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旧 Apr 7th, 2009, 21:41   只看该作者   #21
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道光廿五 的头像
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默认 15. London Calling, The Clash

London calling to the faraway towns
Now war is declared, and battle come down
London calling to the underworld
Come out of the cupboard, you boys and girls
London calling, now don't look to us
Phoney Beatlemania has bitten the dust
London calling, see we ain't got no swing
'Cept for the ring of that truncheon thing

[Chorus 1:]
The ice age is coming, the sun's zooming in
Meltdown expected, the wheat is growing thin
Engines stop running, but I have no fear
'Cause London is drowning, and I live by the river

London calling to the imitation zone
Forget it, brother, you can go it alone
London calling to the zombies of death
Quit holding out, and draw another breath
London calling, and I don't wanna shout
But while we were talking, I saw you nodding out
London calling, see we ain't got no high
Except for that one with the yellowy eyes

[Chorus 2: x2]
The ice age is coming, the sun's zooming in
Engines stop running, the wheat is growing thin
A nuclear error, but I have no fear
'Cause London is drowning, and I live by the river

Now get this

London calling, yes, I was there, too
An' you know what they said? Well, some of it was true!
London calling at the top of the dial
After all this, won't you give me a smile?
London calling

I never felt so much alike [fading] alike alike alike

道光廿五 当前离线  
旧 Apr 7th, 2009, 22:31   只看该作者   #22
grass roots
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Oh yeah, I´ll tell you something
I think you'll understand
When I say that something
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand

Oh, please, say to me
You'll let me be your man
and please, say to me

You'll let me hold your hand
Now let me hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand

And when I touch you i feel happy, inside
It's such a feeling
That my love
I can't hide
I can't hide
I can't hide

Yeah you, got that something
I think you'll understand
When I say that something
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand

And when I touch you I feel happy, inside
It's such a feeling
That my love
I can't hide
I can't hide
I can't hide

Yeah you, got that something
I think you'll understand
When I say that something
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your ha-a-a-a-a-a-and
grass roots 当前离线  
感谢 grass roots
道光廿五 (Apr 8th, 2009)
旧 Apr 8th, 2009, 18:39   只看该作者   #23
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Thumbs up  17. Purple Haze, Jimi Hendrix

道光廿五's favorite
请注意Jimi Hendrix是用左手弹吉他的
Purple haze are good for my brain
rainy days i dont see the same
i get funny but i dont know why
excuse me while i kiss the sky

Purple haze mile around
dont know if i'm coming up or down
am i happy or in misery?
whatever is that dare put a spell on me

help me, help me
i dont know

Yeah! Purple haze are good for my eyes
dont know if it's day or night
you've got me groovin; you blow my mind
is it tomorrow or just the end of time

oh no
i dont know
cant go on like this

blow my mind
道光廿五 当前离线  
感谢 道光廿五
TIMFLYING (Apr 29th, 2009)
旧 Apr 8th, 2009, 18:42   只看该作者   #24
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道光廿五 的头像
注册日期: Dec 2008
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默认 吉他之神Jimi Hendrix

Jimi Headrix(1942-1970)

摇滚信徒心目中的神是一位瘦削的、有着忧郁的大眼睛和爆炸式卷发的黑人——Jimi Hendrix。不仅摇滚乐迷对他顶礼膜拜,许多摇滚巨星也奉他为英雄、偶像。人们把他和爱因斯坦、毕加索、卓别林相提并论,他们都是伟大的左撇子。

Jimi Hendrix于1942年出生在美国西雅图。很小他就对吉他产生了浓厚兴趣:他父亲发现他常常抱着扫帚作弹吉他状,就找出一把夏威夷四弦琴给他弹。 Jimi在16岁时他父亲用5美元买来一把二手木吉他,Jimi好象找回了失散的孪生兄弟一样,从早到晚吉他不离手。他不仅仅是练习弹奏技巧,吉他就好象是令人爱不释手的玩具,拿捏在Jimi的手中就象生物要呼吸空气、人要穿衣服一样自然而必需。他经常听B.B.King、Robert Johnson、Chuck Berry、Howling Wolf、Muddy Water等Blues大师的音乐,并跟着一起弹奏。

