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-   -   团聚 摘抄:最新父母团聚经济担保要求:2006/2/1开始实行 (http://www.chinasmile.net/forums/showthread.php?t=123456)

temppangxie Feb 19th, 2006 13:46

Table 4 C Low Income Cut-off (LICO)
Effective after February 1, 2006,(什么时候截至,不清楚)

│ Size of Family Unit │││││││Minimum necessary income
│(担保人家庭人数+被担保人数注) │ (税前,注)
│1 person (the sponsor)││││ $???? │││││││││││
│(2 persons) │││││││││ $25,319 ││││││││││
│(3 persons) │││││││││( $31,126 ) │││││││
│(4 persons) │││││││││($37,791 ) │││││││
│(5 persons) ││││││││ │($42,862 ) │││││││
│(6 persons) │││││││││|($48,341 ) │││││││
│(7 persons) ││││││││ │ ($53,821 ) ││││││
│For each additional │││││││ │││││││││││││││
│person │││││││││││││ $5,480 │││││││││

Effective after February 1, 2006,(什么时候截至,不清楚)

contact our Call Centre for revised LICO figures. http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/contacts/call.html

以下为去年经济要求: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/applica...html#wp1035227

Effective until February 1, 2006

Size of Family Unit Minimum necessary
1 person (the sponsor) $19,795

2 persons $24,745

3 persons $30,774

4 persons $37,253

5 persons $41,642

6 persons $46,031

7 persons $50,421

For each additional
person $4,390

If you are using this application kit after February 1, 2006, contact our Call Centre for revised LICO figures.

魁省的最新规定已经在其网站上公布了,见 http://www.immigration-quebec.gouv.q...standards.html The total gross annual income required of the sponsor represents the SUM of the income established in Table 1 and the income established in Table 2. Such income is indexed each year.

Table 1

Basic income required of the sponsor to satisfy his own family unit's basic needs
Total number of members in the family unit,, Basic annual income required
1 C$19,286
2 C$26,036
3 C$32,144
4 C$36,968
5 C$41,145
The gross annual income is increased by C$4,176 for each additional dependant.

Table 2

Additional income required of the sponsor to satisfy the essential needs of the sponsored person and family members
Number of persons 18 years of age or over Number of persons under 18 years of age,, Gross annual income required of the sponsor
0 1 C$6,677
0 2 C$10,581
The gross annual income required is increased by C$3,527 for each additional person under 18 years of age.

Number of persons 18 years of age or over Number of persons under 18 years of age ,, Gross annual income required of the sponsor
1 0 C$14,108
1 1 C$18,955
1 2 C$21,402
The gross annual income required is increased by C$2,445 for each additional person under 18 years of age.

Number of persons 18 years of age or over Number of persons under 18 years of age ,, Gross annual income required of the sponsor
2 0 C$20,687
2 1 C$23,176
2 2 C$25,017
The gross annual income required is increased by C$1,837 for each additional person under 18 years of age and by C$6,577 for each additional person 18 years of age or over.

以下为魁省的去年经济要求: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/applica...html#wp1035227

wuronglzw Feb 19th, 2006 20:56


temppangxie Feb 19th, 2006 21:32


安全第一 Feb 19th, 2006 21:47


作者: wuronglzw


笑笑笑 Feb 20th, 2006 09:29


Happy-Chinese Feb 25th, 2006 01:45

income是 total income 还是net income(扣除了RRSP等后)呢?

temppangxie Feb 25th, 2006 02:39


作者: Happy-Chinese
income是 total income 还是net income(扣除了RRSP等后)呢?

