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默认 【原创】温德斯(Wen Wenders)慾望的羽翼( Wings o

德籍导演文.温德斯的名字对国人来说应还不算陌生,他自70年代开始展露头角,成為德国新浪潮电影的主要导演之一。「疏离」及「失落」感是经常出现在他电影里的主题,而「公路电影」则是他惯用的手法。 (註﹔公路电影通常指情节舖展是发生在公路或旅程上的追逐)他的作品「巴黎.德州」(Paris, Texas--1984) 曾获得坎城影展棕櫚奖并将其名声带至全世界。接下来的「慾望之翼」( Wings Of Desire--1987)、「直到世界末日」 (Until The End Of The World--1991)、「咫尺天涯」( Far Away, So Close-- 1993)及「里斯本的故事」( Lisbon Story--1994) 则代表了温德斯电影的黄金时期。

此篇文章的主题「慾望之翼」,德文原名為「柏林上空的天堂」,可谓温德斯电影中最為雋永、境界最优美的一部。因其艺术成就获得了极高的迴响与推崇,因此温德斯於93年再拍了「慾」剧的续集「咫尺天涯」,由原班人马演出;98年好莱坞导演更以「慾」剧為脚本重拍此剧并名為「城市天使」 ( City of Angels), 但艺术成就却再也无法超越「慾望之翼」。

「慾」剧摄於德国柏林(当时柏林围墙尚未倒塌),剧情大致描述一对被派驻於柏林上方的天使,每天观察并守者柏林的子民。此时正值二次战后,柏林被迫分裂,每天经由两位天使Dameil及Marion的带领,我们体会并同情著战后人们的寂寞与低潮。这部电影与其说有情节,倒不如说全是由"片段"所组成,就像流行於80年代的小说技巧 '意识流' ( Stream of Conscious) 一般,情节结构打散,随著人们思绪任意流窜。而此部电影则是由柏林市民的思绪共同架构起来的。天使可以听见人们的内心独白,透过如诗的语言,黑白画面及特殊的耳语音效处理,我们听见了人们内心寂寞的灵魂、我们深入了街头罢工的土耳其移民、徘怀在自杀边缘的年轻人、因劳累身亡的劳工阶级母亲、矗立在十字街头不知去向的雏妓、无法和孩子沟通忧伤的父母、或是车祸意外身亡的路人的心声。就如同剧中的两位天使,我们只能看著、聆听著、同情著却又无法伸出援手。



" When the child was a child, it was the time of these questions: Why am I me, and why not you? Why am I here and why not there? When did time begin, and where does space end? Isn't life under the sun just a dream? Isn't what I see, hear, and smell only the illusion of a world before the world? Does evil actually exist, and are there people who are really evil? How can it be that I, who I am, didn't exist before I can to be and that someday the one who I am will no longer be the one I am?"

“ 当孩子还只是个孩子的时候,他们总爱问 ‘ 我為什麼是我而不是你 ? 為什麼我在这而非在那? 时间是何时开始的? 哪裡是地球的尽头?...’ ” 这段无忧无虑、无污染而单纯的问句 ,让我们不禁的思念及羡慕起天真无邪的孩提时代,并提醒了每位成人他们在不知不觉中所失去的纯洁灵魂。


But sometimes I get fed up with my spiritual existence. Instead of forever hovering above, I’d like to feel there’s some weight to me, to end my eternity and bind me to earth. At each step, each gust of wind, I’d like to be able to say “ Now...now and now”, and no longer say “since always” and “ forever”. To sit in the empty seat at the card table and be greeted, if only by a word. Whenever we did participate, it was only pretend. Wrestling with one of them we allowed a hip to be dislocated, in pretense only. We pretened to catch a fish... we pretended to be seated at the tables... and to drink and eat, and we were served roast lamb and wine, in the tents out there in the desert, in pretense. Not that I want to begat a child or plant a tree right away, but it would be quite something to come home after a long day like Philip Marlowe and feed the cat, to have a fever, to have blackened fingers from the newspaper, to be excited not only by the mind, but , at last, by a meal, the curve of a neck, by an ear. To lie... through the teeth! To feel your skeleton moving along as you walk. Finally, to suspect, instead of forever knowing all. To be able to say “ ah” and “ hey” instead of “ yes” and “amen”.