不少摇滚明星的艺术生涯都是从中学时被学校驱逐出门后开始的,Jimi也是这样。Jimi在美国南部Blues大本营混了很长时间,Blues的精髓深深根植于他的音乐里。初时他只是为Tina Turner等歌星伴奏,或与Little Richard等人合作,做二线吉他手。但不消多久他就锋芒毕露,受到经纪人Chas Chandler的高度赏识。Chandler立即跟Jimi签合约。物色到贝司手Noel Redding和鼓手Mitch Mitchell,三人组成了"The Jimi Hendrix Experience"乐队。1966年,他们前往英国展开艺术生涯。人们喜欢他们的英国绅士式的举止,更被他们的音乐所陶醉。"Experience" 乐队在BBC广播公司做了大量的录音和现场演奏。有一次在一个地下第三层的录音室里,监制被Jimi的吉他的巨大声浪吓呆了,“我们听得见Jimi的吉他声穿过隔音玻璃,我们还看见那玻璃在震动。”当时在两层以上第3电台的音乐厅里有个弦乐四重奏在作现场转播,他们被Jimi的吉他声打断了,还跑下来投诉。又一次Jimi在位于第四层楼的录音室里表演,他的吉他声从四楼一直传到一楼,大楼里不断有人上来投诉。在BBC,Experience乐队还和 Stevie Wonder一起作即兴演奏,Jimi弹吉他,Noel Redding弹贝司,Stevie Wonder则打鼓。这些珍贵的表演都收录在"BBC Session"CD中。听惯了相对地含蓄和安静的音乐的英国人,确实被Experience乐队震呆了,他们为这种奔放、热烈、原始、直接的摇滚乐着迷,Experience迅速走红英国,单曲和专辑都在流行榜上取得了好成绩。他们的大名绕了个圈传回老家美国。

Jimi非常富于幽默感,他狡猾而顽皮地微笑着用机智和吹牛对付那些头脑简单的记者,而最后那些记者总是心满意足地离开,好象他们刚从Jimi那儿买了块火星上的海滨地皮。然而平时Jimi为人非常真诚,寡言少语,有点害羞,跟谁在一起都显得那么谦卑。当他听到Albert King、Lightning Hopkins等人的美妙音乐时,会兴奋得眉飞色舞。当他在台上表演时更完全变成另一个人,热情奔放,完全投入到音乐中。Jimi不会读谱,也不会记谱,也许这使他更能投入于音乐本身。当时可能还没有专门为左撇子设计的吉他,Jimi就用左手弹奏“右手吉他”,从第一弦到第六弦全部倒转。当时在美国尤其是南部,人们迷信左撇子是邪恶的、不吉利的,Jimi少年学吉他时他父亲就不许他用左手弹,所以当着父亲面他会象大多数人一样用右手弹,等父亲一转身他又换回左手。这样他学会了左右开弓,然而他还是习惯用左手弹吉他。这使得他在弹奏电吉他时听上去有些特别,再加上他的手指特别长,有些非常巧妙的吉他效果直到今天还无人能仿效。有人专门分析过Jimi作为左撇子对他的音乐有什么影响:一般来说左撇子的想象力和创造力比较强,这对音乐创作很有好处;左撇子的大脑左右半球的内部联系更活跃,因此自由联想能力也更强。熟悉Jimi的人曾说,Jimi的头脑里总是充满音乐,有时跟他谈话会发现他并没在听,或者吃饭时他拿着勺子的手突然定格,过好几分钟才回过神来,那是他被自己脑中飘忽不定的纷纭思想给迷住了,往往是音乐构思之类的思想。

Jimi Hendrix的吉他技巧之纯熟只能用“精通”、“绝妙”等词形容,简直“玩转”吉他,甚至可以用牙齿来弹吉他。吉他乐器好象是专门为他而造的,吉他艺术被他发挥到极至。经他那神奇的手一弹拨,任何一把吉他都变成有灵魂的活物。有人形容Jimi抱着吉他就象抱着情人一样,“他就象在跟吉他做爱。”Jimi 用吉他来呼吸、思考、表达,他的歌声和吉他声一唱一和,就象两个人在充满感情地对唱。阿拉丁擦三下神灯,灯神就钻出来;Jimi Hendrix则用独特神秘的手法把吉他的灵魂请了出来,然后他们开始共舞,Jimi和吉他融为一体,分不清你我。Jimi有种神奇的用吉他模仿人说话的能力,在Rainy Day, Dream Away和Still Raining, Still Dreaming中都能听到Jimi和他的吉他在一唱一和;在一次现场演奏Red House时,结尾Jimi用吉他说“谢谢”。他的歌唱和吉他总是同步地表达他的思想感情,当他唱着“rockets bursting in air”时,他的吉他就发出火箭在空中爆炸的声音;当他唱着“My heart burns with feeling”时,他就使吉他发出熊熊火焰燃烧的声音。

