旧 Aug 27th, 2007, 15:20     #60
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  Greetings from Olancha. How's everything going over there?
  It has been two and half months since I set out on my journey, and you guys may rightly assume I am already more on the east side, even somewhere near New York. No way. I haven't gone far on my journey.
  I was stuck in north California for several weeks, first by the endless rain, and then I got sick, running a high fever, and coughing.
  I was back on the road in March. Yuqi drove me to Half-moon Bay, where I
  spent the night in a cypress woods near the seashore. The following morning, a fisherman gave me a lift and drove me to Pigeon Point light house in Santa Cruz. I got stuck there for a couple of days, again by the rain, too much rain this year. Once I was stuck in my tent from 5am to 10 Am., because of the heavy rain.
  As soon as the rain stopped, I stuck out my thumb and took to the road again. Several drivers offered me ride s to Carmel, the starting point I planned to hike along the Big Sur.
  In Carmel, I met a wonderful couple, Joe and Honey. It's a sunny afternoon, after 30 minutes walking on Carmel Highlands, I sort of run into "Point Joe", where Joe and Honey's house is, and I asked them if I could set up my tent in their courtyard, as most part of that area belong to the State Park, camping is not allowed.
  I got more than what I had asked for. The couple kindly invited me to stay at their guest room, a neat cabin on the cliff, surrounded by big pine trees, white calla lilies, and with a splendid ocean view. What a luxury, especially for a hitch-hike traveler.
  I stayed at "Point Joe" for 3 days, everyday, Joe, who used to be a fisherman, took me out and showed me around Carmel. Both Joe and his wife Honey are Carmel locals, born and grown up there. They told me a lot about Carmel, their families, and themselves. Nowadays, you don't often come across people as generous, friendly, and well-natured as they are. If you ever go to Carmel Highlands, please do stop by "Point Joe" , and say hello to Joe and Honey, they are the kind of really nice people you must meet.
  At Paso Robles, a Navajo Indian man picked me up and drove me to Mojave. From Mojave, I walked 7 days in the desert to Lone Pine, covered 120 miles with a 50-pound backpack, getting 4 sizable blisters on feet, and they really hurt. With all the fatigue and all the blisters, I was happy and content, no complaints, no regrets. I enjoyed it immensely.
  It happens to be the best season of the desert for hiking, the temperature is mild, grass and bushes are tenderly green dotted with tiny yellow wild flowers, it's so beautiful. Every night I looked at the vast starry sky, my heart filled with wonder and content.
  I came to Lone Pine to climb the Mt. Whitney, which is 14,497 feet above sea level, the highest mountain in the lower 48 states of the U.S. But there is too much snow, the locals tried to stop me. But since I came so far already, I would at least give it a try before I give up. So I did try, and then gave up when I realized it is a mission impossible. What a pity. It's been my long time dream to climb Mt. Whitney. I feel a little bit sorry that I couldn't make it, but at least I tried.
  As I set out on this journey, many of my friends expressed their well-grounded concerns and worries, and tried to persuade me to choose an easier way.
  Hitchhiking mode of travel would inevitably be full of uncertainties and hardships; most time I slept out, in the woods, on the beaches, under the bush in the desert, and in the Snow Mountains. I walked hours and hours in the rain, against strong wind, under the scorching sun, and in darkness . Pain on feet, sore in back, hungry, thirsty, cold, sick with anxiety.
  Yet I have no regrets, not for a single moment, in fact, I am enjoying it very much, I enjoyed everything on my road. I had never got so close to n ature in my life so far; every morning I wake up to bird's chirping , and walk ed along the remote mountain trail, smelling the fresh breeze from the forest. Lying in my tent at the seaside, I enjoyed the soothing sound of sea waves lapping onto the shore; walking i n the desert, I was marveled at the endless land merging into the sky over the horizon; climbing the mountain, I looked up at the full moon rising quietly from the peaks of mountains at twilight...
