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旧 Mar 18th, 2008, 17:29     #1
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Lightbulb 【英文稿】关于藏独分子在拉萨和其他地方搞暴力和破坏的事实真相(适合熟读练习英文更好的反驳敌对分子的谬论)


1. On March 14, violent sabotaging by a handful of unlawful elements in Lhasa, Tibet seriously disrupted the public order and caused losses of life and property. These people chanted "Tibet independence" slogans, attacked police officers on duty and beat others, smashed buildings, looted shops and set fires all over the place. Over 30 buildings, including schools, hospitals, bank offices, shops and news media offices, and over 210 private residences and grocery stores were set on fire and over a dozen civilian and police vehicles were burned. During the incident, 13 innocent civilians were burned or hacked to death and more innocent public and police officers were injured. These facts fully prove that the troublemakers are not holding a "peaceful demonstration". They are doing just the opposite ? trampling on peace and harming lives.

In order to uphold social stability and ensure the safety of the life and property of the general public, the relevant authorities of the government of the Tibet Autonomous Region have taken law enforcement measures in response to the sabotaging activities in Tibet. The law enforcement personnel exercised great restraint during the whole process and did not use any destructive weapon. The so-called armed "suppression" was out of the question. The police officers even saved over 580 people from the fires, including the students and faculties of an elementary school and a middle school. It is the responsibility of any government to protect the life and property safety of the citizens. The measures taken by the relevant departments in Tibet are not only legal and appropriate but also sincerely endorsed and supported by the local people of various ethnic backgrounds. The sabotaging activities in Lhasa are now basically calmed down and stability has been restored in the public order. The overall situation in the Tibet Autonomous Region is good.

At the same time, the separatist forces for "Tibet independence" outside China echoed the above sabotaging activities by holding so-called protests and demonstrations in front of the offices of some China's diplomatic institutions and the United Nations. They even attacked and damaged the building of the Chinese Embassy to the United States in Washington, Chinese Consulates General in New York and Chicago by violence. They besieged and attacked Chinese diplomatic vehicles, tarnished the façade and walls of and threw stones at the Chinese Embassy and the Chinese Consulate General in New York, sabotaged the facilities of their buildings, thus posing grave threat to the dignity as well as the safety of life and property of the Chinese diplomatic institutions and personnel.

2. There is ample evidence that the violent sabotaging incident in Lhasa and the so-called protests and demonstrations by the "Tibet independence" forces outside China are organized, plotted and masterminded by the Dalai clique. Their sinister intention is to create trouble during a sensitive time. They intentionally took provocative actions and blew up the incidents, and even went so far as to creating bloodshed in order to put pressure on the Chinese Government, disrupt the Beijing Olympic Games, undermine China's stable and harmonious social and political situation and tarnish China's international image. Their ultimate political purpose is to separate Tibet from China. Some western media hit home the obvious evidence that the whole incident, with close collaboration between various pro-Tibetan independence groups inside and outside China, was well pre-coordinated. The people throughout China, including the people of various ethnic backgrounds in Tibet, are strongly indignant at and have sternly condemned such actions of the Dalai clique and the separatist forces. After the Chinese side took measures to calm down the situation in Lhasa, the Dalai clique spread out rumors about the Chinese Government in a sinister attempt to mislead the public opinion and the international community.

3. Tibet has been an inalienable part of China's territory since ancient times. The democratic reform in Tibet in 1949 liberated millions of Tibetan serfs. Since then, the Chinese Central Government and everyone throughout the country have given enormous support to Tibet, helping to bring about a sea change there. In recent year, support from the Central Government for Tibet's economic, social and cultural development has been further increased and various undertakings in Tibet have shown a good momentum of progress. The religious belief, rights to education, medical and healthy services and cultural development of the people in Tibet enjoy full protection. This is a plain fact before our eyes.

For decades, the Dalai Lama has betrayed his motherland, engaged in separatist activities overseas and never given up his separatist political position. While continuing to engage in separatist activities and undermine China's relations with certain countries, he has been attempting to create a disguise for himself by talking about giving up "Tibet independence" and seeking only "high degree of autonomy" in recent years in order to win over international sympathy and support. The sabotaging activities that took place in Lhasa and other places recently were another direct exposure of the separatist position of the Dalai clique. We hope that the international community will come to a correct judgment and conclusion.

4. The Chinese Government is firmly resolved to uphold state sovereignty and territorial integrity. We are fully capable of maintaining social stability in Tibet and safeguarding the safety of the life and property of the people of Tibetan and other ethnic backgrounds in Tibet. No force can block the progress and development in Tibet. The attempt of the Dalai clique to undermine the peace, stability and harmony in Tibet is unpopular and doomed to failure.

We hope the international community will recognize the fact that the Dalai clique instigated and plotted the incidents in Lhasa and other places with the intention to separate China and undermine the Beijing Olympic Games, adhere to an objective and justified position, see through the rumors of the Dalai clique and the anti-China forces and understand and support the just position and measure of the Chinese Government and people in upholding our state sovereignty and territorial integrity.
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