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旧 Mar 23rd, 2010, 06:08     #1
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王得福 的头像
注册日期: May 2009
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王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute

王得福 当前离线  
旧 Mar 24th, 2010, 11:56     #2
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也就是说,多数不懂电脑的人不敢用linux。Linux is designed for professionals, 这是多大的一个制肘哦?

我自己偶尔也玩linux,那是有空时的一种消遣,从来没把他当回事,他仅仅是我的一件玩具。我所有的重要文件和程序,都不敢依赖linux。为什么呢?因为他总是处于不断重装的状态。不但版本多,技巧和程序5花8门,更重要的是,出了问题不知道该找谁。开源是一把双刃剑,免费是他最大的好处,但免费== 免责。有事时连可以给你打“补丁”的公司都找不到。这是他的第二个缺点。

再说就是硬件,在市面随便找个硬件,几乎不用担心,它必定designed for windows。但好像还没有见过盒面上印着designed for Ubuntu的。因此几乎每找一个硬件,都有必要先上网查一查,这个东西在Ubuntu上行得怎么样。这又是多么麻烦的一件事?






王得福 当前离线  
旧 Mar 24th, 2010, 12:54     #3
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王得福 的头像
注册日期: May 2009
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Not an accurate article
Submitted by Michael on March 4, 2010 - 11:22 A.M.

The IDC did not issue "a report about worldwide server use"...they issued a report on worldwide server SALES. There is a big difference. I bought my Dell laptop with Windows (forced to pay for something I wasn't going to use) and had to format it to install Linux. This is an example of how Microsoft made a SALE but it is not in USE.

What the IDC's report doesn't include is the servers sold without operating systems already installed as well as the servers that are purchased with Windows, then formatted and then installed with Linux.
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Thanks for this post. It
Submitted by Anonymous on March 5, 2010 - 2:23 P.M.

Thanks for this post.
It shows how ignorant this writer is.

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More Windows Needed Vs Less Linux Needed
Submitted by Anonymous on March 4, 2010 - 3:33 A.M.

Microsoft doesn't want to get into any game they can't make money at, same for Google or any other company, it's just business.

But it's also somewhat of a false comparison to compare Windows servers with Linux servers since you'd also have to really compare cost of more than just the OS, and how much you can do on one machine.

For example, the typical Windows server license is only for the OS, if you want Visual C++, IIS, SQL-Server, the cost is appreciably more. Same stack in Linux, with Apache,PHP,Perl,Python,MySQL= FREE.

So compare base OS, sure, but also consider MS is charging for EVERYTHING.

We had Windows Advanced Data Center Server and had to pay a lot of money for it, and it ran slow as mud on a 16-CPU machine. The cost for the complete stack of VC++, SQL-Server, and IIS was embarassing. When we flipped it into Linux it ran so much faster, and cost so much less. No magic math involved, Linux saved us so much money it was a company secret for a long time because the guys that bought it with Windows ADCS didn't want anyone to know what a waste it was. They would have been fired for wasting so much money on Windows when Linux outperformed and saved money.
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This Gralla guy treats both
Submitted by ubiquitous1980 on March 3, 2010 - 11:02 P.M.

This Gralla guy treats both *nix and windows users like a bunch of sea gulls. He throws some controversial information like a person throws a piece of food to sea gulls and watches us all crowd around, laughing as we fight and bicker. He is simply baiting us, can't you see?
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Preston the Windows Welfare Pimp
Submitted by carlleigh on March 3, 2010 - 6:51 P.M.

Without Linux users spending on or use of Windows from Microsoft might be down or even nill. What a hoot!

Lets kick Microsoft off the Welfare dole. It is time for Dell, HP, IBM, etc. to make their computers easily available without Windows....... and count them so!

I can't imagine telling someone that, "I work for or support Microsoft and feel proud about sales/revenues", knowing that a large percentage of the sales/revenue may come from what are Linux installs.
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Has anyone considered that's because of the performance aspect?
Submitted by Anonymous on March 3, 2010 - 1:41 P.M.

You say that Windows has three times as many servers as Linux out in the wild. However, if you consider that Linux servers outperform Windows servers by a factor of 10 to 1 (We've got tests at work that demonstrate that this is actually an understatement in some areas - specifically anything that is disk heavy, such as web, mail and database servers) then you see that this is actually likely because of the additional redundancy and performance aspects that are necessary to get Windows to match Linux performance...
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Revenue vs Installed units
Submitted by Anonymous on March 3, 2010 - 11:52 A.M.

"When it comes to revenue, Windows cleans up as well, with nearly $5.4 billion in revenue for the quarter, compared to a little over $1.9 billion in revenue for Linux."

Wait a moment...

Supposing that Linux and Windows are priced the same, that would mean that Windows was beating Linux by a margin of three-to-one.

"New research from IDC shows that it's not so: Windows beats Linux when it comes to servers by well over a three-to-one margin, as it has for at least a year."

Ah... so you are comparing Windows and Linux revenues... In my company we have hundreds of Linux boxes, and each one added zero to Linux revenue.

If you (conservatively) consider that 9 in 10 Linux installations are free, it would take ten times more Linux installations to reach the $1.9 figure.

And that supposing that the paid versions of Linux cost the same as Windows.

That means that Linux is beating Windows at least 3-to-1 in installed units.
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Comon guys...
Submitted by Anonymous on March 3, 2010 - 11:46 A.M.

