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旧 Nov 14th, 2004, 13:53     #1
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I am in the 8-month teacher education program.
I know that in this program there are at least 20-30% 第一代移民, but Chinese are less than 2%. 做中小学老师这主意不错, more and more Chinese should try your luck.

This program is 感觉挺难的. 11 courses in two terms plus one practicum each term. But if you work hard, there is no problem for you to pass the courses. The practicum is the hardest one for you need to get your teacher mentor in a high school to evaluate your ability to be a teacher according to your teaching in his/her class.

I heard that one Chinese graduated from this program had found a job in a Secondary School. I am sorry that I can not tell you more about this program for I have not graduated from this program. I am still working hard in order to pass this program. I will update my status once I pass this program.
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旧 Nov 14th, 2004, 15:41     #2
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Different university has different requirement. TOEFL 237(580), TWE 4.5 is the lowest requirement. Some universities require TOEFL 250(600), TWE 6.0 and also TSE. So if you want to apply for the teacher education program, you may go to website http://www.oct.ca, there is a list of TEACHER EDUCATION AT ONTARIO'S FACULTIES OF EDUCATION. Go to the universtiy website to see the detail requirment. You need go to website http://www.ouac.on.ca/teas/ to apply. Good luck. Deadline is Dec. 1, so hurry up. You could take TOEFL later by telling the university that you will submit the score later. You need transcripts sent from your university also.
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旧 Nov 14th, 2004, 15:47     #3
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For experience, if you have teaching experience, it would be easier for you to get the admission. Anything related to coaching and teaching would be fine, such as camp/sports coach, tutor, volunteer in school or trainer etc. The average grade in your university transcript is also important. Some school justs rank the applicants by using the average grade.
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旧 Nov 18th, 2004, 16:35     #4
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作者: cooler
mark 一下,我LP也在上,天天2点呀,而且4个实习呀。
I am better, sometimes 12点, 2个实习. I am trying to do my best.
For courses, there is no problem. But for 实习, I am not sure. I have taught 5 lessons so far, the feedback is good. With good preparation, I could teach well. But I know my English is not very good, so I am still worry one day I may fail.
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旧 Sep 1st, 2005, 13:58     #5
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默认 Cooler how about your wife? I got an offer, part time Long term occasional teacher

Hi, I survived from the teacher education program and got an offer, part time long term occasional teacher. I registered last September, graduated from the teacher education program (8 months) this April, received the Certificate of Qualification this June and got the offer this August.
Good luck, everyone.
haha4 当前离线  
旧 Sep 6th, 2005, 17:29     #6
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默认 I am teaching Secondary School Science

My teachable subjects are Intermediate/Senior Mathematics and Science. I am the only Asian teacher at that school. I know two immigrants found their full time teacher postions in Missisaga and North York respectively. One is Russian. Another one is from Asia. They just graduated from the teacher education program also. Their teachable subjects are same as mine.
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旧 Sep 7th, 2005, 19:38     #7
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默认 rong170, it is better to apply for secondary school teacher

In Ontario, they have too many elementary teachers and it hard to find a postion as an elementary teacher. Your teachable subjects can be mathematics and computer science. You may go to the website I posted before to check if you are eligible for those subjects.
Each year the deadline for next year's teacher education program is Nov. 31.
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旧 Sep 9th, 2005, 18:34     #8
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默认 University of Ottawa, OUIT and Queen's University have lower requirment

University of Ottawa, OUIT and Queen's University have lower requirment on TOEFL score but University of Winsor may be easier to get admission. If you can go to USA, you can pay less money for the teacher education program there and I heard it is easier to get admission.
Good luck.
haha4 当前离线  
旧 Sep 11th, 2005, 19:45     #9
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默认 Hi, tangdan, Winsor is in Ontario.

so there is no problem for you if you graduate from University of Winsor.
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旧 Sep 11th, 2005, 19:54     #10
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默认 Hi, there is another way that new immigrant can try.

New immigrants may try these ways
(1) The private school does not require teacher certificate.
(2) Educational assistant position does not require teacher certificate. The pay is $17.00 per hour.
(3) Internatinal language instructor. The pay is $21-24 per hour.
Position (2) and (3), you can apply to Toronto, York, Peel region school board directly. The websites for teaching position are:


Good luck.
haha4 当前离线  
旧 Sep 14th, 2005, 20:55     #11
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haha4 is an unknown quantity at this point
Smile tangdan, you are welcome. good luck.

