旧 Dec 30th, 2004, 12:58     #46
on the web
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注册日期: Sep 2004
帖子: 61
on the web is on a distinguished road
Arrow 事件进展情况

作者: bmx

The second day(Tuesday before the break) I went to the school to meet the principal and the vice principal. The principal told me that she has talked with many students. Every kid remembered the event about “banana”. They just felt funny and had not any bad impression. No kid remembered the event “as an animal” and the teacher has admitted it and promise to avoid this kind of word later. The principal said that when she asked the kids “do you like your teacher”, “is your teacher a good teacher”, “Does your teacher like her (my daughter)” the answer is “yes”. By contraries, the kids thought the teacher gave my daughter much help. So she got the conclusion that the teacher is a good teacher. 我问校长为什么不问这样的问题: Did your teacher say “I don’t like such a student as her (my daughter)? 校长无言以对。我说我认为这是有意回避,我不能接受。不问这样的问题怎么能否定老师说过这样的话。一个6岁的孩子是无法体会老师的所作所为对其他孩子造成的伤害,特别是对孩子心灵的伤害。越是得不到正确对待,孩子越逆反。于是上课捣乱于是才需要老师额外的帮助。看得出他们部分接受我的看法。我说我相信你们一定能够感到该老师对孩子的一些错误态度(因为校长室就在教室对面,孩子一有问题就被送到校长室),校长和副校长异口同声说“No, in personality”,我说“我能肯定”。校长说“你说我在撒谎?”,我说“No, but everyone in your position can do that”校长语塞。校长说我们还是应该focus on how to help your child success. 我说当然,但在这之前应该对以前的事有一个结论,不然下一步就不能进行得好。孩子需要正确的对待才能建立起正常的自尊心和自信心,才能进行正常的课堂学习。这比学习知识本身更重要。我相信我的孩子足够聪明可以学得好, 重要的是要有一个好的环境和自我意识的发展。我坚持要pledge and apologize,校长说我们可以保证,该老师也要求再给他一个月的机会把小孩教育好。但是她不能make him apologize, 她 will tell him about this meeting. 我说我保留向上反映的权利。
后来我开始向tdsb询问解决这类问题的方法,得到的回答依然是先和教师、校长和super attendant谈。
Mr.xx(the teacher) and I discussed the incident further, and he agrees that in the future he will choose a different word. He apologizes if this comment upset you, it was not meant to be derogatory in any way.
关于 “pledge”, she wrote:
You asked for a “pledge” from Mr.xxx(the teacher) to build a positive environment for xx(my daughter) so that her self-esteem and academics develop. I can assure you that, having spoken to Mr xxx (the teacher), he has upheld this pledge and will continue to do so for xx(my daughter) as well as the rest of the class.
校长在最后还不忘写上No adult is allowed to talk with other people’s children without the knowledge of the knowledge of a parent or myself. 如果有什么问题应与老师或校长本人联系。

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