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旧 Dec 25th, 2006, 23:16   只看该作者   #61
Senior Member
级别:24 | 在线时长:724小时 | 升级还需:1小时级别:24 | 在线时长:724小时 | 升级还需:1小时级别:24 | 在线时长:724小时 | 升级还需:1小时级别:24 | 在线时长:724小时 | 升级还需:1小时级别:24 | 在线时长:724小时 | 升级还需:1小时级别:24 | 在线时长:724小时 | 升级还需:1小时级别:24 | 在线时长:724小时 | 升级还需:1小时级别:24 | 在线时长:724小时 | 升级还需:1小时
AE3168 的头像
注册日期: Sep 2006
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AE3168 has a reputation beyond reputeAE3168 has a reputation beyond reputeAE3168 has a reputation beyond reputeAE3168 has a reputation beyond reputeAE3168 has a reputation beyond reputeAE3168 has a reputation beyond reputeAE3168 has a reputation beyond reputeAE3168 has a reputation beyond reputeAE3168 has a reputation beyond reputeAE3168 has a reputation beyond reputeAE3168 has a reputation beyond repute

作者: binnwang 查看帖子
前面我说了, 我多嘴了, 本来就不是一路人, 何必告诉你真相呢, 老杨, 这个问题不是我想象的问题, 是你离这个数太...

人比人比死人!! 何必打破沙锅问到底呢? 了解一下大概的行情就算了...... 咱们也算个聪明人,自己心理有数就是了.

AE3168 当前离线  
旧 Dec 25th, 2006, 23:28   只看该作者   #62
级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时
注册日期: May 2005
帖子: 3,867
声望: 2054762
welcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond repute

作者: 浪淘沙 查看帖子
你不要自我感觉良好, 老羊收入比你高.
你也太搞笑了, 我对老杨的收入并不关心, 我只是认为80/小时的工资不是高不可攀, 连眼红都谈不上, 过了120, 才会让我眼红, 要是老杨说出个数证明他挣的比我多, 我不认为有啥丢脸, 努力追上不就完了? 还有, 如果我挣10/小时, 老杨挣20/小时, 如果我有比他高的雄心, 我不认为这叫SB, 这叫牛B.牛气冲天呀.

老羊收入多少? 说出来让大家听听?
welcomeback 当前离线  
旧 Dec 25th, 2006, 23:33   只看该作者   #63
级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时
注册日期: May 2005
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声望: 2054762
welcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond repute

作者: AE3168 查看帖子

人比人比死人!! 何必打破沙锅问到底呢? 了解一下大概的行情就算了...... 咱们...
原本我就是说一说我知道的行情而已. 了解行情原本就是从业人员第一件该干的事情. 要是这个话题演变成个人攻击就没劲了.
welcomeback 当前离线  
旧 Dec 26th, 2006, 01:34   只看该作者   #64
Senior Member
级别:35 | 在线时长:1437小时 | 升级还需:3小时级别:35 | 在线时长:1437小时 | 升级还需:3小时级别:35 | 在线时长:1437小时 | 升级还需:3小时
树懒 的头像
注册日期: Mar 2006
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树懒 has a reputation beyond repute树懒 has a reputation beyond repute树懒 has a reputation beyond repute树懒 has a reputation beyond repute树懒 has a reputation beyond repute树懒 has a reputation beyond repute树懒 has a reputation beyond repute树懒 has a reputation beyond repute树懒 has a reputation beyond repute树懒 has a reputation beyond repute树懒 has a reputation beyond repute


1。Full-time 工作压力小,自身能力增长缓慢。Contractor更加注意增长个人能力。就象家兔子跑不过野兔子一样。

树懒 当前离线  
旧 Dec 26th, 2006, 10:50   只看该作者   #65
Senior Member
级别:14 | 在线时长:253小时 | 升级还需:32小时级别:14 | 在线时长:253小时 | 升级还需:32小时级别:14 | 在线时长:253小时 | 升级还需:32小时级别:14 | 在线时长:253小时 | 升级还需:32小时级别:14 | 在线时长:253小时 | 升级还需:32小时级别:14 | 在线时长:253小时 | 升级还需:32小时
注册日期: Jul 2004
帖子: 632
声望: 33951391
leon0105 has a reputation beyond reputeleon0105 has a reputation beyond reputeleon0105 has a reputation beyond reputeleon0105 has a reputation beyond reputeleon0105 has a reputation beyond reputeleon0105 has a reputation beyond reputeleon0105 has a reputation beyond reputeleon0105 has a reputation beyond reputeleon0105 has a reputation beyond reputeleon0105 has a reputation beyond reputeleon0105 has a reputation beyond repute


