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旧 Jan 13th, 2006, 22:16     #1
级别:26 | 在线时长:788小时 | 升级还需:49小时级别:26 | 在线时长:788小时 | 升级还需:49小时
temppangxie 的头像
注册日期: Jul 2004
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默认 转贴一篇申请父母延期的信:

作者:xlip (薄荷冰)

(TO Citizenship and Immigration Canada)

Date: December 20, 2004
Name: A& B
Address: C, Toronto, ON,
Telephone: (001) 416-***-***
E-mail: ***@hotmail.com
Dear Sir/Madam,
We A&B_residing at C, Toronto, ON, CA , arrived in Canada Toronto for visit on August 13, 2004 and the expiration of our authorized stay is February 13, 2005. The purpose of the visit is social as well as tourism within Canada. We would like to extend our stay in Canada until August 13, 2006, the reasons in detail is as following:
We love Canada so much, we want to visit more place in Canada.
We love the city very much, the longer we live here, the more we love this country. The people here are very friendly and very nice, the weather is the same with our hometown, we do not need to worry about whether we can adapt to the weather here or not any more, and the air is cleaner and fresher than that in our hometown, so in Toronto we do not need to polish our shoes everyday,we can keep them clean for about one week, that is amazing!

The following is our original travel plan according to our daughter’s advice, but due to the weather of Toronto and our daughter’s working schedule, we have finished only half of them, we have not even visited the Niagara Falls and Niagara-on-the-Lake, how big a regret it is if we had left Canada now. So we hope we can extend our stay in Canada that we can travel to more lovely place inside and outside of Toronto.
The first week: adept to the time of Canada

The second week:

联邦广场/Confederation Park

航空博物馆/Aviation Museum

加拿大与世界/Canada and the World Pavilion

中央实验农场/Central Experimental Farm

文明博物馆/Museum of Civilization

科技博物馆/Canada Day at the Museum of Science and Technology

国家档案馆/National Archives

国家艺术中心/National Arts Centre

国家图书馆/National Library

战争博物馆/War Museum

卡底诺公园/Gatineau Park

卡蒂埃尔公园/Jacques-Cartier Park

梅杰山公园/Major's Hill Park
傍晚有现场音乐会,参演乐队包括Garrity, The Northern Pikes等

国会山/Parliament Hill

temppangxie 当前离线  
旧 Jan 13th, 2006, 22:17   只看该作者   #2
级别:26 | 在线时长:788小时 | 升级还需:49小时级别:26 | 在线时长:788小时 | 升级还需:49小时
temppangxie 的头像
注册日期: Jul 2004
帖子: 3,822
声望: 2469620
temppangxie has a reputation beyond reputetemppangxie has a reputation beyond reputetemppangxie has a reputation beyond reputetemppangxie has a reputation beyond reputetemppangxie has a reputation beyond reputetemppangxie has a reputation beyond reputetemppangxie has a reputation beyond reputetemppangxie has a reputation beyond reputetemppangxie has a reputation beyond reputetemppangxie has a reputation beyond reputetemppangxie has a reputation beyond repute



一、亚加华峡谷(Agawa Canyon)

如果你有两至三天的假期,乘赏枫火车游览位于苏必利(Lake Superior)湖畔东岸的亚加华峡谷会是一个极佳的选择。在安大略省著名的枫叶之都苏珊玛利(Sault Ste. Marie)古城,登上Algoma中央铁路经营的火车便可深入峡谷,寻幽探秘。火车在峡谷底部停车2小时,乘客可下车游览。这段长达一百八十公里的铁路线穿梭在山水之间,鲜红、橙色和金色的枫叶与湖光山水融为一体,会让人感觉是置身于画中。枫叶列车游览路线自6月上旬至10月中旬每天巡回运行,将于10月14日关闭。成人及老人:$77;5-18岁儿童:$46;5岁以下儿童:$21;婴儿:免费。如如欲查询行程票价,可致电:705-946-7300或1-800-242-9287,或浏览网址:www.agawacanyontourtrain.com