这使我不禁想起不论是古今中外贤人 ,各家哲学或各大教派,无不羡慕仙人所能拥有的洒脱,并终其一生希望替人类寻找出超越生死 及七情六慾之法;殊不知这样有限的生命、情绪的起伏、对事件的未知,从另外一个角度看来却也是一种平凡的幸福。

此片的女主角Cassiel(由OttoSander所饰演,她也是在温德斯电影「直到世界末日」中疯狂追逐她心仪男子到天涯海角的那位痴女子)饰演一位在即将面临解散的马戏团中担任空中特技表演的美丽女子,她背戴双翅在空中的鞦韆上飘盪,意象宛如天使 。Cassiel内心敏感孤寂并且多愁善感 ,天使Damiel (由Bruno Ganz 所饰) 因长期看顾此女子,聆听其内心独白,竟不知不觉爱上了她,并开始渴望能和她对话而非只是默默而隐形的陪伴著她。

剧末,天使经由一位正在柏林拍片、具有通灵能力的的导演Peter Falk(由Peter本人饰演自己)的指引,终於得以放弃天使的身分,在某日清晨落入凡间成為一位具有重心引力的凡人并有能力去追求所爱的人。电影结束於男女主角在Pub中首次四目交接,却早已互相明白,这就是他(她)们等待已久之人...。而电影「咫尺天涯」( Far Away, So Close)则是 上述电影的续集,剧情基本上是接续「慾望之翼」往下发展的。

这个故事不禁使我想起,其实在中国传说故事里的『白蛇传』中早已有了异曲同工之妙,女主人公白素贞修练千年只為下凡来求得与许仙结个平凡夫妻之缘,然这平凡之愿不但得以白素贞的千年的修练来换取,还得受尽法海的百般阻挠、许仙的怀疑探试、冒著有孕之身之险 “ 水漫金山” 亲闯金山寺夺回许仙,最终仍逃脱不了被法海永镇雷风塔的命运,所幸是白素贞断桥產子留下第二代也留下希望(中国的悲剧故事往往不是绝对的悲剧, 而总在结尾留下一丝希望,或精神上的补偿。)



註: 温德斯作品一览表

In Germany
Im Lauf der Zeit (Kings of the Road) (1975)

Der amerikanische Freund (The American Friend, 1977)

Der Stand der Dinge (The State of Things, 1982)

Der Himmel über Berlin (Wings of Desire, 1987) - With Peter Falk, Bruno Ganz, Otto Sander, Solveig Dommartin (French actress and onetime Wenders' love interest)

Bis ans Ende der Welt (Until the End of the World, 1991)

In weiter Ferne, so nah! (Faraway, So Close!, 1993) - German and English dialog. With Peter Falk, Willem Defoe, Bruno Ganz, Otto Sander, Solveig Dommartin, Nastassja Kinski, Horst Buchholz. Mikhail Gorbachev has a cameo as himself. - The Faraway, So Close! fan site.

Jenseits der Wolken (Beyond the Clouds, 1995)

Die Gebrüder Skladanowsky (The Brothers Skladanowsky, 1995) - About the German inventors of motion pictures. (See our Chronology of Film for details.)
In the US

Hammett (1983) - Completed by others after Wenders had directed most of the film. Wenders' first Hollywood film.

Paris, Texas (1984) - With Harry Dean Stanton, Nastassja Kinski, Dean Stockwell, Bernhard Wicki

The End of Violence (1997)

City of Angels (1998) - Directed by Brad Silberling (Casper). Wenders gets a writing credit for this saccharine re-make of his "Wings of Desire" (set in Los Angeles instead of Berlin). Nicolas Cage and Meg Ryan star. André Braugher replaces Otto Sander as the angel Cassiel. Far too "Hollywood" when compared to the original.

The Buena Vista Social Club (1999) - Wenders' marvelous musical documentary about some older Cuban musicians.

The Million Dollar Hotel (2000) - With Mel Gibson, Milla Jovovich, and Jeremy Davies.
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