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旧 May 14th, 2010, 15:34     #1
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默认 谈谈历史的、文学的、生活的真实





本人在过去10年中不断揭露这类编谎者的无耻编造之同时,跟反毛网右的“三无”拙劣行径形成鲜明对照,在作者有名有姓、有时间地点、有当事人和旁证者姓名经得起核查前提下,也经常讲述一些本人亲身经历的“历史真实”,来证明毛时代的伟大、合理、人性人道与公正公平。例如曾在网上广泛流传、如今被害怕历史真相被披露者删得所剩无几的《向萧武介绍文革后值得怀念的国企状况》、《加美面包影碟和中国产品价格之比使人心头滴血》、《就“反革命”父亲的转变和某工人乐队命运再谈本人为何左转》…… 等几十篇文章。







而本人出国后用十余年时间,在多伦多最大的Reference Library和多大东亚图书馆等搜集大量文革原始资料,对照本人老家和江苏、上海、河南、四川、浙江、安徽、广东、新疆等各地文革历史实情,十易其稿至今仍在修改编写英文版的《血火痴情——不为人知的另类文革故事》,首版以后,最具体实在的正面肯定和评价,不仅来自海内外左翼思想界人士,更来自跟本人基本思想立场格格不入的著名右翼学者。这在被左右对立高度撕裂的整个中国思想学术界和文学界,都是一个绝无仅有的特例。所有疯狂反毛贬毛或拥毛赞毛的回顾文革作品,都遭受对立左派或右派的无情攻击。唯有本人力求在“在典型化环境中创造典型人物”的回原历史努力,超越派系之争不仅至今未受到自由新右派的任何指责攻击,在“四五天安门事件”、“西单民主墙”和“八九民运”中均担当重要角色的所谓“民运三朝元老”陈子明先生慨赐封页题词,厦门大学哲学系退休教授、资深自由派人士张小金不吝笔墨写了数千字的正面长篇评论文章。


此帖于 May 14th, 2010 16:14 被 witty 编辑。

每周六下午3时-6时,Goldhawk Library, 西南侧(有遮顶风雨无阻)295 Alton Towers Circle, Toronto, M1V 4P1, ON,
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感谢 witty
GOOODGUY (May 14th, 2010)
旧 May 14th, 2010, 16:46     #2
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作者: 宋祖德 查看帖子

--------网上ID是合法常态,这是基本常识. 你用的也是真名实姓. 因此也是匿名. 这是事实, 不要打自己的嘴巴。.……这里不是法庭, 提醒一下.你在这里也是"三无人员"...

----请具体反驳””幕碑. 扬作为新华社记者化了十年工夫, 走访了很多地方, 查了很多资料.你在这里没讲一个历史事实.没用.




嘿嘿,鄙人从10多年前强国论坛起,曾转战有“天下第一坛”美称的《天涯纵横》(被封杀后才有《关天茶舍》之冒起)、右坛重镇《中国世纪》、《燕南》……等,横扫千军如卷席。《凯迪猫坛》、王怡等办的《宪政论衡》等,不得不对老夫封杀至今来维持其不经一驳的话语权。 《关天茶舍》更是封、复无数回,弄得我现在已经没心情再跟这些嘴上满口“自由”、实际上却彻头彻尾的独裁专制势力周旋。

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旧 May 14th, 2010, 17:02     #3
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作者: 宋祖德 查看帖子

首先请witty 说明是小说还是历史考证.

"革命现实主义与浪漫主义", 现实主义再加个革命, 外加浪漫主义. 嘿嘿,

不过, 这里可以给witty 的书做个广告,也是个好事情. 我还给汉奸的书做过"广告"呢



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旧 May 14th, 2010, 17:16     #4
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默认 拙书非流行“文革史”论文,但即使按对立派评论哪个更可靠啊?

文革的另一半真相 ——读李宪源的小说《血火痴情》
















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旧 May 14th, 2010, 17:29     #5
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默认 多年前在《华夏文摘》首发意见征求稿后收到的读者来信

A Few Letters from the Readers of My Novel

Date: 21 April 1997 1055
From: Hubert Gu
To: Xian Yuan Li
Subject: Good Job
Hi, Mr. Li.
As a youngster, I experienced that crazy period of time. I love your novel. I guess you also personally experienced that period of time. Such a big event can not be simply labeled as "power struggle" at the top level. It is also necessary to reflect what people at all level in the society were doing and thinking at that time.

Among the stories I read about that time, yours is the one which the most truly describes the society and makes the reader think more about the reason of that crazyness.

Thank you again for your exercellent work and your generousness of sharing it with public. Hope we can get more chance to discuss about this topic.