Comon, its the truth. Mom and pops don't know anything about linux, and think computers are easy. They buy a server from dell, a wap and switch from Best Buy and think they are set. Then they serve out viruses the rest of their life.

Large business aren't much better. The educated ones will put linux at the perimeter, and MAYBE use it on their security systems. Let the power users use it on their desktops, but they are unsupported. For the most part the IT staff is lazy, uneducated (look at what passes for IT education today at your typical college) and want it to "just work" (read: don't want to work).

The condition of IT in our world (poor) and the condition of industry in general (poor) is because of this lazy, uneducated IT society. Its not going to change. We can thank Microsoft for that. They/We want computers to be like microwaves. Push one button and done. Only the educated want computers to be powerful tools.

Thats why we have some many H1B's and companys farming out all their work outside of the country (like Microsoft does). Yes, cost is a component, but the argument for H1B's and programming centers in India is that there is no one qualified in the U.S. Its crap like this that causes that. Even Gates went around to colleges about 10 years ago complaining about it and trying to change it by sponsoring whole buildings and departments dedicated to computer study. It didn't work. He gave up and went on to fight (real world) viruses and things like that. Americans want to be stupid. Then we complain "They took our jobs!" and that our economny is crashing.

This comment (ok, rant, manifesto, whatever), which will be buried, ignored, and slammed, is from a disgruntled IT Consultant with 22 years experience and a disappointed college professor with tenure at a large university who also guests at two small somewhat competing colleges, and a work-a-holic. Yes, an old guy with experience, history and still a little bit of passion. Not a newb like most commentors who started in IT 5-10 years ago because they heard it was an easy way to get rich with an MCSE.

And no, I will never come back to this article to read the responses (if any). I just felt like injecting a little real world truth during my down time.

Oh and I can also tell you from years of reading his crap, Preston Gralla is a windows fanboi (as the kids spell it lol). Unfortunately, he is representative of the world, and not wrong.
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Not that bad
Submitted by Rincewind on March 3, 2010 - 9:40 P.M.

Stupidity is evenly distributed, no matter if you are in India or USA. But perhaps it is prevalent among IT journalists and CEOs.
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Your comments belie the
Submitted by Anonymous on March 3, 2010 - 9:38 A.M.

Your comments belie the truth. You are a Linux bigot and a zealot like all the others.

I like my software to work as well. I also like the choice of software I want not limited by OS, that's why I use whatever works best for an application, not for an Operating System.

Remember, oh Linux zealot, Operating systems are only tools that allow the software to function. When software is not available for one operating system or the software is more suited for the end user on another, one should choose the best for the end user, not the operating system best fitted to one's own bigotry or religion. Your comment says you are a zealot unwilling to consider anything except Linux at the expense of the the final user.

Have fun in your world. Flexibility is a great thing.
王得福 当前离线  
旧 Mar 24th, 2010, 13:17     #4
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作者: A Tech 查看帖子

文章的漏洞在于,只说上半句,故意忽略其他。有 “一中各表” 之嫌。
王得福 当前离线  
旧 Mar 24th, 2010, 13:32     #5
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王得福 的头像
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作者: 王得福 查看帖子

文章的漏洞在于,只说上半句,故意忽略其他。有 “一中各表” 之嫌。
就好像说: “普通用户不懂linux,linux太难懂”


应该说: “未经培训的普通用户不懂电脑,电脑太难懂”


因为: “普通用户不懂windows,windows太难懂”
王得福 当前离线  
旧 Mar 25th, 2010, 00:20     #6
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王得福 的头像
注册日期: May 2009
住址: メメ♫メメ
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作者: 鲁莽电工 查看帖子
又开始虾吹牛了, 吹吧,吹吧。
王得福 当前离线  
旧 Mar 25th, 2010, 00:22     #7
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王得福 的头像
注册日期: May 2009
住址: メメ♫メメ
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王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute

作者: A Tech 查看帖子
王得福 当前离线  
旧 Mar 25th, 2010, 00:23     #8
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王得福 的头像
注册日期: May 2009
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王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute

作者: 白野猪 查看帖子
王得福 当前离线  
旧 Mar 25th, 2010, 00:30     #9
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注册日期: May 2009
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王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute

作者: biosfix 查看帖子
王得福 当前离线  
旧 Mar 25th, 2010, 12:33     #10
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注册日期: May 2009
住址: メメ♫メメ
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王得福 当前离线  
旧 Mar 25th, 2010, 12:41     #11
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王得福 的头像
注册日期: May 2009
住址: メメ♫メメ
帖子: 602
声望: 32035
王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute

王得福 当前离线  
旧 Mar 25th, 2010, 12:45     #12
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王得福 的头像
注册日期: May 2009
住址: メメ♫メメ
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王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute

王得福 当前离线  
旧 Mar 29th, 2010, 00:13     #13
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王得福 的头像
注册日期: May 2009
住址: メメ♫メメ
帖子: 602
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王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute王得福 has a reputation beyond repute

王得福 当前离线  
旧 Mar 30th, 2010, 00:56     #14
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注册日期: May 2009
住址: メメ♫メメ
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作者: oldcobol 查看帖子
linux和其他所有open source软件一样,致命的缺陷就是没有一个可靠的大公司从中牟利,也就是先天注定了long term availability不确定性太大。没有主流公司大规模开发应用,所以不大可能成为主流。
王得福 当前离线  
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