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-   -   团聚 【跪求】父母团聚移民担保资格申请如果要求补充收入材料 (http://www.chinasmile.net/forums/showthread.php?t=467553)

helphelp Jun 27th, 2010 02:27


后来结婚生子,收入也还是够担保5个人. 09年1年产假在家,收入连EI只有三万多.今年年初报税的时候欠考虑,如实报税,这样的收入是不够担保5人家庭的.没有加老公为cosigner,因为怕加了需要重新排队.

今年年初又回去上班, 如果从现在开始往前算12个月的话,收入刚好够.但是如果光看去年的税单的话,是肯定不够的.

眼看着快要审理到我的case了,很有可能要求补充收入材料.请教各位有没有补救的办法. 如果担保资格因为去年产假的原因不能通过就太冤枉了.

mirror Jun 27th, 2010 09:47

If I were you, I would call CIC to find out how I can add spouse as co-signer for the sponsorship undertaking due to the status change and, if that could be reinstated to be effective any date after you got married, better back in the year when you were on the MAT leave. I wouldn't mention anything other than that for the moment unless I really needed to, especially the personal finanical situation, etc. I suggest you to do it as quickly as possible considering that you might be requested by CIC to update your financial status for the past 3 years. The worst case scenario I could imagine would just have your case delayed to the point until your status being updated, ie. have your husband added as a co-signer, it should not bounce your case off to the beginning.

Actually, you MUST update CIC of your status change, because the income threshold being applied to your case would be changed to base on 3 ppl, you, your husband and your baby. What's the most important thing is to find out how you can add your husband as a co-signer to ensure the income from both your and your spouse satisfies financial requirement for sponsorship.

helphelp Jun 27th, 2010 16:24


作者: mirror (帖子 3653880)
If I were you, I would call CIC to find out how I can add spouse as co-signer for the sponsorship undertaking due to the status change and, if that co...


slblfb Jun 28th, 2010 10:53


作者: mirror (帖子 3653880)
If I were you, I would call CIC to find out how I can add spouse as co-signer for the sponsorship undertaking due to the status change and, if that co...

No, you cannot add your husband as a co-signer once you sent your application for sponsporship, I called CIC and asked this question before.

any Jun 28th, 2010 11:05


helphelp Jun 28th, 2010 12:23



slblfb Jun 28th, 2010 14:01


作者: helphelp (帖子 3655751)


Yes, I think you should call CRA to see if you can change the tax claimed information, I think as long as you find a good reason, you should be able to claim more tax.

爱在深秋 Jun 28th, 2010 14:17


作者: helphelp (帖子 3655751)


如果中途结婚了,又不能把他/她加为 co-signer. 那就等于是多了一个人?但收入没有多?
例如同样的收入原来是 1+ 2parents. 现在变成了 1+1+2parents. 是这个意思吗?


slblfb Jun 28th, 2010 14:55


作者: 爱在深秋 (帖子 3655914)
如果中途结婚了,又不能把他/她加为 co-signer. 那就等于是多了一个人?但收入没有多?
例如同样的收入原来是 1+ 2parents. 现在变成了 1+1+2parents. 是这个意思吗?


Yes, exactly, if you have kids then it will be 1+1+1+...+2parents

helphelp Jun 28th, 2010 16:55


作者: slblfb (帖子 3655992)
Yes, exactly, if you have kids then it will be 1+1+1+...+2parents

这个政策一点都不make sense.家庭成员增加,但是不能把多增加成员的收入算在里面。

helphelp Jun 28th, 2010 16:56


作者: slblfb (帖子 3655887)
Yes, I think you should call CRA to see if you can change the tax claimed information, I think as long as you find a good reason, you should be able t...


mirror Jun 28th, 2010 20:21

GOOD LUCK, EVERYONE! The following is quoted from Rolia.
新开一帖, 问有没有哪位知道sponsorship批准之后, 父母移民申请已经交到北京, 还能不能加co-signer?因为怀孕休产假最近12个月的收入不够...刚刚打电话去cic问, 回答是不能加, 已经打过两次电话, 不同的人接的, 回答都是不能加, 有谁是类似情况加了co-signer的? 谢谢. -inlove(littlebun); 2009.10.20 14:27 (#5619492)
basically you cannot add, who said can add actually is wrong -dulululu(dulululu); 2009.10.20 15:41 (#5619796)
可是前面"等待明天"问了cic, 回答又是可以加, 真是困惑, 哪里有官方的正式文件提到这些呢?在政府网站上面找了很久也没找到什么, 谢谢. -inlove(littlebun); 2009.10.20 17:01 (#5620035)