请直接看表格Financial Evaluation(IMM 1283) ,里面有计算公式给你填,加那些,减哪些

夏桑菊 Feb 27th, 2006 10:41


作者: temppangxie
Table 4 C Low Income Cut-off (LICO)
Effective after February 1, 2006,(什么时候截至,不清楚)

│ Size of Family Unit │││││││Minimum necessary income
│(担保人家庭人数+被担保人数注) │ (税前,注)
│1 person (the sponsor)││││ $???? │││││││││││
│(2 persons) │││││││││ $25,319 ││││││││││
│(3 persons) │││││││││( $31,126 ) │││││││
│(4 persons) │││││││││($37,791 ) │││││││
│(5 persons) ││││││││ │($42,862 ) │││││││
│(6 persons) │││││││││|($48,341 ) │││││││
│(7 persons) ││││││││ │ ($53,821 ) ││││││
│For each additional │││││││ │││││││││││││││
│person │││││││││││││ $5,480 │││││││││

Effective after February 1, 2006,(什么时候截至,不清楚)

contact our Call Centre for revised LICO figures. http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/contacts/call.html

以下为去年经济要求: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/applica...html#wp1035227

Effective until February 1, 2006

Size of Family Unit Minimum necessary
1 person (the sponsor) $19,795

2 persons $24,745

3 persons $30,774

4 persons $37,253

5 persons $41,642

6 persons $46,031

7 persons $50,421

For each additional
person $4,390

If you are using this application kit after February 1, 2006, contact our Call Centre for revised LICO figures.

魁省的最新规定已经在其网站上公布了,见 http://www.immigration-quebec.gouv.q...standards.html The total gross annual income required of the sponsor represents the SUM of the income established in Table 1 and the income established in Table 2. Such income is indexed each year.

Table 1

Basic income required of the sponsor to satisfy his own family unit's basic needs
Total number of members in the family unit,, Basic annual income required
1 C$19,286
2 C$26,036
3 C$32,144
4 C$36,968
5 C$41,145
The gross annual income is increased by C$4,176 for each additional dependant.

Table 2

Additional income required of the sponsor to satisfy the essential needs of the sponsored person and family members
Number of persons 18 years of age or over Number of persons under 18 years of age,, Gross annual income required of the sponsor
0 1 C$6,677
0 2 C$10,581
The gross annual income required is increased by C$3,527 for each additional person under 18 years of age.

Number of persons 18 years of age or over Number of persons under 18 years of age ,, Gross annual income required of the sponsor
1 0 C$14,108
1 1 C$18,955
1 2 C$21,402
The gross annual income required is increased by C$2,445 for each additional person under 18 years of age.

Number of persons 18 years of age or over Number of persons under 18 years of age ,, Gross annual income required of the sponsor
2 0 C$20,687
2 1 C$23,176
2 2 C$25,017
The gross annual income required is increased by C$1,837 for each additional person under 18 years of age and by C$6,577 for each additional person 18 years of age or over.

以下为魁省的去年经济要求: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/applica...html#wp1035227


temppangxie Feb 27th, 2006 13:10


作者: 夏桑菊

contact our Call Centre for revised LICO figures. http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/contacts/call.html

bigforest Mar 8th, 2006 23:12


temppangxie Mar 8th, 2006 23:35


作者: bigforest

谢谢提醒,这个帖子也不用置定了。 :p

kona Mar 16th, 2006 16:55

我想问问夫妻团聚也有income requirement马?

闹闹.. Mar 16th, 2006 18:45

想问一下,5 PERSONS $41,642 ,是指一家三口,申请国内的两位老人的收入么?

rivulet Mar 16th, 2006 21:45


作者: 闹闹..
想问一下,5 PERSONS $41,642 ,是指一家三口,申请国内的两位老人的收入么?


temppangxie Mar 16th, 2006 21:49


作者: kona
我想问问夫妻团聚也有income requirement马?


temppangxie Mar 16th, 2006 21:50


闹闹.. Mar 28th, 2006 21:07


作者: temppangxie


temppangxie Mar 28th, 2006 21:33


作者: 闹闹..


│(5 persons) ││││││││ │($42,862 ) ││││││││

你说可以吗? :confused:

地瓜 Mar 29th, 2006 00:45

这担保门槛儿也太低了,我们打工族一年打工挣的那两个钱儿,还不得担他个10个、20个探亲的。 :cool:

闹闹.. Apr 3rd, 2006 15:39


作者: temppangxie

│(5 persons) ││││││││ │($42,862 ) ││││││││

你说可以吗? :confused:


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