我见过的最高境界的是有permanent IT工作,而且有自己的产品, 在外面还干contractor的人。其实他人牛吗? 我看也不见得, 一眼看去就是搞技术的, 穿的也不咋地, 绝对不是聪明相。搞技术一般不聪明, 其实最聪明的应该是跟人打交道的,而且赚的绝对更多。
leon0105 当前离线  
旧 Dec 26th, 2006, 11:30   只看该作者   #66
级别:42 | 在线时长:1996小时 | 升级还需:25小时级别:42 | 在线时长:1996小时 | 升级还需:25小时级别:42 | 在线时长:1996小时 | 升级还需:25小时级别:42 | 在线时长:1996小时 | 升级还需:25小时级别:42 | 在线时长:1996小时 | 升级还需:25小时级别:42 | 在线时长:1996小时 | 升级还需:25小时
注册日期: Jul 2004
住址: 火星
帖子: 10,472
声望: 3400517
老杨 has a reputation beyond repute老杨 has a reputation beyond repute老杨 has a reputation beyond repute老杨 has a reputation beyond repute老杨 has a reputation beyond repute老杨 has a reputation beyond repute老杨 has a reputation beyond repute老杨 has a reputation beyond repute老杨 has a reputation beyond repute老杨 has a reputation beyond repute老杨 has a reputation beyond repute

作者: binnwang 查看帖子
原本我就是说一说我知道的行情而已. 了解行情原本就是从业人员第一件该干的事情. 要是这个话题演变成个人攻凮..
Basically, you get some information of market. From there, you begin to make fake dream and imagination.

If an agency bill client 120/H, the highest they can give to you is 60/H. This is a business.
They have to have money to keep business going. They have been in business for many years.
Here is not China. Everyone earn money for a short period. Then, go somewhere else. That's
why Chinese phonecard, Chinese supermarket always bankrupt. If you get a permenant job.
It's the same thing. You fill up timesheet to bill client 120/H. But you only get 30/H. You
can ask for 100/H. The only result is, you get 0 or agency bankrupt. Client knows everything.
But they will not give the project to you. They know it will be you that earn 60/H. But they
will not give project to you instead of agency. You will leave them after the project finish.
But agency will not leave away.

Your colleague in the contract can only find for you another agency. That's the same as you
can find for yourself. Your job totally depend on the market.

If there is a day that someone find a end client. They will not give you 120/H. But only 60/H.
They're going to earn the other 60/H.

You should learn what technical resource earn, not waht business earn. But you can keep
dreaming on. It looks good to you.

老杨 当前离线  
旧 Dec 26th, 2006, 19:29   只看该作者   #67
级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时
注册日期: May 2005
帖子: 3,867
声望: 2054762
welcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond repute

作者: 老杨 查看帖子
Basically, you get some information of market. From there, you begin to make fake dream and imagination.

If an agency bill client 120/H, the highes...
我看你才是造梦专家, 再次告诉你我知道我认识的人里就有120/H, 这不是imagination, 还告诉你, 有的牛人根本不通过agent就能签contract, 多的废话也懒的跟你说了, 沉浸在你自己的梦里吧.

另外, 10/H的人可以20/H 再 30/H再40/H再50/H再60/H再70/H再80/H一步一步走上去. 那个120/H的人也不是生下来就挣120/H, 造梦专家, 是你太缺乏想象力了吧? 至于, 我是能挣10/H还是20/H 还是 30/H还是40/H, 哪完全是我自己经营自己的问题, 如果我没本事只能挣10/H, 并不能因此, 证明人家120/H没有, 不可能. 你们一味的否认不过就是想证明自己已经出人头地了, 要是承认天外有天, 不就是承认自己不行嘛, 其实和我一点关系都没有, 拼命挤兑我的目的不就是,想说:"没人能挣80/H, 120/H更是不可能. 我现在能挣60/H就是人尖了, 大家都明白."