驱车单程约700公里。沿400号公路北上接11号公路往北在North Bay市左转一直向西(约500公里),过了花园河(Garden River)小镇即可抵达。

二、阿冈昆省立公园(Algonquin Provincial Park)

著名的阿冈昆省立公园自然也是观赏枫叶的好地方。公园占地7725万平方公里,内有超过1000个大小的湖泊,100种鸟类和1000种植物及黑熊、糜鹿、海狸、野兔和野狼等野生动物。沿Hwy 400北上接Hwy 11,其间,在格雷文赫斯特镇(Gravenhurst)可参观白求恩故居(Dr. Bethune House)。在Huntsville转Hwy 60折向东,可以横穿公园的南部,沿途你可以发现有标记的自然小径。公园内最佳的欣赏枫叶地点就位在旅客服务中心(Visitor Center)。枫叶之美,尽收眼底。回途如果取道Hwy 35,则可以顺路在Dorset、Minden及Haliburton几处停留;如果沿Hwy 60继续往前驶,则在经过Madawaska Valley后转南走Hwy.62,可顺道欣赏一下Bancroft与Peterborough两地的秋叶。全部行程约480公里。可致电705-633-5572。

三、卡乐登丘陵(Caledon Hill)

这一线可同时游览Hockley Valley、Caledon和Forks of the Credit。在多伦多西北方向,约一个小时的车程。具体路线是:Hwy 427往西- Hwy 50往北-到Loretto左转- Country Rd.1往西- Country Rd.18往南- Mono Mills - Country Rd.7(即Airport Rd.)往南-到Glen Haffy折回- Hwy.9往西- Orangeville - Hwy.10往南-到达Caledon village,然后是Forks of the Credit的风景路(Scenic Rd.),约在Orangeville以南15公里。最后回到Hwy.10继续往南,后沿Hwy 427返回多伦多。在卡乐登丘陵区,站在不同地点的山头赏枫,别具风味。

四、伊劳拉峡谷(Elora Gorge)

以伊劳拉村(village of Elora)为中心的伊劳拉峡谷自然保护区,占地面积约120公顷的。从多伦多出发,沿Hwy 401西行,转接Hwy 6后北上,过了贵湖(Guelph),再转County Rd.7向北走,即可到达伊劳拉村。详情可致电:519-846-9742


Hwy 401往东,Hwys 35往北,在Minden小村镇东边离Hwys 35不远的South Lake Rd.上参观Panorama Lookout的赏枫点。沿Hwy 121往东北到达Haliburton(该市东边有个Skyline Park),此时转Hwy 118往西,接Hwy 35后往北,至Dorset(Dorset Lookout Tower)。然后折回到Haliburton,沿Hwy 121往东,Hwy.28往南,取道Peterborough和Ganaraska Forest,然后Hwy115入Hwy 401,返回多伦多。 < r o l i a. n e t >

六、京士顿游近郊及千岛湖赏枫(Kingston & Thousand Islands)

从京士顿沿Old Perth Rd北上从Division St.到Westport.一条路线是选择County Rd. 36向西北到Maberly。然后沿Hwy 7去Sharbot Lake,在Hwy 38向南折返。另一条路线是向东沿Hwy 42从Westport到Crosby,然后在Hwy 15向南至County Rd. 9,到达Chaffey's Locks和/或沿County Rd. 2到Charleston Lake.最后沿Hwy 15返回Or京士顿。网址:www.city.kingston.on.ca.