格林威治 I like your sentence: 你问一下伍冰枝:难民的孩子能当加拿大总督么?
Nothing is impossible.
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit." - Aristotle
" I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it." -Stephen Leacock.
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旧 Jan 19th, 2006, 17:13     #12
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默认 you need a bachelor degree in order to register the teacher eduction program

you need a bachelor degree in order to register the teacher eduction program but I do know that some elder teachers do not have a bachelor degree. You may go to website to read all the information regarding becoming a teacher www.oct.ca.
haha4 当前离线  
旧 Feb 10th, 2006, 23:02     #13
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默认 rong sorry for the late reply

For the interview, try to dress professionally. Prepare several stories that can describe your personality, if you are a teacher, prepare several stories regarding classroom management, motive students, what you have done for multi-level students in your class; how you deal with the confliction with students, what is your teaching philosophy etc.
I have attended one interview; one part is you need to write a solution for a scenery in a class, another part is an interview. Questions are something like why you want to be a teacher, what kind of expertise or experience you have that will help you to be a good teacher.....
I failed that interview. I got the admission from the university without an interview.
Remember: Be yourself. You are the best.
Good luck.
haha4 当前离线  
旧 Feb 10th, 2006, 23:07     #14
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默认 lilly

I was a teacher at a university before.
After finishing the teacher education program, you do not need to take any test unless somebody doubts your English proficiency. Before you attend the teacher education program, you need to take an English test, TOFEL or IELTS for the admission.

"Hi haha4,
I am very interested in being a Intermediate/Senior Mathematics and Science teacher too. Were you a teacher before? After finished the teacher education program, whether did you need to pass a english test cetified by OCT to get the Certificate of Qualification? (like TOFEL, IELTS, MELAB, etc.)
Thx in advance."
haha4 当前离线  
旧 Mar 16th, 2006, 21:03     #15
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默认 an information session for teaching in Ontario 如何成为一名安省教师及成功经验分享

Hi, treeleafheart
There is an information session for teaching in Ontario which may be helpful. I just saw it on the website: www.51.ca.

(1) "the happy-ending track of being a certified high school teacher is too hard for a Chinese and take too long to get started, three or even more years, from application for the one year program to landing a full-time permanent teaching position. "

It is true. There is no 100% guarantee for any careers. This is my first year teaching. I am a full time LTO (Long term occassional) teacher for this semester (Feb-Jun), which is quite lucky. I do not know when I can become a full-time permanent teacher but I do not care. I just do my best.

You have very strong background in education. If you can get a teacher certificate from China, you don't need to go through the one year(8-month) teacher eduction program. You can apply the teacher certificate directly. What you need to do is pass some exams. You can get all information from the website: www.oct.ca.

(2) "the adminssion rate of the one year teaching program is only 20%" is true. "some people will fail mid-way", less than 3% will fail in the teacher education program.

(3) "What I am concerned is, if I work hard for it, what is the success rate for me." If you love teaching and can support yourself for the first couple years or if you do not care to go to the north part of Ontario where they need teachers (you may find a teaching position right after you get the certificate and they pay very well), you will be fine.

Good luck.

Information Session For Teaching in Ontario

Two Experienced Toronto Teachers will share their experiences

Ø Ontario school system安省教育体制介绍;
Ø Teaching a variety of age groups对待不同年龄层的学生如何因才施教;
Ø Students, Parents, Fellow Teachers: A Reality Check;
Ø Challenges, responsibilities, and rewards作为老师的挑战,职责及回报;
Ø How to become accredited as a teacher in Ontario;
Where to get the training to become a teacher in Ontario
Ø How to handle your job search and look for opportunities

3月22日, 星期三,晚6:30 - 8:30

地点:活贤社移民服务部 815 Danforth Ave.Suite202
(位于Donlands 和 Pape 地铁站之间)
查询请致电:416-462-3110 分机2163,2164

All Newcomers MUST present their IMMIGRATION document.
作者: treeleafheart
Hi haha4,

I have been following this thread for months and still unable to make up my mind whether to take this track among other options. As a new comer in Toronto, there are several possible career paths I can choose. Some are easy to start but probably lead me to nowhere, and some are difficult to start, but will be very rewarding in the end if everything goes well.

Many people told me that the happy-ending track of being a certified high school teacher is too hard for a Chinese and take too long to get started, three or even more years, from application for the one year program to landing a full-time permanent teaching position. What I am concerned is, if I work hard for it, what is the success rate for me. It would be appreciated if you, as an insider, could kindly provide some rough estimation on my case. Below is my background in breif.

I scored 7 in IELTS G test, and I am confident that my English test scores will be okay after some preparation. My background in education is strong. I had been a full time computer teacher for three years in a big international high school in China with English as the sole language of instruction. I also instructed IB(International Baccalaureate) IT courses for three years. Most of my students were native English speakers. I was quite comfortable confronting them in classroom. Currently I am doing a parttime teaching job in a non-profit organization.

