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旧 Oct 10th, 2004, 15:50     #1
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================= 根据我的个人经验,申请电脑第二学位的大致程序是:

1、参加托福考试,如果想申请好大学还要考TWE/TSE 。
--滑铁卢大学CS:580,TWE、TSE REQUIRED (推荐参加她的数学竞赛,对申请很有帮助)
--多伦多大学CS:600,TWE 5
--Queen's CS: 580
1)写EMAIL向OUAC索要申请表格(如果在加拿大,可以附近的大学里拿到申请表格;也可以通过OUAC的网站On Line Apply);

================= 需要的重要文件:



================= 我的申请过程:我一共给4所大学寄了申请材料:

......大学成绩单 大学课程描述 第二学位申请信 高中成绩单
QUEEN'S ....Y..........Y...........N...........N
(Y 寄了, N 没寄)

只有多大要一封信说明为什么你不申请SPECIAL STUDENT而要申请第二学位。

MCMASTER 连课程描述都不要。





等你收到各个大学寄来的DOCUMENT REQUEST LETTER, 里面会有详细的说明, 有不明白的地方可以在这儿发帖子,也可以打电话到学校去问。


================= 申请的一些心得体会

U OF T :

-- St. George Campus 不允许第二学位的学生申请12~16个月的INTERSHIP。
-- Missisauga Campus 2001 秋季入学的学生还可以申请3年制的本科学位, 其它2个Campus则只有4年制本科学位了。
-- 申请 St. George Campus ,入学后也可申请Scarborough Campus 的 COOP ,不过要有至少一半的课程需在此分部修完。
-- 最多只能转5个学分。


-- 最多可转7~10个学分

================= 一些有用的站点:

http://www.chinasmile.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=23 强烈推荐!

http://www.is-4u.net/ 以多伦多为主
http://www.sinoquebec.com/ 大量关于QUEBEC/MONTREAL的资讯

大学排名 in Maclean's magazine:

1999 :
2000 :
WATERLOO、University of Toronto、Queen’S RANKING:

North American Undergraduate Electrical Engineering Programs Canada & U.S.

The Gourman Report, Canadian Undergraduate Programs, 10th Edition 1998:


加拿大大学联合会 http://www.aucc.ca/en/index.html

Canada student loans program

安省学生贷款 http://osap.gov.on.ca/

安省大学申请中心 http://www.ouac.on.ca/








4)关于" 加拿大安省学生贷款申请" 的相关问题问答

此帖于 Oct 10th, 2004 15:56 被 ChinaSmileJoe 编辑。
帅哥 ChinaSmileJoe 当前离线  
旧 Oct 10th, 2004, 23:26   只看该作者   #2
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-- St. George Campus 不允许第二学位的学生申请12~16个月的INTERSHIP。

This has been removed.
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旧 Oct 10th, 2004, 23:31   只看该作者   #3
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CSSD will become famous soon enough

作者: g4indigo
-- St. George Campus 不允许第二学位的学生申请12~16个月的INTERSHIP。

This has been removed.
现在允许第二学位的学生申请了 ?

谢谢 !

CS-"We pretend to be science."
CSSD 当前离线  
旧 Oct 11th, 2004, 00:03   只看该作者   #4
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talen is an unknown quantity at this point

waterloo 不准许申请CS二学位,我打电话问过
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旧 Oct 30th, 2004, 14:02   只看该作者   #5
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Thumbs up bigforest的college的入学考试经验




比如seneca的会计,国际贸易,digital media,3D Game。前三者基本要求是高中毕业生,而3D Game是postgraduate的,基本要是:要求先有美术方面的diploma。

前三者和3D Game的要求起点不一样,考试类型不一样是可以理解的。但是digital media的英语考试较奇怪,它并不象是针对高中起点的考生,英语题目数量多一倍,但是时间限定是一样,难度加大,很多题目做不完。原来,digital media的英语入学考试和3D Game等一样,是postgraduate的考试难度。因为digital media是oversubscirbtion的,即申请的人超过其录取人数,于是提高了难度。

而大家平时说的考数学,digital media和3D Game,都不要求考。我想是因为这两专业和数学关系不大;相反,两个专业都要求考手工画画(digital media的另一个专业不考画画,但是据说考一些视频软件的使用,如photoshop什么的,请知情的朋友补充这里)。



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旧 Nov 14th, 2004, 11:32   只看该作者   #6
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Smile UTKID帖子精选 -- 供申请多大电脑第二学位的网友参考

目录:---- UTKID简介 ---- 选课、学习 ---- 多大介绍、申请 ---- 转学分


“I landed in Vancouver and took TOEFL there. And moved to Toronto 8 months later. Now I happen to be studying computer science at University of Toronto. And I'm on student loan. I guess my experience might be interesting to some of you. I'd be happy to share it.”