你是人尖, 你已经达到了我一辈子都达不到的顶峰, 我郑重否认, Canada没有人能挣80/H, 120/H更是胡说八道, lz说接到80/Hoffer完全是造谣, 羞辱我们的智力, 满意了老杨?

此帖于 Dec 26th, 2006 20:02 被 welcomeback 编辑。
welcomeback 当前离线  
旧 Dec 26th, 2006, 19:40   只看该作者   #68
级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时
注册日期: May 2005
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声望: 2054762
welcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond repute

作者: leon0105 查看帖子

我见过的最高境界的是有permanent IT工作,而且有�...
welcomeback 当前离线  
旧 Dec 26th, 2006, 20:07   只看该作者   #69
级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时
注册日期: May 2005
帖子: 3,867
声望: 2054762
welcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond repute

作者: binnwang 查看帖子
此话收回了, 80/120/H均为造谣. 顶尖程序员也就5,6W收入. OK. 希望leon安心工作.
welcomeback 当前离线  
旧 Dec 26th, 2006, 20:48   只看该作者   #70
级别:25 | 在线时长:772小时 | 升级还需:8小时
注册日期: Jul 2004
帖子: 616
声望: 437
harlem is just really niceharlem is just really niceharlem is just really niceharlem is just really niceharlem is just really nice

作者: binnwang 查看帖子
此话收回了, 80/120/H均为造谣. 顶尖程序员也就5,6W收入. OK. 希望leon安心工作.
呵呵,我其实同意你在此贴中的大部分话,可是,有些人是不能接受事实的, 为了让他们能睡好觉,我有多年北美经验, 可也就一小时$15。
harlem 当前离线  
旧 Dec 26th, 2006, 20:51   只看该作者   #71
Senior Member
级别:14 | 在线时长:253小时 | 升级还需:32小时级别:14 | 在线时长:253小时 | 升级还需:32小时级别:14 | 在线时长:253小时 | 升级还需:32小时级别:14 | 在线时长:253小时 | 升级还需:32小时级别:14 | 在线时长:253小时 | 升级还需:32小时级别:14 | 在线时长:253小时 | 升级还需:32小时
注册日期: Jul 2004
帖子: 632
声望: 33951391
leon0105 has a reputation beyond reputeleon0105 has a reputation beyond reputeleon0105 has a reputation beyond reputeleon0105 has a reputation beyond reputeleon0105 has a reputation beyond reputeleon0105 has a reputation beyond reputeleon0105 has a reputation beyond reputeleon0105 has a reputation beyond reputeleon0105 has a reputation beyond reputeleon0105 has a reputation beyond reputeleon0105 has a reputation beyond repute

"顶尖程序员也就5,6W收入? "

找找看, 我在哪里说的?
leon0105 当前离线  
旧 Dec 26th, 2006, 20:52   只看该作者   #72
Senior Member
级别:14 | 在线时长:253小时 | 升级还需:32小时级别:14 | 在线时长:253小时 | 升级还需:32小时级别:14 | 在线时长:253小时 | 升级还需:32小时级别:14 | 在线时长:253小时 | 升级还需:32小时级别:14 | 在线时长:253小时 | 升级还需:32小时级别:14 | 在线时长:253小时 | 升级还需:32小时
注册日期: Jul 2004
帖子: 632
声望: 33951391
leon0105 has a reputation beyond reputeleon0105 has a reputation beyond reputeleon0105 has a reputation beyond reputeleon0105 has a reputation beyond reputeleon0105 has a reputation beyond reputeleon0105 has a reputation beyond reputeleon0105 has a reputation beyond reputeleon0105 has a reputation beyond reputeleon0105 has a reputation beyond reputeleon0105 has a reputation beyond reputeleon0105 has a reputation beyond repute

作者: harlem 查看帖子
呵呵,我其实同意你在此贴中的大部分话,可是,有些人是不能接受事实的, 为了让他们能睡好觉,我有多年北羮..