没有官方文件,以前sponsorship递交到批准的时间很短所以没有这类问题,以前只要2-3个月就可以了,但是现在时间越来越长了。我不是cic,没法回答你的问题。为何你不直接问问cic,为何2次从他们那里得到的答案不一样? -tracyd(等待明天); 2009.10.21 18:21 (#5622874)
问过了, 告诉我"可以加"的答案是错误的. 现在也不知道该不该更新家庭成员的变化了... -inlove(littlebun); 2009.10.21 21:27 (#5623226)
我想问问,如果你的孩子出生了,你不告诉移民局,他们应该不知道的吧?这样就不会不够钱担保多一个人拉 -sandyguan(sandy); 2009.11.3 22:31 (#5655019)
not necessary if you have been found eligible as Sponsor and their immigration case is being processing in China. -linda355(zhazha); 2009.10.22 13:09 (#5624820)
能加,而且成功了 -sandyguan(sandy); 2009.10.25 14:26 (#5632235)
can you give us your FN?so next time we call cic can mention your FN thanks -dulululu(dulululu); 2009.10.25 15:52 (#5632359)
I don't think it is a good idea to give out or ask someone else for their file number... -inlove(littlebun); 2009.10.25 18:16 (#5632534)
it is not possible to add, as I have already asked CIC agent for hours. -dulululu(dulululu); 2009.10.26 09:39 (#5633685)
我还没有办出父母移民,但是我可以不惜代价!我要求参加组织。 -justpass(pass); 2009.10.29 18:58 (#5643653)
反正我打电话到CIC,每次都和他们辩论,最后我说有人加了,他们说不可能的,你能提供FN就好办多了。 -dulululu(dulululu); 2009.10.26 10:38 (#5633919)
能帮的就只能告诉你到这里,我没有必要向你提供,这个是私隐,可能每个案例不一样,判官是CIC,而不是你我!!!! -sandyguan(sandy); 2009.10.27 23:40 (#5638916)
请问你是最近加的吗? 程序是怎么样的? 谢谢. -inlove(littlebun); 2009.10.25 18:16 (#5632535)
严格来说是我们的案子是两年前通过了,但是今年中发信过来,说要OPEN 我们的案子重新审批担保人资格,这样也就是说,我们的担保人资格还没有通过, -sandyguan(sandy); 2009.10.27 23:55 (186 bytes. #5638957)
make sense -yiliao(ant); 2009.10.30 00:13 (#5644429)
你前面的帖子不是说成功了么?为何说case 还是open的?既然成功了,那sponsorship的case应该close了???没明白,能不能解释详细一些?谢谢。 -tracyd(等待明天); 2009.11.3 20:54 (#5654762)
担保资格是在两年前通过了,但是,当移民局发现人口数发生变化的时候,他就把我的FILE打开,发一封信来说,要重新审查担保人资格,看看多了一个人之后,我们的担保够不够,耽误的就是时间拉长``` -sandyguan(sandy); 2009.11.3 22:15 (#5654982)
所以说,虽然两年的担保人资格申请通过了,但是在之后的时间还是有可能打开重新审批的,这样就要看个案的不同情况来定了 -sandyguan(sandy); 2009.11.3 22:18 (#5654988)
能不能问问,加co-signer花了多长时间? -tracyd(等待明天); 2009.11.3 20:55 (#5654766)
移民局发一封信来,要提供某些年份的保税单,(这么多年来的,一定要保存好,随时抽查),看看人口变化前后的收入够不够, 在里面,我就加了CO-SIGHNER, -sandyguan(sandy); 2009.11.3 22:23 (139 bytes. #5654995)
我们也不能让移民局把我们的FILE打开来加CO- SIGNER,只能移民局把file 打开了,我们才可以加, 希望我的情况能帮大家提供一些参考 -sandyguan(sandy); 2009.11.3 22:27 (#5655007)

helphelp Jun 30th, 2010 10:47


作者: mirror (帖子 3656496)
GOOD LUCK, EVERYONE! The following is quoted from Rolia.
新开一帖, 问有没有哪位知道sponsorship批准之后, 父母移民申请已经交到北京, 还能不能加co-signer?因为怀孕休产假最近12个月的收入不够...刚刚打电话去cic问...


12321 Jun 30th, 2010 11:44

......如果你的孩子出生了,你不告诉移民局,他们应该不知道的吧?这样就不会不够钱担保多一个人拉 ............

can you keep only 担保3个人的收入.?

mirror Jun 30th, 2010 15:22


作者: 12321 (帖子 3659122)
......如果你的孩子出生了,你不告诉移民局,他们应该不知道的吧?这样就不会不够钱担保多一个人拉 ............

can you keep only 担保3个人的收入.?

You annual tax return filed is based on family unit. You must report your status change to CIC, it’s fairly easy for CIC to know it by just reviewing your tax return, or else going through CRA's record to see if you have tried to collect child care tax benefit in the past from the government….

slblfb Jun 30th, 2010 16:26


作者: mirror (帖子 3659928)
You annual tax return is filed based on family unit. You must report your status change to CIC, it’s fairly easy for CIC to know it by just reviewing...

Yes, if you claim Mat EI then it is easy for CIC to find out you have a child from tax return

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