另一个选择是在京士顿地区登船游览千岛湖(Thousand Islands)。在游艇的甲板上欣赏京士顿以东千岛湖的迷人秋色。千岛群岛是东安大略最受欢迎的景点之一,也是圣罗伦斯河最美的一段,河上的1800多岛分属于美国和加拿大。美加许多有钱人、艺术家都喜欢在这里享受小岛上与世隔绝的隐居生活,所以千岛水域有许多豪宅,也有许多风格特立独行的建筑,整个水域就像一个藏宝库,巡航其中,旖旎的风光俯拾皆是。这里的水域清澈无比,每天至少有500艘私人或公共的游轮在群岛间悠游。游千岛群岛的行程约1-3小时,行程长短端视是否到达柏德特城堡(Boldt Castle)而定,不过到此城堡需备有美国签证。柏德特城堡建于心形岛上,这座宛如童话故事中的中古世纪造型城堡,是于1904年美国旅馆业钜子乔治柏德特(GeorgeC.Boldt)为其夫人所建。目前这座城堡已改为博物馆,可供游客参观。


Muskoka是著名的蜜月圣地,Muskoka湖又被称为蜜月湖的枫叶区。经Hwy 400北上,在巴里(Barrie)转Hwy 11再续向北,就到达Muskoka地区。在Gravenhurst、Bracebridge、Huntsville这一带起码有八条路线可供选择,行车距离从63至337公里不等。其中最吸引游客前往的是分别位于Huntsville的狮子台(Lion's Lookout)、Dorset的了望塔(Lookout Tower)及ParrySound的山火了望台(fire tower),届时登高一望,满山红叶尽收眼底。同时,在格雷文赫斯特镇(Gravenhurst)也可以参观白求恩故居(Dr. Bethune House)。


Muskoka一年一度的秋季摄影巡回展(Autumn Studio Tour)将于9月28,29日举行。另一个选择是从Gravenhurst登上皇家邮船Segwun号或其姊妹船Wenonah 11号在湖中畅游。或者由Bracebridge登上The Lady Muskoka游船欣赏迷人的秋色。预约订位电话1-800-263-5239。

八、欧皮安沟(Opeongo Line)

从多伦多,Hwy 401 - Hwy 41 - Hwy 132 - Castleford,然后从Lake des Chats开始,沿County Rd. 20一直向西至Renfrew,然后沿Hwy 132到Dacre.

从Dacre到Opeongo Line Travel向北正好一公里然后西行(County Rds. 64, 512和66)穿过几个村镇。继续向西转Hwy 60到达Barry's Bay。然后通过Hwy 62, 28, 134, 115和401返回多伦多。

这一地区的详细资料可致电渥太华山谷旅游协会(Ottawa Valley Tourist Association)1-800 757-6580索取,或访问www.ottawavallay.org.

安省旅游局秋色报告(Ontario Fall Colour Report)