然而Jimi Hendrix并不是吉他疯子或吉他机器,他运用非凡的想象力和创造力,将摇滚吉他和爵士鼓融入黑人福音音乐和布鲁斯音乐中,再给他那会说话的吉他加上失真、回馈、哇音器等效果,用他那最直接的、毫不加修饰的嗓音,唱出了一首又一首充满感情的歌曲:
Hey Joe是"Experience"乐队的首支单曲,描写一名青年听说他的女友跟别的男人胡混,就拿了支枪去找她算帐。当Jimi唱到“Shoot her one more time again, baby”时,他的吉他模仿出枪击的声音。Hey Joe虽不是Jimi所作,但Jimi的演绎却为此曲增添了黑人怨曲的辛酸味道,打上了Jimi Hendrix的独特烙印。

Purple Haze是1966年Jimi在化妆室写的,在1967年1月录成,这首歌充分反映了Jimi的主旋律吉他和节奏吉他弹得一样棒,他用模糊、失真的吉他声音营造了一团迷幻的紫雾,“我老想起我梦见自己在海底行走。然后我又想起我在一本科幻杂志里看到的一个关于紫色死光的故事。”在这首歌里Jimi描述自己的迷糊困惑、不知所措,但又虔诚地亲吻苍天:

Purple haze all in my brain
lately things just don't seem the same
acting funny but I don't know why
excuse me while I kiss the sky...

Red House是Jimi Hendrix的作品中不多见的、布鲁斯风格明显而浓重的歌曲。Jimi很早就写下了这首歌,对Jimi来说它就象是母亲的子宫那样温暖、平静而安全,是爱的赞美诗,当他不堪现实的残酷无情时,他就钻进这首歌里逃避现实,摆脱内心的不安和焦虑。他常常在现场表演中按心情即兴改动歌词,"red rooster","red light","red house"...此曲还有个幽默的结尾:“If my baby don't love me no more / I know her sister will!”是不是典型的黑人布鲁斯里苦中作乐的黑色幽默?
在The Burning Of The Midnight Lamp中,Jimi的吉他在为孤独、挫败和渴望而哭泣,Jimi自己解释说,“当一个人到处漂泊时,无论你住哪儿你都找不到‘家'的归属感,这种感受我想每个人都能理解。就象一个人独自在沙漠中一间破旧的小屋里,他在午夜点了把火烧掉电灯...”

长达13:39的1983...(A Merman I Should Turn To Be)以及它的1:01的续篇Moon, Turn the Tides ... Gently, Gently Away 是一部神话般的诗歌,有位乐评人说,“我称这首歌为‘阿特兰蒂斯’(Atlantis,传说中沉没于大西洋的岛),它有着凄切而迷幻的旋律,用印象派的手法讲述了一个凄美的消亡的故事,”一名青年目睹血腥的战争洗劫着大地,连银蓝色的北极也变成血红,人类自己建造的先进机器也拯救不了地球,人们在剧痛中哀号,“忧伤的眼睛望向苍穹,天使也张开了翅膀准备离去,宇宙在人们的呜咽声中颤抖...”于是这名青年决定和他的爱人一起离开大地,投身于大海的旋涡中,美人鱼为他们引路,阿特兰蒂斯欢呼着迎接他们。Jimi用吉他和特别的录音技巧再现了大海的哀叹声,悸动的船只的马达声,旋涡的叫喊声,成群的鱼类游动的声音,海鸥的哭声,远处直升机的哀鸣声...

Jimi Hendrix有着非洲、爱尔兰和切罗基(北美)血统。他的音乐流露出深厚而自然的民谣布鲁斯根源,又带点巫毒教(Voodoo,有说根源于西非,有说根源于爱尔兰)的神秘色彩。Voodoo Child是首感情强烈而激动的诗歌,Jimi追溯他的非洲民族根源,用超凡的想象力虚构了一位神话中的勇士的威力,表达他的玄妙的宇宙哲学观:

Well, I stand up next to a mountain
And I chop it down with the edge of my hand
Well, I pick up all the pieces and make an island
Might even raise just a little sand
And if I don't meet you no more in this world
Then I'll, I'll meet you in the next one
And don't be late, don't be late......

All Along The Watchtower是伟大的民谣诗人Bob Dylan的作品,Jimi用自己的方式重新演绎,歌曲开头Jimi用吉他模仿出寒风呼啸哀号的声音,他的嗓音里沧桑的气质跟Bob Dylan可相媲美。Jimi说,“我总觉得Watchtower是我该写出来而没写成的东西,我对很多Bob Dylan的作品都有这种感觉。”同时Bob Dylan也说,“Jimi重新演绎我的作品我并觉得奇怪,我所奇怪的是他只演绎过这么少,因为我总觉得我的作品都是他写的。”两位艺术家真是心灵相通、惺惺相惜。

