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旧 Mar 9th, 2012, 11:51     #1
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默认 ZT:歧视事件的全过程,供白区父母参考

周一去field trip 时感觉孩子受到不公正待遇。在前台投诉被孩子同学听见部分争吵。回家后给负责人写了封信,抄送学校老师,校长及教育局分管小学的领导。信中先描述孩子起了大早的兴奋和盼望,在展厅里的活动。再转到后面的故事,摘抄部分:

After finishing the project that the staff had required, the 18 kids sat on the long bench. They became very excited when the staff put the milk snake around her neck. Kids were eager to ask questions. My daughter was one of them. The staff answered all the kids' questions, even the one sat just beside my daughter, but never looked at my daughter. . My daughter kept raising her hand even though the arm was very tired. She insisted on raising her hand, hoping the staff would allow her to ask the question. One minute, two minutes, three, four...ten....I couldn't bear to look at the sad scene so I approached to the teacher and told her my daughter had been raising her hand for a long time, could she help to let the staff notice. After a while, the staff stood just in front of the teacher. The teacher said there was a student raising her hand...However, before the teacher could finish her words, the staff signaled another student 3 feet away from my daughter to ask a question. The staff paid no attention to the teacher, obviously. It went on and on, everybody noticed my daughter wanted to ask a question except this staff.

When the activity was over, I went to my daughter, what is your question? she said no, I don't have a question. I said "You raised your hand so long and now you tell me you don't have a question?"she said "no!I don't have a question!!!" But her eyes were full of tears.

I waited to be the last one in the room and asked the staff why she did not allow my daughter to ask a question. She pretended to be so surprised and said "oh, I am sorry, I did not see her." There was no sorry in her eyes, only willingly admitted sorry from her mouth.

She did not see, really? When the teacher saw, when other parents saw ( one parent comforted me later saying what I did was understandable and took it easy), the staff was not able to see? Is she blind or is my daughter too dark for the staff to detect?

I apologize being emotional at the front desk. But please tell me which mother, black, white or Asian, can tolerate her own child belittled under so many eyes? When her daughter felt hurt with tears, which mother can say it is Okay, the staff just does not want to answer your question? Under what judgement can the staff ignore a child's question?

I went to the reserve with the teacher's reminder to volunteer mothers deep in heart:
Thanks for agreeing to assist with this field trip. Our schedule is divided into four activities and lunch. You may have to resume the role of the teacher/responsible adult during our activities. I greatly appreciate your time today to enjoy this great resource.

1. While inside the building, your role will be to ensure the students are listening to the presentation, politely raising their hands, and staying on task with the activities. We are representing XX School, so helping make sure students are respectful and well-behaved as learners would be greatly appreciated.

During the session with the staff, I will ask you do make sure the students are being respectful of the staff for listening, following directions, and staying on task. Do NOT be afraid to step in and make sure the students are doing what they need to be doing. .

My daughter is polite, respectful and well-behaved, what did she get in return?......

I strongly feel this staff does not qualify to work with kids. She represents XX center but in a shameful way.



I have spoken with the staff about this incident and we all feel very badly that you and your daughter did not enjoy your time at XXX. We work very hard to educate children about the natural world and to help them see themselves as participants in nature. We have for many years had the pleasure of having XX school visit.

The implication that we would not call on your daughter because of her skin color is incorrect. That attitude would have no place in our program. It would be antithetical to what we trying to accomplish. Many children raise their hands and because of time limitations we cannot call on everyone.