  ……There are always stories coming with each new ride and random stop-offs. I met so many cool and beautiful people on the road.
  At "Point Joe", as I tried to express my gratitude, Joe said that I didn't have to thank him, for, while he was young, he had been traveling in many countries, received many helps from people, he's just returning these kindness by helping me.
  A middle aged Latino woman offered me a ride from Carmel. As she drove along, she told me she was from Honduras, and told me how she came to America 30 years ago the hard way, and the touching love story between her and her 22 years younger husband. When she dropped me off on the roadside, she gave m e her family's address in Honduras, told me I can stay at her family's house if I go to Honduras someday.
  A young lady, Dionne, went out of her way to drive me to my destination. She told me that I was the first hitchhiker she has ever picked up, as I hopped out her car, she told me her cell phone number and let me call her if I got any emergency.
  Jerry Price, whom I met in North California, is 72 years old this year but still dreaming to climb Mt. Everest, to be the oldest person who has ever climbed to top of that mountain. He can speak a little bit Chinese, and call ed himself "Lao Feng Zi (old nut)", and called me"Xiao Feng Zi (young nut)".
  Kevin, a cheerful electrician from San Bernardino, stopped for me as he saw I am walking alone in the desert. Kevin has a deep love for his Harley; he made his across America trip driving his Harley. Actually, h e is fatally sic k with an incurable disease. "I'm dying," he said, "but death doesn't stop me, it just inspires me to enjoy life harder."
  Now I would like to talk more about the Wild Burro Rescue Sanctuary. I am working as a temporary volunteer. This is an isolated range located at the base of Eastern Sierra Nevada. It has four staff members taking care of 200 burros, mules, horses, and many other animals. None of them gets paid or any benefits….
  This sanctuary is short of almost everything that it needs to save about 187 wild burros. There is no electricity, no tap water, no telephone line here. Every night we eat poor food by the candle lights……
  The conditions here is beyond your wild imagination , but all of the people here are wonderful, they still keep a positive attitude towards life, and they are dedicated to the work of rescuing wild Burros.
  Every day after supper, we all stand silently in yard watching the moon rising from Coso Mountain in the east, this scene is so enchanting that I will never forget for my whole life.
  When I started my journey, I wished in mind that let me gain some
  unusual experiences, meet some cool people. Two and half months passed, I am happy to say I got much more than I had wished. Everything turned out to be far better than I had expected. With all the sufferings and pains a hitch-hiker is expected to endure, I feel learnt, inspired, enlightened, encouraged, and tested by experiences and people I encountered along the way. My faith in the essential goodness of human nature has been reinforced. I'm no longer in doubt of myself; I have never been so sure of myself. I can see my own essence more and more clearly, it had been hidden somewhere inside me.
  Every morning as I wake up, I am never sure where I'll be at night, what kind of people I will meet and what will happen on the road, but I know my journey will be full of joy coming from my encounters with their unusual stories.
  I would like to conclude my letter with an ancient Sanskrit poem I found on the guest room's wall at "Point Joe," Look to this day
  Look to this day
  for it is life
  the very life of life
  In its brief course lie all
  the realities and truths of existence
  the joy of growth
  the splendor of action
  the glory of power
  For yesterday is but a memory
  And tomorrow is only a vision
  But today well lined
  makes every yesterday a memory of happiness
  and every tomorrow a vision of hope
  Look well, therefore, to this day.
  Best wishes
  Xiang on the road
  等到雨一停我就赶快回到公路边搭车。几个过路司机把我一直搭到了卡梅尔,我原定计划沿Big Sur徒步旅行的起点。
  Look to this day
  for it is life
  the very life of life
  In its brief course lie all
  the realities and truths of existence
  the joy of growth
  the splendor of action
  the glory of power
  For yesterday is but a memory
  And tomorrow is only a vision
  But today well lined
  makes every yesterday a memory of happiness
  and every tomorrow a vision of hope
  Look well, therefore, to this day.

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