1967年Experience回到美国,用热情的火焰点燃了美国摇滚舞台和观众的情绪。1968年Jimi Hendrix在纽约建立了自己的录音室“Electric Lady Studio”。乐队巡演和录音室的工作使队员们不能集中精力搞创作,1969年“Experience”乐队解散了。同年8月Jimi参加了胡斯托音乐节(1969 Woodstock:Three Days of Peace & Music),Jimi找到以前的Billy Cox等音乐搭档组成了“Gypsy Sun &Rainbows”乐队。由于Woodstock组织者忙乱中忘了去接他们,Jimi情急之下租了架直升机直奔现场,这样摇滚乐迷们疯狂叫喊着欢迎他们从天而降的神。Jimi Hendrix是这次音乐节的引人注目的焦点,他在舞台上悉数发挥他的音乐才华,使受尽暴风雨洗礼和在泥泞里打滚的千万热情的观众心满意足。而他也是这次表演中报酬最高的艺术家,即使摇滚老前辈们也比不上他。之后Jimi Hendrix又和Billy Cox等人建立了“Band of Gypsys”乐队,在新年音乐会等场合表演。1970年Jimi找回鼓手Mitch Mitchell,和Billy Cox作贝司手,以“The Jimi Hendrix Experience”乐队的名义制作First Rays Of The New Rising Sun专辑。可惜Jimi未能目睹这张专辑的问世,他忙着到世界各地巡回演出,而1970年9月18日,Jimi Hendrix因为服食毒品昏迷而被自己的呕吐物窒息而死,年方27岁。有人说是毒品害了他,也有人猜测他是自杀的。不管怎样,他是走得太匆忙了,没来得及让世人领略他的全部才华。他的最后一张天鹅之歌专辑到1997年才得以发行。

尽管由于迷信和偏见等原因,直到90年代美国的布鲁斯音乐界一直不承认Jimi Hendrix是布鲁斯乐手,但Jimi的音乐却不能否认地渗透着布鲁斯的气质和精神。黑人布鲁斯音乐是他的根。而Jimi并不只弹布鲁斯,他在布鲁斯中加进了许多别的音乐元素,如摇滚和爵士等。“摇滚乐圈子有个毛病就是喜欢把人分类,用各种各样的界线和标签将音乐划分得太清楚。我热爱布鲁斯,但我不想整夜只弹奏布鲁斯。我喜欢Howling Wolf和Otis Rush,但有些布鲁斯却令我反感。我讨厌人们给音乐贴上标签。”他用自己的技巧和才华丰富了布鲁斯音乐,可以说正是这种革新打破了黑、白分明的界限,使得白人听众开始接受黑人布鲁斯,开始发现黑人音乐的伟大。他们开始去挖掘B. B. King、Muddy Waters。

Jimi Hendrix的摇滚艺术赢得了很多同时代的音乐人的折服和钦佩。"The Monkees"乐队的Mike Nesmith回忆说,“有天我和Eric Clapton、George Harrison、John Lennon、Paul McCartney等人一起吃饭。Lennon拿出一盘录音带说,‘你们一定得听听这个,’然后他播放了Hey Joe。听着如此精湛美妙的摇滚乐,大家全都佩服和惊讶得连下巴都掉了。就在此刻Jimi的摇滚乐彻底地改变了我们的音乐理念。”Jimi Hendrix曾劝告John Lennon不要光写轻松甜蜜的情歌,我们不敢肯定Lennon有没有接受,但我们听到了Lennon后期如"Imagine"等有着深远意义的好歌。 Eric Clapton曾说:“摇滚舞台是专为Jimi而设的。我和他年轻时同样喜欢Robert Johnson、Freddie、B. B. King等人的音乐,并跟着唱片一起弹奏。然而Jimi跟这些人那么熟悉,他在他们的圈子中呆过很长时间,和他们一起演奏过,他是他们中的一员。我只是听唱片,学二手的东西。我只弹奏单一的芝加哥布鲁斯,我从未尝试突破。而他则将所有大师的精髓都熔合到自己的音乐中。”B. B. King提到这位晚辈时说:“Jimi Hendrix有自己的独到之处。他是 "Delta blues"的伟大发现者。我想这跟他在哪里出生无关。他的音乐非常独特而富于创造性,自成一派。他是在平静中兴起风浪的人。”