OK, good, tell me how much you make now?
leon0105 当前离线  
旧 Dec 26th, 2006, 20:55   只看该作者   #73
级别:42 | 在线时长:1996小时 | 升级还需:25小时级别:42 | 在线时长:1996小时 | 升级还需:25小时级别:42 | 在线时长:1996小时 | 升级还需:25小时级别:42 | 在线时长:1996小时 | 升级还需:25小时级别:42 | 在线时长:1996小时 | 升级还需:25小时级别:42 | 在线时长:1996小时 | 升级还需:25小时
注册日期: Jul 2004
住址: 火星
帖子: 10,472
声望: 3400517
老杨 has a reputation beyond repute老杨 has a reputation beyond repute老杨 has a reputation beyond repute老杨 has a reputation beyond repute老杨 has a reputation beyond repute老杨 has a reputation beyond repute老杨 has a reputation beyond repute老杨 has a reputation beyond repute老杨 has a reputation beyond repute老杨 has a reputation beyond repute老杨 has a reputation beyond repute
默认 Could you please read back?

作者: binnwang 查看帖子
我看你才是造梦专家, 再次告诉你我知道我认识的人里就有120/H, 这不是imagination, 还告诉你, 有的牛人根本不通过age...
No one say 80/H is fake. We're talking about 80/H is higher than market or not.

What I said is, your logic is wrong. You think agent bill client 120/H. You're going to earn 120/H. I do know some one get contract directly from client. But they are no longer coding. Just re-contract to other people. Real life didn't follow what you dream here. That's why I ask you how much you earn. You know some one earn 120/H. Then you begin to imagine what will be at that time, is it right? You will reach there step by step, is it right?

I never dream I can earn 80/H. How do I do at that time. What is my life now is my life. Where comes my dream?
老杨 当前离线  
旧 Dec 26th, 2006, 21:06   只看该作者   #74
Senior Member
级别:14 | 在线时长:253小时 | 升级还需:32小时级别:14 | 在线时长:253小时 | 升级还需:32小时级别:14 | 在线时长:253小时 | 升级还需:32小时级别:14 | 在线时长:253小时 | 升级还需:32小时级别:14 | 在线时长:253小时 | 升级还需:32小时级别:14 | 在线时长:253小时 | 升级还需:32小时
注册日期: Jul 2004
帖子: 632
声望: 33951391
leon0105 has a reputation beyond reputeleon0105 has a reputation beyond reputeleon0105 has a reputation beyond reputeleon0105 has a reputation beyond reputeleon0105 has a reputation beyond reputeleon0105 has a reputation beyond reputeleon0105 has a reputation beyond reputeleon0105 has a reputation beyond reputeleon0105 has a reputation beyond reputeleon0105 has a reputation beyond reputeleon0105 has a reputation beyond repute

leon0105 当前离线  
旧 Dec 26th, 2006, 21:22   只看该作者   #75
级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时
注册日期: May 2005
帖子: 3,867
声望: 2054762
welcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond repute

作者: leon0105 查看帖子
sure, 一看就知道我没工作.
welcomeback 当前离线  
旧 Dec 26th, 2006, 21:23   只看该作者   #76
级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时
注册日期: May 2005
帖子: 3,867
声望: 2054762
welcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond repute

作者: 老杨 查看帖子
No one say 80/H is fake. We're talking about 80/H is higher than market or not.

What I said is, your logic is wrong. You think agent bill client 12...
120/h那位是PM, 那按老杨推断, 他的合同的要240/h才合理了?
welcomeback 当前离线  
旧 Dec 26th, 2006, 22:10   只看该作者   #77
级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时
注册日期: May 2005
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我前面说了, 作短期contract有好处的, 例如, 我和 老杨, loen专接短期contract, 项目开高薪完全有可能, 3个月的项目,这个项目完了, 要作下一个, 假设, 我没下个项目, 可是, 老杨你手头有, 这个项目缺个我擅长领域的人, 你就可以推荐我呀, 又过了3个月, 我手里也来项目了, 我推荐你老杨作你擅长的那块事. 假设咱们一伙有10个常常合作的人........入门你靠agent, 打出天下了自己注册一个公司,有嘛不行的?当然,短期工,缺点, 如果你技术不行, 就是老杨说的你只有20块的水平, 你想上? 别人也不答应呀, 同行不推荐你, 吃上顿没下顿, 结论, 不是高手,就找个长点的contract干吧.
(对了, 对了, 这都是我YY出来的, 不信的人不用认真啊, 呵呵, 看来我的想象力满丰富的)

我知道你们就是执著于跟一家公司签个1年合同的contractor到底挣多少钱 , 雇主打着算盘一分一分的算到底该给你多少钱.对吧? 前面我提到的PM, 不是短期的, 所以,说高人不是没有.