Gu, Hongtao


Date: Mon, 5 May 97 1610 EDT
From: XIA
To: cu508@torfree.net
Subject: Thank You for Your Novel

Dear Mr. Li,

My wife and I would like to say a lot of Thank Yous to your novel published by "Hua Xia Wei Zhai". We are so anxiously to wait for reading the rest half of your book. We are from Shanghai and at the ages of nearly 50.

Sincerely reader yours,
George Xia and Lily Xin

Date: 16 May 1997 1230 +1100
From: SongPing Zhu
To: "Mr. Li"
Subject: Comments

Dear Mr. Li,

I have, with great interest, read your novel recently published on HXWZ. I can not help sending you this message and congratulating you for creating such a wonderful piece work, which is rarely seen among all the novels using the Cultural Revolution as its or part of its background. For someone like me who doesn't usually comment on the articles published on HXWZ (in fact, I have
never done this before), your novel certainly caught my emotion, particularly the first few chapters.

It is a well-done piece of work and I look forward to seeing it on the market in the near future. I am sure that it will be a very popular book.


A Reader.


On Wed, 14 May 1997, Qisu Zou wrote:

Dr. Mr. Li,

I am deeply attracted by your novel, I think it is the first one about the Cultural Revolution to have such a grand scale, realistic description, lively characters, and description of the emotions of the people involved.

I have some commments on some details:

(1) In the paragranph about professor Gao, it says that Liu was his Ph.D student. At that time, Chinese Universities did not have Ph.D or Masters degree. Only graduate student.

(2) In the speech of Shao Ming during the event of broadcasting station in the University, she mentioned "Plaque's Spring", which occured in 1968, and could not have been known at 1966.

(3) To my knowledge, The antithetical doublet "father and son" was first heard publically when Peng Xiaomun of Bei da Fu Jong made a speech in the debat meeting in Beida on 7/25/66 and 7/26/? (I was present at the debat), it seemed that the doublet first appered in Bei Da Fu Jong.

(4) The novel mentioned the meeting in the People's Great Hall on activists of cultural revolution. I think it worth to describe a scene in the meeting, at the end of the meeting, Mao came out from the back and caused a sensation in the attandance and Liu Shaoqi was very scared and backing up. Zhou was working together with Mao.


Date: Thu, 15 May 1997 16:59:58 -0400 (EDT)
From: Xian Yuan Li
To: Qisu Zou
Cc: Ming Yang Xu , cu508@torfree.net
Subject: Re: novel

Zou Qisu:

I feel greatly benefitial from your comments. For a communication comfort, I am attaching a Chinese file as my reply. Also, I Cc to HXWZ's editor Xu Ming Yang for keeping him advised on your valuable feedback.

Wish to get more from you.

Many thanks!

Li Xian Yuan


Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 08:25:52 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Xiao-Ping Li
Subject: Thank you very much!!

Dear Mr. Li,

Thank you very much for writing a very interesting, but may be
as memorial noval for our past history.

Best regards

Xiao-Ping Li


On Sun, 18 May 1997 XiaZhang@aol.com wrote:

Dear Mr. Li,

Your novel is the best I have ever seen for Cultral Revelution. The best is
your ability to describ everything so smoothly and plainly and so vividly at
same time.

I have some suggestions. In a few chapters, you add a few sections (only
very little) of "comments by the auther". Those failed really badly. It
reminded me that I was reading a novel, and everything I was reading is just
one view from one auther, may or may not be the true. I believe without
those I will be more deeply sucked into the the story. Similarly, sections
commenting from people of current time caused same problem. I suggest to
remove all those sections and make the whole novel reads like from that time.
(This still allows you to add some analysis, but try to make it not obvious
that it is hind-sight). Maybe due to sections that were cut off, the later
chapters seemed wrote not as good as the earlier ones. For examples, even
these chapters described the story well, they lacks some good describtions of character's thinking and emotions.

Again, I congratulate you for your great work. I would like to see it
further polished and published soon. I am looking forward to reading the
full version as early as possible.


Xia Zhang


Date: Mon, 19 May 1997 01:22:17 -0400 (EDT)
From: Xian Yuan Li
To: XiaZhang@aol.com
Cc: Jianhua Wang
Subject: Re: your novel

Xia Zhang:

Thank you for your valuable suggestion worth serious consideration.
I'll appreciate your specifying those bad commentary sections, as I am
quite aware of too many (not "very little") comments in my work according to normal standard. As a matter of fact, I am anxiously to see to which degree readers would tolerate them. You are the first person who has raised the issue I most concern. I wish, after reading all chapters, you could advise me which sections must go, which of them I may still maintain without big harm.

Thank you again for your comments.