Jimi Hendrix高超的吉他技巧和贝司技巧影响了一代又一代的摇滚艺术家,他的音乐天才和最彻底的摇滚精神激励着象Kurt Cobain、Steve Vai、George Clinton、Miles Davis、Johny Lang、Robert Smith等等数不尽的现代音乐家。他即使弹奏贝司也很自然、富于感情,将贝司与吉他和旋律融于一体,声效非常坚实而震撼,许多有名的贝司手受到他的影响,象Beatles的Paul McCartney,Mr. Big的Billy Sheehan,Red Hot Chili Peppers的Flea...他的出神入化的绝妙的吉他技巧就更不用提了。在他去世后的多年里,陆陆续续有许多摇滚音乐家纷纷合出“向Jimi Hendrix致敬”的专辑,如在1993年Reprise唱片公司出版的Stone Free: A Tribute To Jimi Hendrix专辑里,The Cure、Eric Clapton、Buddy Guy、Jeff Beck、Pretenders、Belly等等有名的艺术家以自己的方式重新演绎Jimi Hendrix的作品,以示他们对Jimi Hendrix的崇敬。在短短不到五年的艺术生涯里,Jimi Hendrix创作了大量优秀的摇滚乐作品,他的音乐风格丰富多彩、不断变化,涵括了布鲁斯、民谣、节奏布鲁斯、摇滚、爵士...他创造音乐的同时也改变音乐,在摇滚乐的历史里加入了神圣而关键的一笔。
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TIMFLYING (Apr 8th, 2009)
旧 Apr 8th, 2009, 19:23   只看该作者   #25
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默认 198.Hey Joe,Jimi Hendrix

Hey Joe在500首里排198位,把它提到这里,可以更好地欣赏Jimi Hendrix天才的吉他表演

Hey Joe, where you goin' with that gun in your hand
Hey Joe, I said where you goin' with that gun in your hand
I'm goin' down to shoot my ol' lady
I caught her messin' 'round with another man

Yeah, I'm goin' down to shoot my ol' lady now
You know I caught her messin' 'round with another man
And that ain't too cool

Hey Joe, hey, Joe, I heard you shot your woman down
Hey Joe, hey, Joe, I heard you shot your woman down, baby
He said, "Yeah, I did it, yes I did, I shot her
You know I caught her messin' 'round with another man"

Yes I did, I shot her
You know I caught my her messin' 'round with another man
Yeah, and I gave her the gun

Hey Joe, hey Joe
Where you gonna run to, now where you gonna run to now
Hey Joe, hey Joe
Lord, where you gonna run to, now where you gonna run to, baby

I'm goin' way down south, way down south
Way down to Mexico way, yeah
I'm goin' way down south, way down south, baby
Way down where I can be free

Ain't no one gonna mess with me there, baby
Ain't no hang-man gonna
He ain't gonna put a rope, a rope around me, yeah
You better believe it, baby

Hey, Joe, you better run on down, you better
Goodbye everybody

此帖于 Apr 8th, 2009 19:42 被 道光廿五 编辑。
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感谢 道光廿五
TIMFLYING (Apr 29th, 2009)
旧 Apr 9th, 2009, 00:09   只看该作者   #26
grass roots
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Chuck Berryhttp://images.weamea.com/users/73cb346086f346a1b5d409cc6d887686/uploads/20071025/b2e45bddc78f47eeb89c9b32a2c2081f.jpg
风 格:黑人摇滚,吉他弹奏,布鲁斯摇滚
介 绍:
Chuck Berry是早期黑人摇滚乐的代表人物,也是50年代的吉他大师之一。他早年当过美发师,也做过汽车工。1955年遇到独具慧眼的布鲁斯歌手Muddy Waters,被引荐到Chess唱片公司,从此走上了一帆风顺的演艺道路。他以其非凡的天才为摇滚乐奠定了基本的形式,创造了最基本的12小节摇滚独奏的乐句模式。Chuck Berry总是一边弹奏着吉他一边在舞台上摇头晃脑地走来走去,被当时的乐迷爱称为“鸭子步”。这种滑稽搞笑的步法和煽情的摇摆舞构成了他轻松热情的表演方式,受到歌迷的青睐。

Chuck Berry创作的歌曲具有很强的感染力,他弹得一手好吉他,又擅长写作条理清晰,意味隽永的歌词。1984年Chuck Berry被选入葛莱美的摇滚名人堂,他将永远地成为摇滚史上一颗闪烁的明星。

Maybellene, why can't you be true?
Oh Maybellene, why can't you be true?
You've started back doing the things you used to do.

As I was motivatin' over the hill
I saw Maybellene in a coup de ville.
A Cadillac a-rollin' on the open road,
nothin' will outrun my V8 Ford.
The cadillac doin' 'bout ninety-five,
she's bumper to bumber rollin' side by side.

Maybellene, why can't you be true?
Oh Maybellene, why can't you be true?
You've started back doing the things you used to do.