“I m a new guy , too 。I entered U of T last Sept. I belong to the last group of students who can apply for major program only. Hopefully I will be able to finish the program before Summer 2002.”


UTKID:You don't need a text book for 108, and 148. Any Java book will do. Different professor prefers different books. You can get the 238 notes from the book store for $13. There's no need to study it earlier. I don't about 258. They gave me the transfer credit for it.

UTKID:No need to re-study 137. Just take 223 (Linear Algebra I) and 224(II)(recomanded), or 237 (Multivariable calculus). STA107 is an easy course, which gives you lots of fun and confidence and a very good mark(I got 99 of it). I enjoyed it so much. Professor Brenner is the best and most humourous teacher I have ever seen. Nearly each of his class ends with applause. But I never heard any one have got the transfer credit for it, although we all learned probability in China. But you can take STA257 directly, which surfices all your later prerequisite for STAS.

UTKID:You will have to apply for the programs after taking some courses. In your case, you will have to take one of following groups first, MAT224/MAT237/CSC270,CSC258,CSC238. As you will be one of the first second-degree students who will enter the Hounered degree program directly, things might be different. Check out the website of the department. But you can take most courses without enrolling in any program.

UTKID:By the way, did they give you credits for CSC 108 and CSC 148? (These 2 course are about Java and basic programming skills). If so, you better start to work on C and C++ as early as possible. You will need them immidiately in CSC 270 after starting your study if you want to graduate earlier.

UTKID:Usually they will give you CSC108 if you have learned something about computer. If so, you will have to study some Java by yourself before you take CSC148. In that case, although you can take 108, it can only be an extra credit, which won't be counted as a credit towards degree. But most students with poor computer background choose this way. But if you have confidence in your programming skills, you can definitely skip 108 for it's too easy.

UTKID:I majored in mechanical engineering. I know little about oop(object oriented programming), Java, C and C++. But they gave me CSC108, 148, 258 probabaly because they thought I was a good BASIC, FORTRAN and PASCAL programmer. I took the CS270 directly and had little trouble with it.

How's you programming skills?

“Some about my programming skills:

1.In university , I only took a True BASIC course and other course which gave a general introduction to computer.

2.But I learned Foxbase and Foxpro myself and spent two years in programming a database for Logistic Depratment of my University with the help of from my computer teachers. I think that was a good experience to improve my programming skills , 'cause I mastered most of intermeidiate and many of advanced functions of Foxbase and gained many practical programming skills.

3.I learned Turbo C 2.0 in year-4 in university , the textbook is compiled by Tsinghua Univ. I did all excercises but no practical experience in real programs.

4.After graduation ,I learned PASCAL for two weeks for National Self-taught Test and passed it.
That is all ! So you see , I do have some programming experiences or skills , but they are all old . Of course , the basic knowledge is still useful .

I know nothing about OOP,Java,Fortran and C++ ,so as you said , I should begin to learn them ASAP.”

Cat,your CS background is much stronger than I thought. So you won't have any problem if you skip 108 and 148 and start from 270 directly in Summer. Try to finish CSC270, 238 and 258 first coz they are the gates to nearly all successive courses. Then you will be able to finish the major program within 1.5 years. Most courses after 270 will be using C and C++ under UNIX system. So don't spend too much time on Java, which you can learn by yourself after you have confidence in C and C++. Check out the textbooks on the corresponding course websites.
You can find the textbook lists there. The book of C written by King is excellent, acually the best in my opinion. You can get all testbooks at U of T book store(214 College St.)
Did they ask you to see the professors? Maybe they will give you the credits directly.

---- 我想你不可能在2年内拿到HOHOR DEGREE。。。
I don't think you can finish an honoured degree in U of T within 2 years either coz you will need 15 more credits to graduate. You will have to spend at least 2 and a half year even you take courses in summers. In fact, 3 years would be more realistic.
Nevertheless, an honoured degree is composed of 2 programs, one major and one minor. You can definitely finish the major program of CS(8 credits) within 2 years or even less than that. And then you got the transcript and you can start your hunting for IT jobs. You have many choices for a minor programs, such as economics, information system, mathematics, statistics, software engineering, comprehesive, physics... All courses other than those of CS won't be quite demanding. So you can part-time study and full time work. It's practical coz many students do it. Then when you finally graduate you will have 3 important things for an immigrant: Canadian working experience, local degree, Canadian passport. That's the time you head south to Boston, New York city...... I heard you need a degree in CS to get the working visa.
阿童木 当前离线  
旧 Nov 14th, 2004, 11:34   只看该作者   #7
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---- 多大CS简介:
1.What do you think of CS in U of T ? Excellent or just so so.
2.Is your study load heavy ?
3.Does professors like to give low marks?
4.Is it difficult to apply for COOP program in Scarborough Campus? I applied for CS in St. George .
5.How many students can get COOP? About 50% or 20% or even less?
6.What do you think of COOP and PEY?
7.What do you think of On-Campus Residence? Is it helpful to improving English?
8.How many transfer credits did you get when you were admitted to U of T?
9.How much loan did you get for each year ? OSAP or Federal Loan?