I would be happy to meet with you to talk further about this incident if you feel that would be helpful.
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旧 Mar 9th, 2012, 12:03   只看该作者   #2
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旧 Mar 9th, 2012, 12:37   只看该作者   #3
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旧 Apr 9th, 2012, 03:04   只看该作者   #4
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一个是我女儿老大的经历: 上社区游泳课,大概一个班6-7个学生,大家按顺序游, 由于我女儿游的比较快,很快要追上前面的那个女孩,这时你就能看到前面的那个女孩(白人女孩)不停的回头看, 找机会故意使坏用脚一下把我女儿给揣到水里, 这种情形发生了至少3次,白人老师看的一清二处, 就是不管, 泳池边上几乎所有的家长也都看到了, 可是没人知声。当时,看的我这个来气, 差一点儿就冲过去,上升到种族歧视的高度上去。 可还是忍住了。 过了一会, 我觉的是我女儿自己认识到了, 不知道啥时候,她自己后面的白人男孩调了位置, 白人男孩游的也快, 很快也要追上那个女孩,同样的事情也发生了, 这个小男孩同样也被故意(非常故意使坏那种哈)揣了2次, 老师也同样视而不见。 家长也都跟没发生一样。 这时,我的气也消了, 想想,社会上啥人都有, 让女儿自己去体会吧。话又说回来,如果中间我发脾气冲过去 ‘保护女儿’,也就没有后来的小男孩的情形, 问题就有可能上升的种族的高度了。

另外一个经历, 我老二儿子上类似Kinder Gym课(4-5岁组), 8-10个孩子按顺序完成不同的项目, 家长都在边上看着,老师是白人女青年, 嘿,这个老师帮助所有的孩子完成动作, 就不帮我儿子, 每次轮到我儿子的时候,她总是躲开去帮助别人, 当时看的我这个气呀, 几次差点冲过去和他理论, 心理非常的生气, 脑子里想回头去找这个老师的上级领导告壮去等等。当时但还是忍住了。

后来,轮到我老三女儿上了(2-3岁组),她比较小, 当时应该刚2岁,同一个老师,这时这个老师就特别照顾我女儿, 给了很多attention给她。 我的气也就消了, 想想,不理我儿子的原因可能是因为儿子动作完成比较好,不需要帮忙,老师把时间给更需要帮住的孩子了。 不过话又说回来, 如果没有我们家老三后来上课的话, 我还真跟lz转贴里的父母一样的感觉。也有可能去找上级领导理论哈。

总结一下, 老大女儿目前上二年级了,感觉从学校到社会,从孩子的角度来看, 能让孩子感受的的歧视应该是很少的。 同样,我们也不要去歧视啥印度人, 黑人等。每个种族里都是,林子大了,啥鸟都有。
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旧 Apr 10th, 2012, 12:25   只看该作者   #5
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作者: 生活如茶 查看帖子

一个是我女儿老大的经历: 上社区游泳课,大概一个班6-7个学生,大家按顺序游, 由于我女儿游的比较快,很快要追上前面的那个女孩,这时你就能看到前面的那个女孩(白人女孩)不停的回头看, 找机会故意使坏用脚一下把我女儿给...
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旧 Apr 10th, 2012, 12:33   只看该作者   #6
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一个是我女儿老大的经历: 上社区游泳课,大概一个班6-7个学生,大家按顺序游, 由于我女儿游的比较快,很快要追上前面的那个女孩,这时你就能看到前面的那个女孩(白人女孩)不停的回头看, 找机会故意使坏用脚一下把我女儿给...
我觉得很多时候国人是不是太过敏感的,凡是有不公平待遇都往种族歧视上扯。就我自己在这生活十几年的经历来说,几乎没被歧视过 ,也许被stereotype过,但那跟种族歧视是很不一样的
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旧 Apr 12th, 2012, 05:46   只看该作者   #7
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作者: 生活如茶 查看帖子



一个是我女儿老大的经历: 上社区游泳课,大概一个班6-7个学生,大家按顺序游, 由于我女儿游的比较快,很快要追上前面的那个女孩,这时你就能看到前面的那个女孩(白人女孩)不停的回头看, 找机会故意使坏用脚一下把我女儿给...
也谢谢你感兴趣,俺家老大说,学校里是禁止说啥颜色的,但孩子有时会受到家长的影响。他们学校有一个一二年级的孩子,因为高年级的孩子不带他玩,对一个其他族的混血儿脱口而出:go back China. 这个孩子还是班上的好学生呢
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旧 May 9th, 2012, 10:51   只看该作者   #8
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