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卡尔加一 Dec 28th, 2012 16:57



卡尔加一 Dec 28th, 2012 17:01



卡尔加一 Dec 28th, 2012 17:17


This is what i have found out about religion; it gives you courage to make the decisions you must make in a crisis and then the confidence to leave the results to a Higher Power; Only by trusting God can a man carrying responsibility find peace and repose.

Billy Graham is one of the best ambassadors out country has but he told me 'i am an ambassador of heaven'.

卡尔加一 Dec 28th, 2012 17:26

lYNDON Johnson总统写给GRAHAM

My mind went back to those lonely occasion at the White House when your friendship helped to sustain a President in an hour of trial.....No one will ever know how you helped to lighten my load or how much warmth you brought in to our house. But I know;

卡尔加一 Dec 28th, 2012 17:29


I could tell Billy Graham anything in confience and it would never make the public print....and he could speak to me in confidence. We were two people who could , in effect, let our hair down.

thunderbay2011 Dec 28th, 2012 17:31


作者: 卡尔加一 (帖子 4800883)

This is what i have found out about religion; it gives you courage to make the decisions you must make in a crisis and then the confi...




卡尔加一 Dec 28th, 2012 17:34

Graham 在尼克松葬礼上的致词

There comes a moment when we all must realize that life is short, and in the end the only thing that really counts is not how others see us, but how God sees us. For the believer there is hope beyond the grave, because Jesus Christ has opened the door to heaven for us by His death and resurrection.

thunderbay2011 Dec 28th, 2012 17:36


卡尔加一 Dec 28th, 2012 17:42

To me, God is real. To me, the relationship with God is very personal thing. God is ever present in my life. He gives me guidance when i turn to Him...
We ought constantly to search our national and individual consciousness and strive to do better, which doesn't mean to be more powerful and autocratic, but more filled with love and understanding and compassion and humility.

Billy and Ruth Graham have been to visit us both in the governor's mansion in Grogia and in the white House. His reputation is above reproach or suspicion. He's been a Christlike figure with a global beneficial impact in evangelism.

卡尔加一 Dec 28th, 2012 17:59

I'm sure there will be those who will question my participation here tonight. People have become so concerned with church-state separation that we have interpreted freedom of religion into freedom from religion. There is no greater need in our land today than to rediscover our sporitual heritage.

i appreciated Billy Graham being on hand at a time that was rather difficult. I remember that i wanted him to know that i had called on the Almighty for help and if He did not have some other plan, then i would recover and regain my health. But i didn't think i could call on God for help without saying that whatever life was left for me belonged to Him. I also asked the Lord to make well the young man that had shot me. I didn't feel that i could ask that i'd be saved....unless i had a prayer for the other person also.

It was through Billy Graham that i found myself praying even more than on a daily basis... and that in the position i held(of President), that my prayers more and more were to give me the wisdom to make decisions that would serve God and be pleasing to Him.

卡尔加一 Dec 28th, 2012 18:09

Billy Graham has been an inspiration in my life. It is my firm belief than no one can be President without a belief in God. without understanding the power of prayer, without faith. And Billy Graham helped me understand than. Billy has beenin our home many times and he's answered all the tough questions that children and adults can ask...And he answered all these questions so children understood. I thank God for bringing Billy Graham into the lives of my family. He gave us great strength and through him we better know God's Son, Jesus Christ.

卡尔加一 Dec 28th, 2012 18:15


Billy and Ruth Graham have practiced the ministry of ....being friends with Presidents of both parties, counseling them in countless ways, always completely private, always completely genuine..We sat in the Oval Office reminiscing and talking about current circumstances, and I asked for Billy Graham's prayers for the wisdom and guidance of God.

卡尔加一 Dec 28th, 2012 18:17


作者: thunderbay2011 (帖子 4800903)

thunderbay2011 Dec 28th, 2012 18:18


作者: 卡尔加一 (帖子 4800943)



卡尔加一 Dec 28th, 2012 18:22


Billy Graham doesn't give you tactical advice on what to do politically. He talks about the moral dimension of the issues. And the reason world leaders have sought his advice is precisely because he doesn't try to tell them what they should do tomorrow.But he does try to show them a way of thinging about the problem that adds a new dimension to their thinking.

卡尔加一 Dec 28th, 2012 18:23


作者: thunderbay2011 (帖子 4800945)

卡尔加一 Dec 28th, 2012 18:27


The Chinese constitution guarantees freedom of religious belief.But in the past we didn't practice it in full.We are trying to correct the past.China needs moral power and spiritual forces if it is to prosper and grow strong.

卡尔加一 Dec 28th, 2012 18:39


What are the problems students face? They're searching for something and if they don't believe in God, they must have a substitute for God. There is a great identity cirsis among students today. Who am I? What is the purpose of life? Where did i come from? Where am i going? The Bible has a direct answer to this great big philosophical question and unless God seals the vacuum among youth today, then some other ideology will, because young people must have a faith. They must believe in something to find fulfillment in their lives.

卡尔加一 Dec 28th, 2012 18:52

I speak to you today as a follower of Jesus Christ. Each of us has our reference point and as a Christian the reference point by which i measure my life and thought is the Bible......

in spite of many fundamental differences we come together in an atmosphere of mutual respect and concern because we share at least two things in common. First, regardless of our background we are all members of the human race, and the problem with which we are dealing is one that affects every human on this planet, no matter what his cultural or political or religious views may be. Second, although we have various religious differences we share a basic conviction about the sacredness of human life and the need for spiritual answers to the problems that confront humanity.

卡尔加一 Dec 28th, 2012 19:01


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