1,excellent. But don't get your hopes too high. It largely depends on youself whether you can learn something there or not. In fact, there's no big difference of educational quality between any undergraduate programs of any Canadian universities. What makes the difference is graduate studies. But in U of T you got more resources and opportunities. You will soon get to know what I mean.

2,There's no time limit to finish a degree in U of T. You can study on your own pace. Some guys finished it within 1 years, which means they slept for less than 5 hours on average a day. Usually it takes 2 years for full time study. More popularly, you may also study for a year then start to look for a job(you got a good chance as a u of t student). Once you get it, you can either interupt your study and come back whenever you like or full-time work while part-time study.

3, some pros don't balance the marks for a lower average. It's easy to avoid them as you have large freedom and many choices to arrange your schedule. The average for a typical upper-year CSC course is about 63 to 65(you pass it at 50 not 60). But you can easily earn higher grades in first or second year courses. You need an total average GPA 2.0 (above 60)to continue your CS program. By the way, U of T does kick out people. But only those rich kids fooling around everyday, not us. Usually they give you a second chance to make up when you screw up.

4, I have no idea about Scarborough Campus.

5, you got no chance to co-op as a second degree student in U of T. But, as I said, you can co-op by yourself. Don't forget you are in Toronto.

6,No idea.

7,expensive, lousy food, noisy, long waiting list(at least half a year). forget it. And you had to look for chance to pratice English by yourself even in a campus residence. So why bother? By the way, there are thousands of student organizations in U of T. Join one.

8, Every second degree student will receive 5 transfer credits. No exception. But what couses will be transfered depends on your background.

9,I got $9,000 a school year(from Sep to May)for a single student. Federal loan makes 60% of OSAP.You v got to submit another application if you r gonna take courses in Summer.

---- UTKID:3年制本科取消!
Something important !
Starting from the 2001 school year, there will be only 4-year (hounered) undergraduate degree program available at U of T. So you will have to spend 3 years on it even after you get the transfer credits for the first year courses. Chinese immigrants usually take the 3-year degree program which only requires you to finish the major program of CS, so we can finish it within 2 years. But in a 4-year program you need to finish another minor program, such as economics, mathmatics, physics etc, besides the CS major. It could be a disadvantage for you as a second degree student. So think it over. It's not too late to change your mind.

Waterloo is a good choice coz all CS students must co-op. That's the greatest advantage for an undergraduate student. Working experience is sometimes more important than the degree. So don't miss it. But, as I said, you have access to more resourses at U of T. The size, reputation, history, alumni, freedom, more choices in curriculum, student body, huge library, the city...... I mean university is more like an experience than job training. You can feel it immidiately after enter the campus. I think the best gift U of T could give you is the feeling of freedom and independence. If you can make a choice in your list of school, it should be like this:
Waterloo or U of T, Queen's, Mcmaster, Western.
Queen's U is a good school. But Kingston is too remote. Sometimes it's good as you can focus on your study there. But as an IT-professional-wanna-be, you need more information.
阿童木 当前离线  
旧 Nov 14th, 2004, 11:34   只看该作者   #8
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---- 选择多大还是QUEEN‘S呢?
As I said ,all undergraduate programs in Canadian universities are similar. No school has absolute advantage. So you need to compare some other aspects, such as reputation, resources etc. But if you do enjoy the life style in a small town, Queen's is a good choice. By the way, I also got the admission from Queen's. So far, I haven't regreted my decision to choose U of T.
It's true that U of T emphasizes theory. Some of its courses, such as Microprocessor System and Computability and Complexity are taught by professors, who are top level in the world in these fields. Of course, as an undergraduate student you won't be able to dig into it deeply. But that's what makes the difference between a university student and college student. I.e., you will have more potentiality since at least you have seen what a truely sophisticated system and theory are about.

U of T doesn't promise you a splendid future. You can graduate without learning anything seriously. That's why many U of T graduates might have much lower ability than those of a second class school. But it does provide the opportunity to access the essence of computer science to those who really want to learn something.

It's said that the program of U of T is not quite practical. But some of its courses are quite useful. And you have many choices to different directions, including software engineering, network, database management and pure math theory... But keep this in mind, they teach you to be a scientist, not just a programer.

A new huge building for information technology is being built on campus. You can see the commitment of the school to strengthen its status in high tech field.