Monday, CN Tower
Wednesday, The Art Gallery of Ontario317 Dundas St W

Friday, Niagara Falls and Niagara-on-the-Lake
The third week:
Tuesday, Royal Ontario Museum, 100 Queen's Park,(416)586-5549
Thursday, The Bata Shoe Museum, 327 Bloor St W
Saturday, Square One, 100 City Centre Drive, Mississauga
The fourth week:
Monday, High Park
Wednesday, Ontario Science Centre, 770 Don Mills Rd.416-429-4100
Friday, Ontario Place, 955 Lakeshore Blvd W, 416-314-9900
The fifth week:
Tuesday, Harbourfront Centre, 410 Queen's Quay W, 416-973-3000  
Thursday, Eaton Centre, Yonge St/Queen St
Saturday, Kensington Market
The sixth week:
Monday, Metropolitan Toronto Police Museum, 40 College St,(416)324-6201    
Wednesday, Scarborough Town Centre, 401 E. /McCowan, 300 Borough Dr.
Friday, Yonge St & Dundas St
The seventh street:
Commencement and Mississauga buffet
Thursday shopping
Bayview Village, Bayview Ave/Sheppard Ave .E
  Dixie Value Mall, 1250 South Service Rd., Mississauga   
Fairview Mall,1800 Sheppard Ave E & Hwy 404   
Saturday BBQ
The eighth week:Preparing luggage
Our daughter is pregnant now, the expected date is ####, 2005, and we would like to see our cute granddaughter.
Our daughter *** is pregnant now; the due date is ***. We have the ultrasound result attached, this is the second baby and suppose to be a girl, (the first one is boy, ) we are so excited and at the same time we worried a lot about if we can stay in Canada until to see our granddaughter. My wife always regret for not seeing our grandson until he is two and half years old, and she promised our daughter to stay with her and give her support this time. We believe that *** also needs our help to take care of our grandson during her short stay in hospital. That is our pleasure to give her a hand if we get the permit to extend our stay in Canada until then.
temppangxie 当前离线  
旧 Jan 13th, 2006, 22:17   只看该作者   #3
级别:26 | 在线时长:788小时 | 升级还需:49小时级别:26 | 在线时长:788小时 | 升级还需:49小时
temppangxie 的头像
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We invited our daughter’s family to go back to China to celebrate the most famous spring festival and her grandmother’s 80 years old birthday with us together in February 2006.
Our daughter has been in Canada for almost three years, she mentioned that she love this country very much, she love the city very much. During the past three years, she has been studying and working so hard at the same time, so she cannot visit us as often as we expected. She has not celebrated the Spring Festival with us for about three years. She feels so sorry about that she cannot meet our wish in the past three years. In frankly, we miss her and her family very much too. We also want to stay with them especially our grandson, who was born in Canada and is almost three years old now. The past several months is good season for tourism, we wish that we could stay in Toronto, in our daughter’s own house, in the most beautiful season to see the most beautiful Canadian maple, that is the most happy time in our life so we want to extend our stay in Canada, we want to extend our happy time. And we also wish our daughter and her family to take part in the Spring Festival and her grandmother’s 80 years old birthday celebration in February 2006. That is very important time for all of us, if we can stay until February 2006, we can take the same airplane and support each other during the 20 hours of travel time.
During our visit, we stay with our daughter at the above address and she is responsible for our expenses including the round trip airfare to Canada, food, housing, and we will afford other part expense within Canada, such as the traveling, shopping, medical insurance and our all the other expenses. The evidence of how we will support ourselves or be supported in Canada are attached, including the bank statement.

We make sure that we will leave Canada before the expiration of our authorized stay. The reason that we can guarantee ourselves to leave Canada on time is as followings:
Firstly, my parents are almost 80 years old; they have five sons and two daughters. According to the traditional Chinese cultural background, all of us have the responsibility to take care of my grandparents, because the best way is to care my grandparents at home than to send them to the nursing home or retirement home. We had better go back to China before my mother’s 80th birthday that is very important day.
Secondly, we are enjoying their comfortable life in China very much. We own a big house in a beautiful city; we have good savings in the bank in China, we also have good opportunity to continue our job, we have medical insurance in China, we take part in all kinds of activities in community center every month where we have so many friends and schoolmates. We live with our son, our daughter-in-law and our granddaughter together, we love our granddaughter so much that we cannot live without her in our lives. Do you think we will give up all of these described as above that we satisfied so much to stay in Canada illegally after the expiration of our authorized stay?
Please kindly grant us a stay in Canada extension permit.
Please do not hesitate to contact us via telephone or E-mail if you have any questions.
Yours sincerely

temppangxie 当前离线  
旧 Jan 14th, 2006, 14:40   只看该作者   #4
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miracle2004 has a spectacular aura aboutmiracle2004 has a spectacular aura about
默认 谢谢!

miracle2004 当前离线  
旧 Jan 14th, 2006, 16:17   只看该作者   #5
级别:8 | 在线时长:96小时 | 升级还需:21小时级别:8 | 在线时长:96小时 | 升级还需:21小时级别:8 | 在线时长:96小时 | 升级还需:21小时级别:8 | 在线时长:96小时 | 升级还需:21小时
seedling 的头像
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seedling is a name known to allseedling is a name known to allseedling is a name known to allseedling is a name known to allseedling is a name known to allseedling is a name known to all

seedling 当前离线  
旧 Jan 14th, 2006, 16:33   只看该作者   #6
级别:26 | 在线时长:788小时 | 升级还需:49小时级别:26 | 在线时长:788小时 | 升级还需:49小时
temppangxie 的头像
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temppangxie has a reputation beyond reputetemppangxie has a reputation beyond reputetemppangxie has a reputation beyond reputetemppangxie has a reputation beyond reputetemppangxie has a reputation beyond reputetemppangxie has a reputation beyond reputetemppangxie has a reputation beyond reputetemppangxie has a reputation beyond reputetemppangxie has a reputation beyond reputetemppangxie has a reputation beyond reputetemppangxie has a reputation beyond repute