Li Xian Yuan


Date: Mon, 19 May 1997 2144 -0700
From: Jianhua Wang
To: Xian Yuan Li
Subject: Re: your novel (fwd)

Dear Mr Li:

I just got your message and thank you for your paying attention to my
comment on .

I am sorry that my reply is written in English since I am very busy in
my work in a company and besides, a math journal is urging me to finish
one of my manuscripts to be submitted as soon as possible.

I am going to write a detail comment in chinese to you next week. Here,
I'd like to simply talk about the comment provided as above.

I disagree Mr Zhang's opinion that in some chapters you wrote too more
words that were used in Cutural Revolution or you applied the thinking
or feeling in that time. This, I think, is just your good and
peculiar feature compared with other novels describing CR. This is just
one of my viewpoint left in my letter to . Just for this
reason, your novel has the value to research for the history of CR in
the current and future ages. In this case, people who are studying CR can use the content of your novel as a raw material(objective).

I pointed out in my letter a famous novel entitled "Sishuiweinan",
"Baofengyuqian" and "Dabo" by Li jiren who just used the thinking and
language in that time to depict the large situation in Sichuan, Chengdu
during the last twenty years of Qing Dynasty won its great value for
people studying that history in Chinese modern novels.

Your novel has a very tightknit plot, and as a result it is quite
attractive. Of course, this is just because you take the truth of life
into your novel. CR itself was a very gorgeous and startling play.
Some authors coined the story and thought that it could attract readers.
Instead, as they were false, they are not beautiful and want
the strength of a profound impression.

Basicaly, I feel that the development after the eighth chapter is normal
and natural. But I didn't think that you would choose "Hongqi tuan" as
a sample of the rebeling Red Guard organizations in high schools. Because
as I know, in general, these children of Army's cadres always joined into
and standed the conservative organizations that is no wonder. Just these
so-called "Zhentong" Red Guards committed a lot of sins to chinese
people. In fact, they should take part in "Dazhong Bing", a governmental
Red Guard organization in your novel. Maybe, this was an exception in
Wuxi(I guess that "Xi" city means Wuxi). However, it is not a typical
sample of comman rebeling Red Guard organizations in high schools.
Therefore, it is easy to let readers misunderstand the history of CR.

In our city, basically the situation of earlier CR was controled by the
undergraduates from more than ten Univs and colleges. The spear-head of
Red Guards of these undergraduates directed to the local government
rather than the low-level people. This was just an important difference
between the rebels and conservatives. Your novel reflects such the simple
and well-known in CR time fact, which is valuable if we compare it with
a number of novels describing CR. This is just that I gave a bad credit
to the novel by Zhangyong and the picture scripted
by Guhua and directed by Xiejing.

Finally, let me talk about some other opinions for your novel. I feel
some characters are not impressive to readers(In this point, I somewhat
agree Mr Zhang's opinion). Their personals and features may probably be
deepen, especially e.g. a lovely girl, Xiaoyan Wang, her life, her
affection. This character is impressive in the earlier eight chapters
but afterward she becomes plainful. So far(Ninteenth chapter), the most
succeesful character is the rebeling leader of workers, Qidaxiong. But
his lover, Lingyi almost disappears. The lady is also another succeesful
character. The yong girl, Shishuxing, I think, was wrongly placed in the
organization consisting of the children of Army's cadres although her
feature is striking. I take liberty to suggest that you strengthen
Wuyao's feature. By him, you can explore a pretty insight within the
governmental officers. The describing cadres' activities in CR is just
a piece of white paper. Hold on it!

As to language, I think that this is the short of your novel. A
masterpiece of novel is always good at its language and dialogue. Maybe,
this is a base of writing as an excellent novelist. Do you consider to
add some vivid dialects(a small amount enough) in your modification of
the novel and appropriately cut off some superluous sentences extracted
from the editorials of the newspapers in CR although they are very
precious for readers to understand the roles' behaviors? By the way, I
also wish you to add some necessary custom depicting for Xi city. For,
it will enhance the infectious power and reality to readers.

Your masterpiece not only lets me recall the real life in CR but also
has me recall the life when I was employed in a geology institute at
Nanjing during 1975-1978. During that period, I frequently went to Wuxi
and her beautiful landscape was impressive in my heart. After reading
your book, I found that such a good place was in a terrible storm.

Good luck.

Yu Ren

Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 10:52:00 -0600 (MDT)
From: Qisu Zou
To: cu508@torfree.net
Subject: novel


Dear Mr. Li,

I have finished the reading of the novel, and have some more thoughts. Thank you for the wonderful novel.

Qisu Zou

(1) In chap. 22, it says: "Huo Xian Liang Xiang", "this form seems to mimic the most antirevolution, the most reactional form of the wast", it sounds unreasonable from any point of stand.