---- 多大的英语环境:
“最近我一直为了去多大后住在那儿的头疼,到处查多大和QUEEN'S的ON CAMPUS RESIDENCE. 倒不是担心租不到房子和房租高低,而是担心找不到合适的房子,担心以后生活的语言环境.”

In a nutshell, you can't get everything you want at the same time. There's always trade-off. Pay attention to what is really important. After all you are in Canada and in fact, most people arround you speak perfect English. Of course you can get yourself an English-speaking roommate if you like their living style, such as party, pub, beer, girls, skiing, roller-blading, baseball, hucky, bingo... But I m afaid you won't have the time as a CS student and you are not 18 any more. In fact, not many white people really want to make friend with us, especially white girls. You definitely know why. But you can always see white guys going out with Asian girls. My friend Rob, a pure white guy, said he had no feeling for white girls.
Try to be realistic. Find yourself a Chinese girl friend. The knowledge of computer science and the degree are more important than English. I mean at least you have no trouble in communication. That's enough. When you begin to earn money. You have more choices, including hiring an English tutor.

---- 关于选学院
Different college has different tradition. Some colleges have more scholarships and on-campus residence, such as University College. But you have equal access to all the programs and courses within Arts & Science Faculty. In fact, it does not really matter which college you choose. But it seems that all second degree students will be automatically asigned to Woods Worth College no matter which college you choose. I picked Innis, but they finally send me to Woods Worth as they did with all my fellow Chinese new immigrant second degree students. You can fill out University College anyway.

---- 多大CS的学生….
Every Arts&Science student in U of T belongs to a college, like Woodsworth, not a department. Department is a unit for teaching only. It offers all kinds of programs and courses within its discipline, which are open to all Arts&Science students who are interested. Several hundred people enrolled in CS programs. Local white people are minority. Everyone looks like a foreigner. Most are second generation of immigrants from Ya-Fei-La(Asia-Africa-LatinAmerica). Some from Hong Kong, Korea, Taiwan, mainland China. Not too many Chinese new immigrants. I did not count the mm's. But don't get your hopes too high. Nevertheless, you are free to choose some humanity or music courses, in which you will be able to see much more pretty mm's. Good luck!

---- 选课的范围很大….
You can take any of the several thousand courses offered by Art&Science directly as long as you have the prerequisite and there is no restriction for it, not just the first year course. In fact, you have too many choices coz most courses are open to anyone, not just those who have enrolled in the coresponding program. For example, I took 2 second year courses in my first term. Students taking the same course usually come from totally different background. Here you can meet first year and fourth year students, students majoring in economics, math, phylosophy, phychology, geography, computer science, special students...... So it's a great place to get some direct info from your schoolmates. Maybe we will be taking the same course together sometime.

---- 为什么没人想上COOP?
coz everyone wants to graduate earlier 。Waterloo has integrated coop with the program. But the CS courses of U of T are so heavy that you bearly have energy to do anything else. So many tests, projects and assignments are waiting for you. If you take a program in Scarbourough, I guess, you will have to take half of your courses there. That's a big hustle. Usually St.George students won't leave downtown to take courses in Scarbourough. There are only students from Scarbourough taking courses at St. George.
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旧 Nov 14th, 2004, 11:35   只看该作者   #9
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---- 多大的设备怎么样?
“As I know , there are totally 50k students in three campus and I guess about 35k of them stay in main campus. So many live and study in a campus, did you ever have similar experience as below:
1.it is not easy to find a place to study in library ,
2.not enough computers for students in lab
3.the book you want to borrow is often unavailable,
4.the professor to whom you wanna talk is always busy, or class size is too big ?
I just wanna know as a giant university, UT has enough resoures and facility to serve its large student population ? ^.^
Did I worry too much ? ”

1, it's easy to find somewhere to study, your own college, libraries, ....
2, sometimes when several courses have asignments due on exactly the same day, it's hard to find a work station the night before that day. You can surely understand it. So start you work earlier. In fact, I seldom go to the lab. I write and compile my programs at home and use ftp and telnet to connect to the server to submit my homeworks. This way you can do nearly anything as if you were in the lab.
3, I don't know. I seldom borrow books. I have enough to do on my own works.
4, The class size might be a little bit big. But it doesn't matter. You can reach to the prof. in course newsgroup, by email, office hour. You can ask you TA. Don't worry about it.
Generally speaking, the university is not quite efficient, yet well organized. But it's your reponsibility to find out what to do and figure out how to do it. Not like in China, where you just need to go to classroom.
There's nothing to worry about.

