Carpool: $15

UVic outdoors Club的照片:


Heather Mountain
To reach the summit of Heather Mountain (about 1250 metres) you will be hiking up Branch R (sign posted) for most of the way. Branch R begins about 1.5 km north of Heather Campsite on the mountain side of the main road. Branch R will fork to the right off on a switch back (marked by a stump with yellow paint currently) which will take you around on the lake side of the mountain. It should take you around 40 minutes from the gate to walk up around the switchback and passed a recently logged section of forest to the lake side of the mountain. In this section on a good day you can see the top of the mountain's secondary peak and look down upon Cowichan Lake and Heather Campsite. About 20+ minutes more brings you to the saddle (about 820 meters) between the secondary peak and the summit where the trail is not always clear. The saddle's lake side has a steep cliff and overlooks the lake as well. To reach the summit you must hike NW up the saddle to the summit trail. From the saddle to the summit the steep trail is marked. Time up this section is around 1 hours. A good way down is on the south side through the alders avoiding the gully. Summit views are magnificent - to the west the Nitinat valley, Hobiton Lake and Pacific Ocean; to the north Mts. Arrowsmith and Moriarty; to the east Mts. Whymper and Landalt and the Cowichan Valley. Trail Dangers: To reach the summit is a moderate to strenuous hike of around 3 hours and around 2.5 hours on the way back. Your elevation gain from Heather Campsite is around 1000 meters. The route itself, however, is a well maintained logging road for the first half and no rock climbing experience is required. If you miss the fork to the right of Branch R you will reach a heavily forested area and you should turn around and walk back to the fork. Carry plenty of water for your hike. Cell phone reception is poor on some sections but excellent in the sections overlooking Cowichan Lake. The area is beautiful in the summer with its alpine flowers, equally beautiful in the fall colors. In the summer the mosquitoes can be very bad, so be sure to carry a repellant. Access: Heather Mountain is located at the head (west end) of Cowichan Lake. From the Town of Lake Cowichan to the head of the lake is about 38 km (24 miles) along South Shore Road or North Shore Road. For information about gates and accessibility to Heather Mountain trails, please call TimberWest.

开吻 Aug 8th, 2007 16:46


作者: lfan_cn (帖子 1917320)
很想去Glacier冰川湖Camping,象去年去Wedgemount Lake那样:



Snorkering哪里都可以. 水冷不怕, 我买了一件Wetsuit, 上上周和木匠一起去Methosin Lake, 一点不冷.

Kayaking也是很好的选择. 不过打算明年上个培训班, 然后买条小船出海捞螃蟹去呵呵.

lfan_cn Aug 8th, 2007 18:07


作者: 开吻 (帖子 1919040)
Snorkering哪里都可以. 水冷不怕, 我买了一件Wetsuit, 上上周和木匠一起去Methosin Lake, 一点不冷.

Kayaking也是很好的选择. 不过打算明年上个培训班, 然后买条小船出海捞螃蟹去呵呵.




开吻 Aug 8th, 2007 20:42


作者: lfan_cn (帖子 1919174)



我一开始也是和你一样的想法, 不冲浪不潜水穿什么Wetsuit. 但是等我买了以后就觉得还是很值. 30多块钱, 和普通游泳裤价格不相上下, 但是可以在水里游泳不觉得冷. 在岸上也不觉得晒. 只是可惜这里的水里没有什么可看的, 都是水草, 还有一些很小的难看的雨. 还是怀念三亚潜水的感觉真好.

Kayading可能还是需要一些培训基本知识. 至少翻了以后还可以再翻回来, 要不就成了潜艇了.

格林威治 Aug 9th, 2007 00:59


开吻 Aug 9th, 2007 16:55

哈哈, 看到电视上报道了BC Ferries的码头上积压的车队了. 还是住住在岛上好哇, 就算去大陆也都是和大部队反方向的, 不会这么严重的排队. 吸取教训吧, 下次来岛上绝对不要在长周末

lfan_cn Aug 9th, 2007 17:25


作者: 开吻 (帖子 1919375)
我一开始也是和你一样的想法, 不冲浪不潜水穿什么Wetsuit. 但是等我买了以后就觉得还是很值. 30多块钱, 和普通游泳裤价格不相上下, 但是可以在水里游泳不觉得冷. 在岸上也不觉得晒. 只是可惜这里的水里没有什么可看的, 都是水草, 还有一些很小的难看的雨. 还是怀念三亚潜水的感觉真好.



北温哥华岛据说是世界上最好的冷水潜水(diving, not snorkeling)地之一,只是暂时对diving还没太大兴趣。

Cowichan River和Cambpell River据说都是很好的淡水Snorkeling地,可以和三文鱼同游:smile: ,有兴趣可以一起去啊。不过总体来说我更喜欢海而不是淡水。

今天打电话问Heather Mountain的情况了,据说是不开--因为是TimberWest伐木公司的地而不是Public park,他们可以限制Access。:tired: 这周六总还是要找个高点的山hiking的,Arrowsmith实在远了点。

lfan_cn Aug 9th, 2007 17:30


作者: 开吻 (帖子 1920928)
哈哈, 看到电视上报道了BC Ferries的码头上积压的车队了. 还是住住在岛上好哇, 就算去大陆也都是和大部队反方向的, 不会这么严重的排队. 吸取教训吧, 下次来岛上绝对不要在长周末

人家只是偶尔过来啊,我们过去的次数要多多了。该死的Ferry,太贵了,要不然我就经常回Vancouver hiking了。

对了,BC Ferries正在做民意调查,大家去参加吧,争取让他们能经常有Coast Savers Program,能省一半的钱呢!

格林威治 Aug 9th, 2007 19:12


开吻 Aug 9th, 2007 20:39

周日打算带上我家小爱玛到Sooke Potholes Park玩水. 有兴趣的可以同往.
是淡水, 所以不用冲凉. 海水比较麻烦的地方就是从水里出来必须找淡水冲澡.
由于是带孩子玩水所以不需要什么装备. 我们会带上Wetsuit和snorking的呼吸器. 不过那个地方很小, 没有什么可潜水的, 就是玩玩而已.

木匠 Aug 10th, 2007 01:06


只是个人倾向而已, 不影响大伙组织在一起玩.

格林威治 老兄 讲的神乎其神, 没有那么晕眩, 我2006年没有驾照的时候就开车去了一趟, 稀松平常, 嘻嘻.

lfan_cn Aug 12th, 2007 01:39

最终还是去了Heather Mountain,不过没有登顶,差最后一段。往返20公里爬高900米,用时约6.5小时。:)

所有时间均为格林尼治时间 -4。现在的时间是 00:11

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