我看老杨满嘴E文, 你可以试试做个PM, 能说会道就行呀, 前面有榜样, 能挣多少钱就看你自己的福分和能力了.

至于, 80/H高不高, 你们追着前面作payroll的人去问吧? 把你自己的专业告诉人家, 让人家给你评估一下你的专业到底能挣多少钱, 咱们讨论半天可能根本就不是在一个领域的工作的, 说多了也无意义, 就像,洗碗, 端盘子, 切菜, 炒菜, 都是饮食业, 你能说都一个工资标准嘛?
welcomeback 当前离线  
旧 Dec 26th, 2006, 22:27   只看该作者   #78
级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时
注册日期: May 2005
帖子: 3,867
声望: 2054762
welcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond repute

作者: 老杨 查看帖子
You know some one earn 120/H. Then you begin to imagine what will be at that time, is it right? You will reach there step by step, is it right?...
"Then you begin to imagine what will be at that time, is it right? " 呵呵, 这个E文呀, 呵呵, 我想我是中国人, 我还是能读懂的, 读懂你的潜意识.

这是什么逻辑? 我了解的情况, 我转告大家, 就向我知道bill gates的财富一样, 我要是提一下bill gates就是imagination? 就是我希望有一天我也能成bill gates?
说" bill gates fake" 才和老杨对路, ok, bill gates fake, 120/H fake, 80/H fake, 60/H fake 40/H fake 20/H fake, 10/H fake, 因为, 我没工作, 连省规定的最低工资一样是fake
welcomeback 当前离线  
旧 Dec 26th, 2006, 22:30   只看该作者   #79
级别:42 | 在线时长:1996小时 | 升级还需:25小时级别:42 | 在线时长:1996小时 | 升级还需:25小时级别:42 | 在线时长:1996小时 | 升级还需:25小时级别:42 | 在线时长:1996小时 | 升级还需:25小时级别:42 | 在线时长:1996小时 | 升级还需:25小时级别:42 | 在线时长:1996小时 | 升级还需:25小时
注册日期: Jul 2004
住址: 火星
帖子: 10,472
声望: 3400517
老杨 has a reputation beyond repute老杨 has a reputation beyond repute老杨 has a reputation beyond repute老杨 has a reputation beyond repute老杨 has a reputation beyond repute老杨 has a reputation beyond repute老杨 has a reputation beyond repute老杨 has a reputation beyond repute老杨 has a reputation beyond repute老杨 has a reputation beyond repute老杨 has a reputation beyond repute

作者: binnwang 查看帖子
120/h那位是PM, 那按老杨推断, 他的合同的要240/h才合理了?
120/H is the labor of PM. It's expense of the project. Where is operational expense? Where is profit? You tell your client that you come from communist country. You don't make profit? You have to give all of these numbers to them before you can get the contract.

When you go to Canadian Tire to fix your car, you pay 50/H labor. What it is ? It's salary and profit. Talking to you really hard.

If you think a person earn 120/H from step by step, you're cpmpletely wrong. People only teach prime school student in that way.
老杨 当前离线  
旧 Dec 26th, 2006, 22:33   只看该作者   #80
级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时级别:29 | 在线时长:1018小时 | 升级还需:2小时
注册日期: May 2005
帖子: 3,867
声望: 2054762
welcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond reputewelcomeback has a reputation beyond repute

作者: leon0105 查看帖子
"顶尖程序员也就5,6W收入? "

找找看, 我在哪里说的?

作者: leon0105 查看帖子
老大, IT里分类多了去了。一般程序员撑死了5,6万。
看错了, 一般程序员, 呵呵. 所以 80/H fake, 满意了吧?
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