Utkid,Wander cat,David 及其他各位大虾,请教些申请在加CS第二学位的问题,谢啦

1,I heard that someone did it. But maybe you will have to apply as an international student as you v got no social insurance number. But you should be able to change your status after landing.
2,OUAC is for universies in Ontario only and I don't know if they also process international application. You can check it out with the schools directly. The schools usually have 2 deadlines. One is for application, and the other one is for supporting document, such as TOEFL and transcript. The dealines are different from school to school.
3, Yes. But Waterloo will ask you to take a high school math contest held in each March.
4, Test of Spoken English. They usually asks 50.
I know that Waterloo and Guelph need it. UBC also needs it sometimes.
5, No big difference between those schools. But Waterloo's coop program is quite appealing. And U of T, SFU, Carlton, Ottawa... are all good at CS. Each school has its own advantages.

---- 文科背景有无希望入多大读CS?
因为国内学位为文科,一直没有信心能否进入多大。请教斑竹、UTKID,WANDERING CAT,多大等学校录取第二学位的标准是什末?像我这种文科背景,TOEFL270,有希望吗?我在大学的成绩包括高等数学不错,数学基础(当然是文科水平)还行,

It's not too hard to get admitted by U of T 。
Some of my fellow students majored in medicine, international trade even English. So don't worry.
In a sense, you even have some advantages as you have much stronger reason than us to apply for a second degree in a totally different field. The registar always wondered why I would apply for a second degree of science after getting a degree in engineering. I had to find me some special reasons to convince them that it was truely necessary for me to get the second degree.
Your GPA is ok, at least better than mine. And your TOEFL is pretty good. I can't see why U of T should refuse a brilliant student like you. You will get 5 transfer credits after admitted, no matter what. However, I'm afraid you will have to study CS courses from the beginning. But it's good for you.
By the way, you mean you were good at advanced mathematics(Calculus)? That's great. Then you will have no trouble. You can handle it very well.
Your course description is ok.
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旧 Nov 14th, 2004, 11:35   只看该作者   #10
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You can draw some reference from the U of T calendar.
Try to make it similar to the counterpart at U of T if you want to transfer some specific courses, such as Calculus, linear algebra I, probability. On the other hand, make it look different if you want to study them at U of T. They will eventually give you 5 credits even if you were major in Chinese history. So don't worry about it.

You must provide the full description for everything because you do not know what courses will be transfered. The registrar follows its own logic, not yours. They will tranfer anything if they see fit. One of my classmate got a credit for Chinese Revolutionary History while being refused a credit for FORTRAN 77. And another one got a credit for Socialism Construction. Meanwhile, some guys with similar background got credits for 3 CSC courses. It's kind of ridiculous, but it's true.

U of T usually will ask you to have interviews with professors before giving you transfer credits. Don't worry, the pros won't ask you anything serious, just some general questions. But the professor in math department will ask you to show him your old text book for caculus. If you don't have it, he might ask you to prove a simple question of calculus. I blew the question so I only got MAT135, not MAT137, which is required to enter the CS program. But it doesn't matter, you can make it up by taking MAT224 or MAT235. I took MAT224 and got an A+.

They will send you the names and telephone numbers of the prof.'s together with the notification of admission, then you make appointments with them. Don't do it in late August though, coz you won't be able to find anyone--they will all be on vacation! I did it in early September. It was a little bit late.
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旧 Nov 14th, 2004, 19:40   只看该作者   #11
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Arrow 对申请安省College有一些帮助的指南

Ontario College Guide [pdf]


College Information Program [pdf]


Application handbook[pdf]


Ontario College-University Transfer Guide


What you'll need to get into college

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旧 Jan 15th, 2005, 22:02   只看该作者   #12
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fjb is on a distinguished road
默认 请教阿童木:在中国已有一个学位,现在想再读一个是不是就是申请第二学位?

我正在申请Ryerson的Nutrition, 是不是和你申请"第二学位"一样,也要课程描述和高中成绩?
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旧 Jan 16th, 2005, 00:55   只看该作者   #13
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作者: fjb
我正在申请Ryerson的Nutrition, 是不是和你申请"第二学位"一样,也要课程描述和高中成绩?
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旧 Feb 22nd, 2005, 16:34   只看该作者   #14
jack dannel
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旧 Jun 4th, 2005, 08:25   只看该作者   #15
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ccnewlife is on a distinguished road
默认 第二学位需要多长时间?