(2) In chap. 27, the author appeared in the novel as a witness in the scene of the execution of Ma Jun. It is inconsistent with the style of the novel. It is better to keep it as a novel. You can use a person in the novel to describe the feeling.

(3) Near the end of the Cultural Revolution, there is also a wave of thought to criticize the whole principal and practice of the Cultural Revolution. A typical example is the big character poster by Li Yi Zhe, "Socialist Democracy and Law System", which reflected deeper thinking. I feel the novel can mention the trend and development in this direction.

(4) Although the rebels had been persecuted almost through out the cultural revolution, but as a result of their fight, the attitude of communist officials towards the mass had been softened greatly after the Cultural Revolution, and the absolute control of the communist party over the people had been shattered. Do you think it is worthwhile to point it out in the novel?

(5) The novel also mentioned the movement to purge the "5.16 elements". This was a wide-spread persecution, but it has been quite mysterious. Can the novel provide more background and more stories related to the characters in the novel?

(6) Do you believe that Chairman Mao really wanted to give the people some means to expose the dark aspects of the society? Did he care about the people's rights to criticize the officials?
The novel seems to think so. But I don't think so, because Almost anyone who posted to criticize Mao, Lin Bio, Zhou Enlai, members of the Cultural Revolution Group or any member of the "Proletarian Headquarter" was persecuted, treated as counter-revolutionary.

Of course, it is very difficult to guess Mao's real thought, but we can let facts speak.
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旧 May 14th, 2010, 17:39     #6
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默认 你不是指责别人凡事妄断尔辈的动机吗?却硬加我推销小说之动机。

作者: 宋祖德 查看帖子

小说可以有真实性, 对历史的描写, 比如你不能说红卫兵用电脑打游戏, 他只能用旧试电话机.


因此, witty先生要清楚, 在这里是想推销小说, 还是想讨论历史事实.

witty 当前离线  
旧 May 14th, 2010, 17:42     #7
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作者: 宋祖德 查看帖子
"From: Hubert Gu
To: Xian Yuan Li
Subject: Good Job
Hi, Mr. Li.
As a youngster, I experienced that crazy period of time. I love your novel. I gu...
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旧 May 14th, 2010, 17:57     #8
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作者: GOOODGUY 查看帖子
大腕一致肯定????大腕都是谁? 你如何定义“大腕”?


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旧 May 14th, 2010, 18:36     #9
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作者: GOOODGUY 查看帖子
也许他经历过,但是他当时有几岁? 生在1970年的人,也可以说他经历了, 退一步说即使某人经历了某事,也不一定看得到该事情的本质,也许他看到的只不过是一些皮毛的表现,甚至假象! 被人欺骗了,还跑出来替人证明的事历史上还少吗?

yours is the one which the most ...


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旧 May 14th, 2010, 18:47     #10
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作者: 宋祖德 查看帖子
也希望你能具体反驳我说的不对的地方, 不反驳的话就说明你默认了


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旧 May 14th, 2010, 19:09     #11
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默认 我强调的“似曾相识”跟你说的“似曾相识”是同一含意么?

作者: GOOODGUY 查看帖子
“尔等”什么意思你不会不知道,你用这个词说明了你心里有点“急”了,呵呵。 告诉你,你不必要用“尔等”,因为不存在你所幻想的“尔等”,每个人都只是自己的看法而已。

那句话是我举例,叫做例证,用来证明一种“可能性”, 不是说我肯定那个人是生于那年。 “例证”是逻辑方法你不会不懂吧,



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旧 May 14th, 2010, 19:29     #12
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默认 偶弹一小指而已,不必夸大其词。

作者: GOOODGUY 查看帖子
1. 你以前不是整天追在我后面要跟我辩论吗? 你不是口口声声说你驳得我体无完肤吗?现在怎么嫌别人是小卒? 呵呵, 其实你也不必要用什么“无耻无赖小卒”这些词给自己壮威,那些字眼只会折射你内心的虚弱,和逻辑上的无助。

2. 按照老毛的实事求是观点,你应该老老实实回答我上面的问题...
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旧 May 14th, 2010, 19:38     #13
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作者: President2004 查看帖子


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旧 May 14th, 2010, 20:02     #14
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默认 你谈这些太早了——复President2004


您用最简单的逻辑想想看,如果Email可以的话,我为什么不能直接和您PM 联系呢?




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旧 May 14th, 2010, 20:36     #15
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默认 你我对起码做人道理的理解有本质区别

作者: President2004 查看帖子
再告诉您一个做人的常识,我PM 你的文字(PM == personal message),未经过我个人同意,你是不能公开发表的。别一把年纪了,起码的做人道理都不懂。

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