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旧 Oct 21st, 2004, 20:34     #1
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注册日期: Jul 2004
帖子: 53
polohb is an unknown quantity at this point
默认 谁有有关生孩子方面以及婴儿方面的词汇? 急等用!

polohb 当前离线  
旧 Oct 22nd, 2004, 02:20   只看该作者   #2
Senior Member
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肉猪宝 的头像
注册日期: Jul 2004
帖子: 734
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肉猪宝 has a reputation beyond repute肉猪宝 has a reputation beyond repute肉猪宝 has a reputation beyond repute肉猪宝 has a reputation beyond repute肉猪宝 has a reputation beyond repute肉猪宝 has a reputation beyond repute肉猪宝 has a reputation beyond repute肉猪宝 has a reputation beyond repute肉猪宝 has a reputation beyond repute肉猪宝 has a reputation beyond repute肉猪宝 has a reputation beyond repute

作者: polohb
胎毛 Lanugo
脐带痂 Umbilical cord end
中耳炎 Middle ear infection
鼻涕 Mucus
耳屎 Ear wax
疹 Rash
黄疸 Jaundice
围嘴 Bib
连身内衣 Body suit
打气嗝 Hiccup
打饱嗝 Burp
湿纸巾 Wipe
摇椅 Rocker / Rocking chair
吐奶 Throw up / Puke / Vomit
肠疝 Colic
过敏 Allergy
烦躁/大惊小怪 Fussy

Postnatal 产后用词
Shower 沐浴
Sitz bath 坐浴
Pain 痛
Bowel movement 大便
Constipation 便秘
Hemorrhoids 痔疮
Sanitary napkins 卫生巾
Hemorrhage 出血过多
Pediatrician 儿科医生
Breast feeding 母乳喂养
Nipple 乳头
Bottle feeding / formula 奶瓶喂哺
Circumcision 割包皮
Diaper 尿片
Cloth diaper 布尿片
Carseat 儿童安全汽车坐椅
Crib 婴儿床
Stroller 婴儿手推车Sitz bath 坐浴

Prenatal 产前用词
Obstetrician 产科医生
Labor 分娩
Contraction 阵痛
Delivery room 产房
Mucous Plug 见红
Bags of water 羊水
Placenta 胎盘
Umbilical cord 脐带
Vaginal / natural birth 自然分娩
Episiotomy 外阴切开术
Pain killer 止痛药物
Epidural 无痛分娩
Caesarean section 手术分娩 / 剖腹产
Interpreter / translator 翻译
Enema 洗肠 / 通大肠
肉猪宝 当前离线  
旧 Oct 23rd, 2004, 00:21   只看该作者   #3
级别:0 | 在线时长:0小时 | 升级还需:5小时
注册日期: Jul 2004
帖子: 53
声望: 0
polohb is an unknown quantity at this point
默认 谢谢"猪肉宝"

猪肉宝: 谢谢你的热心帮忙. 我已经打印下来了, 准备带着去医院.
polohb 当前离线  
旧 Oct 24th, 2004, 01:58   只看该作者   #4
级别:55 | 在线时长:3323小时 | 升级还需:37小时级别:55 | 在线时长:3323小时 | 升级还需:37小时级别:55 | 在线时长:3323小时 | 升级还需:37小时
六里台 的头像
注册日期: Jul 2004
帖子: 24,120
声望: 2147483647
六里台 has a reputation beyond repute六里台 has a reputation beyond repute六里台 has a reputation beyond repute六里台 has a reputation beyond repute六里台 has a reputation beyond repute六里台 has a reputation beyond repute六里台 has a reputation beyond repute六里台 has a reputation beyond repute六里台 has a reputation beyond repute六里台 has a reputation beyond repute六里台 has a reputation beyond repute
发送 MSN 消息给 六里台
默认 文学城搬来一篇

妇产科: Obstetrics & Gynecology
子宫: Uterus
子宫口: Cervix
阴道: Vagina
月经: Menstruation (Periods)
下腹部痛: Low abdominal pain
阴道分泌物: Vaginal Discharge
月经周期: Menstrual Cycle
月经痛: Dysmenorrhea
怀孕: Pregnancy
预产期: Date of delivery; Due date
害喜: Morning sickness
胎儿心音: Fetal Heart Sounds
流产: Miscarriage
堕胎: Abortion
破水: The Show (Mucus-Like) Membrane Rupture (我去医院时,门口的保安说的是 water broken)
阵痛: Labor Pang
早期破水: Premature Rupture
腿抽筋: Leg Cramp
排卵: Ovulation
受精: Conception
着床: Implantation
胎儿: Fetal
胎动: Fetal Movement; Quickening
妊娠纹: Striations of Pregnancy
尿道炎: Urinary Trust Infection
蛋白尿症: Albuminuria
羊水过多: Polyhydramnion
胞状畸胎: Hydatid Mole
宫外孕: Ectopic Pregnancy
输卵管怀孕: Tubal Pregnancy
产道: Birth Canal
直肠检查: Rectal Examination
阴道检查: Internal (Vaginal) Examination
分娩: Delivery
子宫收缩: Contraction
会阴切开: Episiotomy
会阴缝合: Perineorrhaphy Stitch
产后: After Birth
脐带: Umbilical Cord
胎盘: Placenta
恶露: Lochia
早产: Premature Birth
死产: Still Birth
双胞胎: Twins
多胞胎: Multiple Birth
胎盘前置: Placenta Praevia
胎盘分离: Separation of the Placenta
盘卷脐带: Coiling of the Umbilical Cord
骨盆狭窄: Narrow Pelvic
会阴裂伤: Laceration of the Perineum
子宫破裂: Tubal Rupture
产褥热: Puerperal Fever
剖腹产: Caesarean Section
产钳助产: Forceps Delivery
母乳喂养: Brest Feeding
人工喂养: Bottle Feeding
初乳: Colostrum
新生儿: Newborn Baby
怀孕中毒症: Toxemia of Pregnancy
六里台 当前离线  
旧 Oct 31st, 2004, 03:36   只看该作者   #5
级别:0 | 在线时长:1小时 | 升级还需:4小时
注册日期: Jul 2004
帖子: 39
声望: 10
张英 is on a distinguished road

张英 当前离线  
旧 Nov 10th, 2004, 18:18   只看该作者   #6
Senior Member
级别:24 | 在线时长:682小时 | 升级还需:43小时级别:24 | 在线时长:682小时 | 升级还需:43小时级别:24 | 在线时长:682小时 | 升级还需:43小时级别:24 | 在线时长:682小时 | 升级还需:43小时级别:24 | 在线时长:682小时 | 升级还需:43小时级别:24 | 在线时长:682小时 | 升级还需:43小时级别:24 | 在线时长:682小时 | 升级还需:43小时级别:24 | 在线时长:682小时 | 升级还需:43小时
ggghands 的头像
注册日期: Jul 2004
帖子: 1,067
声望: 1504326
ggghands has a reputation beyond reputeggghands has a reputation beyond reputeggghands has a reputation beyond reputeggghands has a reputation beyond reputeggghands has a reputation beyond reputeggghands has a reputation beyond reputeggghands has a reputation beyond reputeggghands has a reputation beyond reputeggghands has a reputation beyond reputeggghands has a reputation beyond reputeggghands has a reputation beyond repute
Red face great1thx1

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