Pink in the mirror on top of the hill,
it's just like swallowin' up a medicine pill.
First thing I saw that Cadillac grille
doin' a hundred and ten gallopin' over that hill.
Offhill curve, a downhill strecth,
me and that Cadillac neck by neck.

Maybellene, why can't you be true?
Oh Maybellene, why can't you be true?
You've started back doing the things you used to do.

The Cadillac pulled up ahead of the Ford,
the Ford got hot and wouldn't do no more.
It then got clody and it started to rain,
I tooted my horn for a passin' lead
the rain water blowin' all under my hood,
I knew that was doin' my motor good.

Maybellene, why can't you be true?
Oh Maybellene, why can't you be true?
You've started back doing the things you used to do.

The motor cooled down, the heat went down
and that's when I heard that highway sound.
The Cadillac a-sittin' like a ton of lead
a hundred and ten a half a mile ahead.
The Cadillac lookin' like it's sittin' still
and I caught Maybellene at the top of the hill.

Maybellene, why can't you be true?
Oh Maybellene, why can't you be true?
You've started back doing the things you used to do.
grass roots 当前离线  
旧 Apr 9th, 2009, 23:08   只看该作者   #27
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默认 19. Hound Dog, Elvis Presley

You aint nothin but a hound dog
Cryin all the time.
You aint nothin but a hound dog
Cryin all the time.
Well, you aint never caught a rabbit
And you aint no friend of mine.

When they said you was high classed,
Well, that was just a lie.
When they said you was high classed,
Well, that was just a lie.
You aint never caught a rabbit
And you aint no friend of mine.
道光廿五 当前离线  
旧 Apr 9th, 2009, 23:12   只看该作者   #28
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Thumbs up 20. Let It Be, The Beatles

道光廿五's favorite
  《Let it Be》是Beatles最后一张单曲.,也是Beatles最后一张专辑.
  虽然在《Abbey Road》中,还有很多Paul写给John的歌,但在《Let it be》里,Paul显然已经知道,Beatles作为团队的团结已经一去不复返了,他对自己所做的努力已经绝望了。
  在那个时候,John更喜欢把时间花在Yoko身上,而且创作理念也因此发生了极大的变化。Yoko总是出现在录音室,让其他三个Beatles都十分的反感。 George沉浸在印度宗教中,而且十分不满意自己不受重视的地位,已经退出乐队一次了。 因为气氛很差,Ringo也在录制White Album的时候短暂退出过。
  加在他身上的压力越来越大,Paul再能做的,只有“Let it be”,随它去吧。
  他以现代的方式写了一首圣歌赞美诗。由于对“Mother Mary”的祈祷出现在歌词中,歌曲宗教的意味加强了。
  但事实上,“Mother Mary”指的是Paul自己的母亲Mary。
  “从前,我胆小多疑,总是躺在床上胡思乱想”,Paul回想,“有一个晚上,我梦见了我妈妈。她在我14岁那年就去世了,我没怎么受过她的骂。这是好事,给了我很大的力量,——在我人生最黑暗的时候,Mother Mary来到了我的身边。”
  Paul一般来说,不能像John一样创造出“All You Need Is Love”“Give Peace A Chance”这样令人印象深刻的短语的本事。
  “Let It Be”这句充满大智慧的短语,也非Paul原创,而是他的父亲Jim十分喜欢说的,Paul写出他母亲Mary来到他身边这样说,可能也与此有关。
When I find myself in times of trouble
Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
And in my hour of darkness
She is standing right in front of me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.

And when the broken hearted people
Living in the world agree,
There will be an answer, let it be.
For though they may be parted there is
Still a chance that they will see
There will be an answer, let it be.

Let it be, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
Yeah, There will be an answer, let it be.

Let it be, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.

Let it be, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
Yeah, There will be an answer, let it be.
(instrumental break)

Let it be, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
Yeah, Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.

And when the night is cloudy,
There is still a light that shines on me.
Shine until tomorrow, let it be.
I wake up to the sound of music
Mother Mary comes to me
There will be no sorrow, let it be.

Let it be, let it be.
Let it be, yeah let it be.
There will be no answer, let it be.