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Post ZT 毕业了,说两句:有关滑铁卢大学 - University of Waterloo



拿滑铁卢来说,滑铁卢一般不被当作综合性大学来看待。由于没有医学院法学院什么的所以无法与多伦多大学这样的学校拼综合实力,也没有那个必要。滑铁卢的长项在于数学院,主要包括Accounting, Actuarial Science, Applied Math, Computer Science, Cobinatorics & Optimization, Math Business, Pure Math, Satistics等几个系。以本科教育而论,无论是什么学校都不能在以上领域拍胸脯保证我一定比滑铁卢强。这就够了。比如你是学电脑的,滑铁卢电脑名满天下,IT业界人人首肯就可以了,就足以为你的IT前途打下良好基础了,滑铁卢没有法学院对你有什么影响吗?行外人士知不知道滑铁卢对你的职业生涯有影响吗?名声是假的,事业和事业带来的财富才是属于你自己的。你说滑铁卢Arts不强,对啊,一点儿没错,可你要想学Arts干吗来这儿啊?没谁逼着你上滑铁卢,对不对?多伦多大学的Arts很棒,你可以去那儿读呀?如果你没有能力进更好的Arts院系,或者因为选择失误而不得不来滑铁卢,那么对不起,这是你自己的问题,滑铁卢在数学与工程界的名气也帮不了你。需要说明的是,滑铁卢工程院的学生在素质和成就上胜过数学院的学生。当初招生的时候工程院的要求就高很多。可是滑铁卢的数学太有特色了,所以名气响一些。世界上把数学单独设成院,颁发数学学士学位的学校据我所知只有三所而已,而美洲大陆上仅滑铁卢一家。

然而滑铁卢大学真正的王牌不是任何院系,是他的Co-op系统。那些连篇累牍讨论排名高低的人,还有那些眼光只盯在论文数量上的人,都是些秀才,他们的讨论对于即将展开职业生涯的学生而言是毫无意义的,除非你把自己定位在科研领域。Co-op简单的说就是半工半读吧。一个学期上课一个学期工作,上8个学期课工作6个学期。一年3个学期每个学期将近4个月,没有寒暑假(你可以给自己放假,休息个把学期,那是你自己的事情) ,一年到头连轴转,顺利的话4年零8个月本科毕业。工作由学校组织Employer来招工,能不能找到工看你自己的本事。不过你要是有两个学期没有工作,你的Co-op资格就完蛋啦,学校会把你赶出这个系统的。工作必须与本专业相关,你学工程的去刷盘子可不算的。每个学期工作结束后都要准备一份报告,报告在学校或者教授那儿通不过也不能拿学分的。一个Co-op的本科生毕业的时候就拥有两年的工作经验,而且这个经验远远胜过你在一家公司干两年。因为多数学生在6个工作学期(部分专业为4个学期)里会选择4到6个不同的职位,从而适应和体验4到6份不同的工作,收获不是固守一份工作可比的。虽然专心与一份工作可以让你更加深入,但在本科阶段,广阔的视野与多样的尝试显然更为重要。除非你认定自己一辈子的事业就是眼前的这家公司,否则死盯住一个职位连干6个学期是没有出息的做法,是没有胆量尝试改变的表现。Co-op工作是全职工作,一天8个小时,一星期5天。你可以用赚的工资补贴学费生活费。我的工资只能算学生里的平均数,也有20多块一小时,安排的好的话足够你搞定上学开销的。我在进大学后就再也没从爸妈那儿拿过一分钱,全靠自己赚钱完成本科学业,这是我迄今为止最自豪的两件事之一。




关于滑铁卢的校风,我压根儿没听过还有校训这一说。什么“严、勤、实、活” 之类的屁话在这里没听讲过。我对滑铁卢校风的总结是“务实”。非常现实的一群人聚在一起就是这个样子的。每个人有自己的爱好和规划,你做的好大家夸一声,,然后继续干自己的事情。你要做衰了,大家表示一下遗憾,你要还继续衰着,也就没人理会你了,你就完蛋了。你要是个书呆子,爱当电脑狂人,那就去吧,祝你好运,我会在适当的时候嘲笑你一下,拿你解个闷,然后就忙我自己的事业去了。这里没有主义之争,没有激烈的哲学思辩,这儿就是一伙为自己的将来不停打算不懈努力的人,是一群把读书当作过日子的人,非常非常的现实。我接触过的所有大学生里只有滑铁卢学生的精神状态最接近现实世界里的人,或者说,最不象学生。这种精神状态和Co-op有重大关系。它的优点体现在成熟、体现在积极的职业准备、体现在创业的热情、体现在踏实的作风。而他的缺点在于缺乏人文的内涵,有的时候甚至现实到冷漠。