With a B Sc. degree from a certified university in China, I would be comfortable teaching Science (IT/Computer, Physics, Biology) and Maths here. I am male and quite tall even among natives.

I am wondering, with my background and English proficiency, what is my chance of going through the whole process successfully. I saw the adminssion rate of the one year teaching problem is only 20% and some people will fail mid-way.

Thank you for your time in advance. Any input will be appreciated.
haha4 当前离线  
旧 Mar 19th, 2006, 19:08     #16
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默认 treeleafheart, you can call oct or walk in to see if you can apply directly.

You can call oct or walk in to see if you can apply the teacher certificate directly. BTW I do not think you have any problem to be admitted to the teacher education program. If you are young and aggressive, you may try other careers.
Teachers' starting salary with bachelor degree is around $40,000. After 10 years' teaching, the salary will be around $75,000. That's it unless you apply to be a vice-principle, principle.
If you or any others can show up at that information session, I really appreciate it if you can post some info from that information session. I won't be able to attend it.
Thanks in advance.
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旧 Mar 24th, 2006, 18:21     #17
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默认 treeleafheart, thank you very much for your sharing.

May I know if the two retired teachers mentioned how manychinese teachers they knew who succeeded in teaching career or left teaching position after they got the certificate (or the rate of it)?
Sometimes, there are positions not only teaching positions but also support staff positions(such as programmer) posted on the school websites:
They are the school boards in or near Toronto.
You may keep your eyes on them.
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旧 Mar 25th, 2006, 21:20     #18
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默认 treeleafheart, thank you very much for your valuable message.


Thank you very much for your valuable message. I am female and majored in Physics. I have enough courses from my undergraduate study for Science (Physics) and Mathematics. If one wants to teach Intermediate/Senior level, he/she needs to have two teachable subjects.

My understanding is if one majored in engineering (civil, electrical, mechanical, computer science) or science (physics, chemistry, or bio...), he/she should be ok for the requirements of the two teachable subjects unless he/she majored in mathematics.

Even if someone only has one teachable subject, he/she still can apply for the Junior/Intermediate level which requires only one subject but I don't recommend this, it is hard to find a job at this level.

There are special requiremnts for becoming a technology teacher. For becoming a technology teacher (commnications technology, hospitality, construction, manufactoring), one will be qualified if one has more than 5 years wage-earning experience in that field and there is no or less requirements on the courses.

Different university may see your background differently. I applied the teacher education program in the 4th month after I landed here. Almost everyone told me it was hard to get the admission/to graduate/to find a job after graduation. After I graduated and became an LTO teacher, one of my friends told me you were too brave. His wife did not try because she tought it was impossible to get the admission. His wife majored in Physics too; her TOEFL score is higher than mine. Sometimes just do whatever you want, try your luck.

I was too lucky so far. I need to improve my English. I do not know how far I can go but I will do my best. I hope I can suceed and motive more new immigrants to overcome the culture and language barriers, do whatever you want, never give up.

此帖于 Mar 25th, 2006 21:33 被 haha4 编辑。
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旧 Mar 25th, 2006, 22:11     #19
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默认 some advices to all who want to be a teacher

Infor from treeleafheart
"1. There is no shortage of public school teachers at present. "
It is true for not only teacher career but also many other careers in Canada, but there is still somebody find a job in those careers. 50% unemployment rate does not mean you can not find a job. 1% unemployment rate does not mean you definitely can have a job.

"4. The one year program might be extended to two years."
If this is the case, apply the program as soon as possible.

"6. Student abuse of teachers can not be avoided, can only be dealt with."
It is true. You need to be strong inside.

"8. Applicants without strong education in corresponding subjects are not accepted in the one year program. (This is why I mention multi-degree is necessary in my last post.)"

At the INTERMEDIATE/SENIOR division, the first teaching subject must consist of at least six (6) one-term courses in a given subject and at most four (4) one-term courses in a related subject.
The second teaching subject must consist of four (4) one-term courses in the given subject only (related subject courses are not accepted).

I count the courses in my undergraduate study: the first teaching subject- phsyics 6 one-term courses in physics, 4 one-term courses in a related subject (labs, practicum etc); the second teaching subject - mathematics one course 4 terms, I count it as 4 one-term courses.

I do not think it is hard to meet the requirements of courses.
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旧 Mar 26th, 2006, 18:45     #20
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默认 treeleafheart, thanks. Good luck.

Thanks. Good luck.
Do whatever you want especially in Canada. After tax, there are less differences among different careers. Never regret. Never give up.
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