作者: seedling
temppangxie 当前离线  
旧 Jan 16th, 2006, 10:01   只看该作者   #7
Senior Member
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红枫叶 的头像
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红枫叶 has a reputation beyond repute红枫叶 has a reputation beyond repute红枫叶 has a reputation beyond repute红枫叶 has a reputation beyond repute红枫叶 has a reputation beyond repute红枫叶 has a reputation beyond repute红枫叶 has a reputation beyond repute红枫叶 has a reputation beyond repute红枫叶 has a reputation beyond repute红枫叶 has a reputation beyond repute红枫叶 has a reputation beyond repute

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旧 Jul 18th, 2007, 12:38   只看该作者   #8
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schsy365 has a reputation beyond reputeschsy365 has a reputation beyond reputeschsy365 has a reputation beyond reputeschsy365 has a reputation beyond reputeschsy365 has a reputation beyond reputeschsy365 has a reputation beyond reputeschsy365 has a reputation beyond reputeschsy365 has a reputation beyond reputeschsy365 has a reputation beyond reputeschsy365 has a reputation beyond reputeschsy365 has a reputation beyond repute

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旧 Aug 19th, 2007, 12:16   只看该作者   #9
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一个用户 has a reputation beyond repute一个用户 has a reputation beyond repute一个用户 has a reputation beyond repute一个用户 has a reputation beyond repute一个用户 has a reputation beyond repute一个用户 has a reputation beyond repute一个用户 has a reputation beyond repute一个用户 has a reputation beyond repute一个用户 has a reputation beyond repute一个用户 has a reputation beyond repute一个用户 has a reputation beyond repute
默认 看样子别人都写了

作者: schsy365 查看帖子
一个用户 当前离线  
旧 Aug 19th, 2007, 14:07   只看该作者   #10
Monte Cristo
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注册日期: May 2005
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Monte Cristo has a reputation beyond reputeMonte Cristo has a reputation beyond reputeMonte Cristo has a reputation beyond reputeMonte Cristo has a reputation beyond reputeMonte Cristo has a reputation beyond reputeMonte Cristo has a reputation beyond reputeMonte Cristo has a reputation beyond reputeMonte Cristo has a reputation beyond reputeMonte Cristo has a reputation beyond reputeMonte Cristo has a reputation beyond reputeMonte Cristo has a reputation beyond repute
默认 用这么复杂?

当年我们给老人申请延期,就一句话: want to stay with our son (daughter) for longer time.
Monte Cristo 当前离线  
旧 Aug 19th, 2007, 20:09   只看该作者   #11
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级别:5 | 在线时长:55小时 | 升级还需:5小时
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小金豆儿 has a reputation beyond repute小金豆儿 has a reputation beyond repute小金豆儿 has a reputation beyond repute小金豆儿 has a reputation beyond repute小金豆儿 has a reputation beyond repute小金豆儿 has a reputation beyond repute小金豆儿 has a reputation beyond repute小金豆儿 has a reputation beyond repute小金豆儿 has a reputation beyond repute小金豆儿 has a reputation beyond repute小金豆儿 has a reputation beyond repute
默认 真的没必要这样啰唆

作者: Monte Cristo 查看帖子
当年我们给老人申请延期,就一句话: want to stay with our son (daughter) for longer time.
我写的也很短, 一句话一个理由, 给2到3个理由, 直接COPY/PASTE到申请表里. 每次都成功了.
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