关于这两天热炒的ACM竞赛,滑铁卢的学生们不会明白这有什么好炒作的。滑铁卢是ACM的老主顾了,成绩从来就很棒。我记得至少在1994年与1999年拿过冠军,后来有没有拿冠军就不知道了,因为我进了大学后就不再关心这些事了,周围也没人关心。每次滑铁卢在ACM得奖我都是从报纸上知道的。我自己在电脑系呆到三年级才转专业,可我从没听说过有什么ACM校内选拔赛之类的东西。每年都得奖,前三前五跟玩似的,可都谁得奖了,我们系里没人打听,还是从学校报纸上看到的名字,具体是谁不晓得,谁耐烦打听这种三八事情?得奖的也没听讲有谁到处招摇的,因为在大家看来,ACM奖项不过是滑铁卢学生众多荣誉的一个,不是什么了不起的大事。ACM对于个人的现实意义无非是下一次找工作更有竞争力,可竞争力的加强有多种方式,何况编程不过就是份IT苦工罢了。对于没得奖的多数学生而言,更加没有价值。雇主要看的是我的经验与技能,以此决定我的地位与报酬,与那几个得奖的人有什么关系?ACM的名次对我们多数人而言就是偶尔碰上有人聊到ACM的时候,可以地说一句:“我的大学在这个竞赛里成绩很好。” 吹嘘一番,洋洋得意一下。对我个人的素质培养与职业发展没有任何好处与坏处。我认为这是滑铁卢校风的体现。
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旧 Jun 5th, 2005, 12:04   只看该作者   #17
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有趣的是很多Co-op学生结合自己的经验并不认为ACM有多大的价值。我的一个朋友前两天问大伙关于上海交大拿ACM冠军的看法。有人说:“将来都是一群去美国留学然后打IT工的Cheap Labour。” 这个话说的有点尖刻,但我们的共识是:编程序就是苦工,而且会越来越苦,属于蓝领职位,如果是单纯为了钱就不必了。当然这是个人意见,可比较明确的是职业发展必须符合个人的条件,会编程充其量只能说你多了一项工具,编程水平的提高对于IT产业的发展也只是有帮助而已,离现代化的IT产业还有重大差别,这就是为什么印度严格的说不是高科技发达,只是软件发达而已。炒作出那么大动静是误导学生误导社会,是中国媒体的***行为。我对于这位兄弟的话有另一番意见:“ 只怕将来他们留学去美国之后连Cheap Labour都没的做,都外包到中国和印度去了。” 这个话,一半算是开玩笑吧。

在这里我要为我们滑铁卢的小留学生们说两句话。我认为他们都是好样的。我这个人比较喜欢交朋友,我比较亲近的中国小留学生至少有五、六十个。我可以负责任地说:“他们中99%都是优秀的人才,出色的学生,值得交往的朋友。” 你去看看我们数学院里那些成绩拔尖的学生,平均分靠近和超过90%的那些牛人,有几个不是中国大陆来的小留学生?我只见过三个平均分过95的牛人,全是我们的小留学生。95分在滑铁卢是什么概念?我来告诉你:滑铁卢数学院聚集了全加拿大最好的数学苗子。可是在我入大学的时候,这些顶尖的数学苗子们平均毕业率只有一半,四年级课程的考试75分就能拿全班第一。四年下来,四五十门课平均超过95分是什么概念,您自个儿掂量吧。坦白地说,留学生们读书比我们这些本地学生要刻苦,成绩也更好。为什么?他们一个学期的学费将近9000加元,差不多是我们的三倍,法律还不允许他们打工挣钱,全靠家里提供,而且还是父母在国内拼命工作把人民币换成加元!谁他妈的在这种情况下还不努力读书,丫儿就是一杂种!读的好不好要看天分和方法,好不好好读就看你有没有良心了。有良心好好读书的人,人品也不会太离谱的。

滑铁卢的学生被加拿大各行各业投票选为“明日的领袖” 。我对此持保留意见。滑铁卢未来的声望也许要靠一群特殊的学生来维护。这些人用一个简单的词来概括就是“混混” 。混在滑铁卢是一门学问。混混们成绩都不高,马马虎虎一般话,基本大概勉强行。课基本是翘,作业基本是抄,考试基本靠突击,最牛的不毕业就跑。这些人以他们的智慧绝对可以把分数搞得惊世骇俗,引来无数惊叹。可他们不屑于此。他们有自己的哲学:大学教育的目的不是把书本知识变成习题和考试,大学教育在于培养人的各种能力。书本知识只是个基本要求,能毕业就是了,学生有权力根据自己的特点打造自己的能力,并不一定要以学校的标准来衡量自己的得失,学校设置的毕业标准只是一个最基本的要求。混混们通常善于交际,善于领导,善于组织,善于结交朋友,善于谈判,善于分析判断,善于打破常规,善于放眼未来,善于纵观全局,善于总结他人,善于检讨自己,就是不善于考高分。不过关于分数,这些人也有一绝:善于在不得不读书的时候勉强自己做自己不喜欢的事,并且达到标准。没达到标准的全被淘汰了,留下来的混混们才是真正的人才,而且都是大材。据说网易的丁磊就属于这号学生。所以我更加欣赏这些人。学校里教的东西有多少是你将来在工作中肯定会遇到的?有哪门课能证明差二十分这个人的职业就没发展希望了呢?绝大多数情况下,课上的东西与实际工作的关系并不是特别密切的,领略到基本思路具有自学的能力就好了。因为Co-op的原因,滑铁卢的学生对于这个问题发现得更早、更多,所以混混们就更多。混混们的业余时间通常花在学生组织上,因为这些地方练人。关于这个我的体会特别深,收获也特别大,但我不打算多说,因为不管我怎么说,自己不去做是不会理解的。需要说明的是那种不好好读书只顾打游戏的不在我说的混混之列。



