旧 Apr 19th, 2012, 00:16     #1
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作者: GVPL 查看帖子
最近有两次课程,主要是介绍用百度中文手写输入法在互联网上检索中文信息及加拿大10大热门中文网站, 不需要会英语及电脑基础,只要会简单使用鼠标就可以,适合电脑初级认识.

时间: 2012年4月20日(周五) 上午10-11:30
地点: Nellie McCling Library (3950...
四月的已经满员了, 赶紧报六月的.

We're sorry! The following event is currently full:
Title: Introduction to Searching the Internet (Mandarin Language)
Date(s): Friday, April-20-12
Time: 10:00 AM
Library: Nellie McClung Branch
Location: Learning Center
You have been placed on the waiting list and may be notified if a space becomes available.
The confirmation number isGNHT.

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