旧 Aug 30th, 2010, 18:05     #1
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Thumbs up IT club: The SilverCAT Project

From 开吻

Topic: the SilverCAT Project

Description: SilverCAT is a project I started few months ago. It is a
Silverlight Application running on Windows Azure. It is a Computer
Aided Translation System help translators to work better. It is a
global shared linguistic knowledge base which contains mass
translation memory pairs.

In this seminar, I will go through the following topics.

Methodology of SilverCAT Computer Aided Translation Platform
System Design
Technical Topics
Cloud Computing - Windows Azure Environment
NoSQL - Azure Table Non-Relational Database
Web Clawer
Project Status and Team Building

I have a introduction site for this project

Everyone is welcome to this seminar. I am looking for team members for
this project. I cannot offer you a job, but I can offer you an
opportunity to be a CTO of a startup company !

From 开吻

有事做 有人爱 有希望

打击日货 匹夫有责, 有正义感 有骨气 有良知的中国人


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