第一,滑铁卢没有精神。务实不是精神,是人面对现实世界的自然反映。过分现实的人通常是冷漠自私的小人。滑铁卢的学生们不算冷漠自私,可有些冷淡。伟大领袖他老人家有句话“人是要有些精神的” 。人文内涵的缺乏使得这个学校的毕业生更象是谋生者或者逐利者,不停地为利益所驱策,眼光短浅,循规蹈矩,不具备开创世界的勇气与智慧。这就是为什么我对“明日领袖” 这些话持保留意见的原因。比尔盖茨说滑铁卢是他最中意的学校,他最喜欢滑铁卢的毕业生。在为这句话欢欣鼓舞之前,我必须提醒你们,说这句话的人在说这句话的时候不是什么IT界的泰斗,而是一个不折不扣的资本家。知道他为什么说这句话吗?我要是资本家我也喜欢没有思想只认利益能苦干肯拼命又循规蹈矩的苦力!滑铁卢的名气很响,但是在他建立起属于自己的独立人格之前,我不认为他是个名校。




第三,狂傲与唯技术论。骄傲是可以的,每个人都为自己的团体所骄傲。狂傲是不能接受的。举个例子:2002年还是2003年的CUTC(Canadian Undergrad Technology Conference) ,我们的学生参加一个讲座。因为是高科技讲座,所以现场滑铁卢的学生占绝大多数。开始之前滑铁卢的学生高喊Waterloo为自己的母校扬威。可当会场里唯一的三个Western Ontario的学校高喊他们母校名字的时候,我们的学生利用人数优势大喊“Sucks” !这就过了!大街上流氓打架还给人留面子呢,你们这些一流大学的学生比小痞子还不如。从这件小事上可以看出滑铁卢的学生在专业领域里的狂妄。仅此一点我就断定这些人没有出息,都是些没有容人之量的井底之蛙。这件事背后的根源是滑铁卢学生里由来以久的唯技术论。老是以为只要我的技术出色就可以包打天下,就可以横着走,就可以颐指气使,尤其是白人学生和我们本地的中国学生。这种短浅的见识是将来失败的伏笔。我还是觉得混混们才是滑铁卢最有希望的一群人。可是多数混混们和我一样并不十分认同滑铁卢的作风。


你也许会说:“MIT也是理工科大学,他们从政的也不多,他们不一样名满天下吗?” 你知道MIT和滑铁卢最大的差别吗?MIT是私立学校,而我们是公立学校。知道什么叫公立学校吗?就是说你是靠政府赏饭给你吃的。在政府里没有自己的代言人会是什么下场,你们自己想吧。工人们要组织工会是为什么?忽视政治与社会的力量必然会给滑铁卢的学生们带来苦果。而且,如果一所大学里的学生缺乏对社会的关心与责任感,我不明白社会为什么要供养这样的大学。


阿童木 当前离线  
旧 Aug 4th, 2005, 16:13   只看该作者   #18
chu nationalist
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chu nationalist has a reputation beyond reputechu nationalist has a reputation beyond reputechu nationalist has a reputation beyond reputechu nationalist has a reputation beyond reputechu nationalist has a reputation beyond reputechu nationalist has a reputation beyond reputechu nationalist has a reputation beyond reputechu nationalist has a reputation beyond reputechu nationalist has a reputation beyond reputechu nationalist has a reputation beyond reputechu nationalist has a reputation beyond repute
Thumbs up

chu nationalist 当前离线  
旧 Oct 31st, 2005, 19:14   只看该作者   #19
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yanxm will become famous soon enough
默认 请教一下阿童木

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旧 Jun 16th, 2006, 21:02   只看该作者   #20
Winged Frank
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Winged Frank has a reputation beyond reputeWinged Frank has a reputation beyond reputeWinged Frank has a reputation beyond reputeWinged Frank has a reputation beyond reputeWinged Frank has a reputation beyond reputeWinged Frank has a reputation beyond reputeWinged Frank has a reputation beyond reputeWinged Frank has a reputation beyond reputeWinged Frank has a reputation beyond reputeWinged Frank has a reputation beyond reputeWinged Frank has a reputation beyond repute

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