Let it be, let it be.
Yeah let it be, yeah let it be.
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.
道光廿五 当前离线  
旧 Apr 10th, 2009, 00:08   只看该作者   #29
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作者: grass roots 查看帖子

Imagine John Lennon
道光廿五's favorite
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旧 Apr 10th, 2009, 09:23   只看该作者   #33
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旧 Apr 10th, 2009, 09:51   只看该作者   #34
grass roots
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grass roots has a reputation beyond reputegrass roots has a reputation beyond reputegrass roots has a reputation beyond reputegrass roots has a reputation beyond reputegrass roots has a reputation beyond reputegrass roots has a reputation beyond reputegrass roots has a reputation beyond reputegrass roots has a reputation beyond reputegrass roots has a reputation beyond reputegrass roots has a reputation beyond reputegrass roots has a reputation beyond repute


In the day we sweat it out on the streets of a runaway American dream白天我们在街头汗流浃背为了疯狂的美国梦
At night we ride through mansions of glory in suicide machines夜晚我们开车从自我毁灭的机器中穿过壮丽的高楼大厦

Sprung from cages out on highway 9, 逃出牢笼来到9号公路
Chrome wheeled, fuel injected 装上铬合金的车轮,加满汽油
and steppin' out over the line 穿越边界线

Baby this town rips the bones from your back 宝贝 这座城市从你的背后锯开你的骨头
It's a death trap, it's a suicide rap 那是死亡的陷阱,自杀的判决
We gotta get out while we're young 我们要逃出这里 趁我们还年轻
'Cause tramps like us, baby we were born to run 因为 我们无家可归,宝贝 我们生来就注定逃亡

Wendy let me in I wanna be your friend Webdy让我来到你身边我要做你的朋友
I want to guard your dreams and visions 我要保卫你的梦想
Just wrap your legs 'round these velvet ribs 只要把你的双腿束到这些天鹅绒的汽缸
and strap your hands across my engines 双手扣紧我的马达
Together we could break this trap 我们一起冲破这个陷阱
We'll run till we drop, baby we'll never go back 我们就跑着直到累垮,宝贝我们永远不回头
Will you walk with me out on the wire 你会和我一起冒险出逃吗
'Cause baby I'm just a scared and lonely rider 因为 宝贝 我只是个恐惧孤独的逃亡者
But I gotta find out how it feels 但我要知道这是怎样的感觉
I want to know if love is wild 我要知道是否爱已疯狂
babe I want to know if love is real 宝贝我要知道爱是否真实

Beyond the Palace hemi-powered drones scream down the boulevard 宫殿外无力的隆隆声在林荫道上响起
The girls comb their hair in rearview mirrors 女孩子们正对着反光镜梳头
And the boys try to look so hard 男孩子们想让自己看起来很强壮
The amusement park rises bold and stark 游乐园使人显露勇气和真正的自己
Kids are huddled on the beach in a mist 孩子们在薄雾中的海滩挤做一团
I wanna die with you Wendy on the streets tonight 我要和你一起死去Wendy在街上 今晚
In an everlasting kiss 在永恒的长吻里

The highway's jammed with broken heroes on a last chance power drive 公路上挤满虚弱的英雄 这是最后一次机会
Everybody's out on the run tonight 今晚 每个人都跑了出来
but there's no place left to hide 但没有地方可以躲藏
Together Wendy we can live with the sadness Wendy我们可以一起忍受悲伤
I'll love you with all the madness in my soul 我会疯狂地爱着你
Someday girl I don't know when 有一天 女孩 我不知道何时
we're gonna get to that place 我们会到达那里
Where we really want to go 到我们确实想去的地方
and we'll walk in the sun 那时 我们会在太阳下行走
But till then tramps like us, baby we were born to run (x3) 但在那之前我们仍无家可归,宝贝我们生来就注定逃亡

(Bruce Springsteen,1949年)是美國鄉村與搖滾的歌手、創作者與吉他手。Springsteen經常與E街樂團共同創作與巡迴演出,此外也以個人的身份或是與其它樂手聯袂演出。一方面明顯地受到埃爾維斯·普雷斯利、伍迪·格思里、皮特·西格、埃迪·科克倫與鮑勃·迪倫的影響,而另一方面也受到60年代以來的搖滾樂與節奏布魯斯的薰陶,斯普林斯廷的音樂也被稱作「heartland rock」,帶著流行的風味,詩人般的歌詞,與美國愛國主義情結,尤其是以他的家鄉新澤西為主軸來環繞。他對於表達一般中下階層民眾的生活,不僅是發自內心的誠懇,更有著悅耳動聽的旋律以及辛辣直截的批判,讓他得到了數座葛萊梅獎、一個奧斯卡小金人,並進入搖滾名人堂。

他最著名的專輯《Born to Run》以及《Born in the U.S.A.》恰如其份地說明了他透過歌曲企圖講述出一般民眾即使陷入在日常生活的困境時,心中仍舊可以高貴地面對,並解決它。

他創作的歌詞時常是有關於經濟拮据的人們如何生存。他也日漸被激進政治支持者所認同。斯普林斯廷對於各是各樣的救濟活動皆不辭餘力,正像在911事件發生後,隨即發行專輯《The Rising》作為回應。

grass roots 当前离线  
感谢 grass roots
道光廿五 (Apr 10th, 2009)
旧 Apr 10th, 2009, 11:06   只看该作者   #35
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wycisco is an unknown quantity at this point

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旧 Apr 10th, 2009, 13:06   只看该作者   #36
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作者: wycisco 查看帖子
不是这样。我觉得还是个文化问题。同是一个时代的作品,木匠的yesterday once more在中国的知名度远比Beatles的Imagine或Hey Jude高,但在欧美国家则相反,原因是中国人更容易理解和接受木匠的曲子。至于Jimi Hendrix或者Bob Marley等黑人歌手的作品中国人更很少接触,因为文化差异更大。所以与其说是隔代人之间的欣赏角度有很大不同,不如说是中外文化差异太大,造成了对音乐的口味不同。
道光廿五 当前离线  
旧 Apr 10th, 2009, 17:43   只看该作者   #37
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hama is on a distinguished road

sounds reaosnable.
I find some thing interesting is the white man love those sons very much, but lot of white woman love soft music, blues, and all the sons that popular in china or HK
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旧 Apr 11th, 2009, 08:12   只看该作者   #38
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cara has a reputation beyond reputecara has a reputation beyond reputecara has a reputation beyond reputecara has a reputation beyond reputecara has a reputation beyond reputecara has a reputation beyond reputecara has a reputation beyond reputecara has a reputation beyond reputecara has a reputation beyond reputecara has a reputation beyond reputecara has a reputation beyond repute
默认  22. Be My Baby, The Ronettes

The night we met I knew I needed you so
and if I had the chance I'd never let you go.
So won't you say you love me,
I'll make you so proud of me.
We'll make 'em turn their heads every place we go.

So won't you, please, BE MY BE MY BABY
be my little. baby MY ONE AND ONLY BABY
Say you'll be my darlin', BE MY BE MY BABY
be my baby now. MY ONE AND ONLY BABY

I'll make you happy, baby, just wait and see.
For every kiss you give me I'll give you three.
Oh, since the day I saw you
I have been waiting for you.
You know I will adore you 'til eternity.

So won't you, please, BE MY BE MY BABY
be my little. baby MY ONE AND ONLY BABY
Say you'll be my darlin', BE MY BE MY BABY
be my baby now. MY ONE AND ONLY BABY

So come on and, please, BE MY BE MY BABY
be my little. baby MY ONE AND ONLY BABY
Say you'll be my darlin', BE MY BE MY BABY
be my baby now. MY ONE AND ONLY BABY

BE MY BE MY BABY Be my little baby.
MY ONE AND ONLY BABY wha-oh-oh-oh-oh.
(repeat & fade)
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旧 Apr 12th, 2009, 10:18   只看该作者   #39
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道光廿五 的头像
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默认 23. In My Life, The Beatles

There are places I remember
All my life though some have changed
Some forever not for better
Some have gone and some remain
All these places had their moments
With lovers and friends I still can recall
Some are dead and some are living
In my life I've loved them all

But of all these friends and lovers
There is no one compares with you
And these memories lose their meaning
When I think of love as something new
Though I know I'll never lose affection
For people and things that went before
I know I'll often stop and think about them
In my life I love you more

Though I know I'll never lose affection
For people and things that went before
I know I'll often stop and think about them
In my life I love you more
In my life I love you more
道光廿五 当前离线  
旧 Apr 12th, 2009, 10:21   只看该作者   #40
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级别:14 | 在线时长:259小时 | 升级还需:26小时级别:14 | 在线时长:259小时 | 升级还需:26小时级别:14 | 在线时长:259小时 | 升级还需:26小时级别:14 | 在线时长:259小时 | 升级还需:26小时级别:14 | 在线时长:259小时 | 升级还需:26小时级别:14 | 在线时长:259小时 | 升级还需:26小时
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Thumbs up 24. People Get Ready, The Impr

道光廿五's favorite

People get ready
There's a train a commin'
U don't need no baggage
U just get on board
All U need is faith
To hear the diesels hummin'
U don't need no ticket
U just thank the lord

So people get ready
There'a a train to jordan
Picking up passengers
Coast to coast
Faith is the key
Open the doors and board them
There's hope for all
Among those loved the most

There ain't no room
For the hopeless sinner
Whom would hurt all mankind
Just to save his own
Have pitty on those whose
Chances grow thinner
For there is no hiding place
Against the kingdom's throne

People get ready
There's a train a commin'
U don't need no baggage
U just get on board
All U need is faith
To hear the diesels hummin'
U don't need no ticket
U just thank the lord

此帖于 Apr 14th, 2009 18:25 被 道光廿五 编辑。
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