Jul 12th, 2006, 10:22 | #1 |
那天到底为什么被激怒了? 关注ing... |
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Jul 12th, 2006, 11:18 | 只看该作者 #3 | |
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注册日期: Jul 2006
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决赛结束以来,已经几天没有说任何什么了:因为非常气氛齐达内的愚蠢自私的行为(stupid & selfish),不仅毁了他可能成为超越吗那多拉,甚至比肩球王贝利的新一代球王的机会(如果他不被罚下,法国队最后夺冠,齐达内的历史成就就超越吗拉多拉了),而且让法国队丢失了一次千载难逢的夺冠机会! 有什么东西可以毁灭当时只剩下几分钟的比赛,而且当时还是在齐达内灵光闪现,那粒精彩头球差点进了的情况下,照那个气势打下去,意大利难保能够守住最后8-9分钟。于是防守齐达内的后卫出此绝招,激怒齐达内下场:愚蠢的齐达内居然真的中计,当然,那一刻齐达内绝对认为裁判不会将他罚下,蠢就一个字! |
Jul 12th, 2006, 11:34 | 只看该作者 #5 | |
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注册日期: Jul 2006
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说句老实话:懒得听,也不想听 早知道要开今日的发布会,为什么当时不忍到决赛后的新闻发布会(那可是数十亿的目光)数落侵犯自己的对手:既光彩又体面甚至还是以胜利者的姿态去嘲笑那个激怒他的对手呢?! |
Jul 12th, 2006, 14:49 | 只看该作者 #11 |
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伟大的法国足球巨星席丹,到底是受到什么样的激怒,会在他个人最重要的比赛中失控?世界杯已结束两天,被他「头锤」倒地的义大利球员马特拉吉12日终于对义大利媒体透露,他的激将祕方:「我更喜欢脱掉你太太的衣服。」 义大利「米兰体育报」报导,肇事者义大利后卫马特拉吉终于第一次公开当时的事情经过,并且承认自己曾经侮辱了席丹,但坚持自己对席丹说的话不过是最寻常的国骂,「是那种球员们在球场上听过成千上万遍的脏话」,他否认骂席丹是「恐怖分子」。 马特拉吉说: 「我是拉扯了席丹的的球衣,好几秒鐘后,席丹转过头,傲慢无比地说道,如果你那么想要我的球衣,一会儿我会送给你的。而随后,我就骂了他一句,事情就是这样。」 马特拉吉对义大利媒体承认了自己对席丹的言语侮辱。不过在承认了曾经向席丹挑衅的事情时,马特拉齐却始终否认他曾经说席丹是恐怖分子,他表示自己当时对席丹戏嚯的回击是「我更喜欢脱掉你太太的衣服。」 他说,「这是生活中最为司空见惯的脏话了,尤其是在球场上你可以听到无数次这样的诅咒?我并没有叫他恐怖分子。我不是一个有修养的人,我不知道什么伊斯兰恐怖分子。」 马特拉吉也否认了曾经侮辱了席丹的母亲,马特拉吉表示「对于我来说,我一直认为母亲是神圣的。」 国际足联12日也插了进来,开始着手调查此事的详细经过。不过国际足联的这个举动引起了义大利媒体的强烈不满。 这个愚蠢的齐达内!!!!!!!! |
Jul 12th, 2006, 15:50 | 只看该作者 #13 |
Zidane says opponent insulted his mother, sister Updated Wed. Jul. 12 2006 2:20 PM ET CTV.ca News Staff Zinedine Zidane, the French soccer player who stunned the world when he head-butted an Italian player in Sunday's World Cup final, says his victim insulted his mother and sister. During an appearance on French television, Zidane apologized and touched on the reason for his attack on his Italian opponent Marco Materazzi. However, Zidane did not go into detail about exactly what words were exchanged. He said it was "very personal and concerned his mother and his sister." However, the French soccer legend acknowledged his behaviour was inexcusable. "I want to ask for forgiveness from all the children who watched that," he said. "There was no excuse for it. I want to be open and honest about it." Materazzi is at odds with Zidane on the nature of what was said. He has been up front about the fact he insulted him, but has rejected suggestions he called him a terrorist or made reference to his mother. The head-butt caused soccer fans around the world to wince in pain and scratch their heads in bewilderment. In the days following, soccer analysts, journalists and fans have speculated about what Materazzi may have said to Zidane in the seconds before he was knocked to the ground. Some have suggested Materazzi made racist remarks in reference to Zidane's Algerian heritage, or insulted his mother. The incident came during extra time as the two teams grappled to end a hard-fought 1-1 tie. Zidane and Materazzi traded words after Italy intercepted a French scoring attempt. Zidane then trotted casually ahead of the Italian, turned around to face him, lowered his head and rammed him squarely in the chest, catching Materazzi off-guard and instantly knocking him to the ground. Zidane received a red card and was ejected from the game. It was a stunning way for Zidane -- who had intended for the World Cup to be his final professional match -- to end his legendary career. The Italians went on to win the match 5-3 on penalties. Zidane received the World Cup best player award, but there are suggestions he may be stripped of the honour pending a Fifa investigation. The president of the organization, Sepp Blatter, has ordered an investigation into the circumstances of the conflict. Blatter told La Repubblica newspaper that the recipient is chosen by an international panel of journalists, but Fifa has a responsibility to intervene if the decision could hurt the sport. "That is why I gave the orders to our disciplinary commission to investigate what happened," Sepp told the newspaper. "To see him acting like that leaves me vexed, both for himself and for all sense of fair play." 此帖于 Jul 12th, 2006 20:33 被 crystal_clear 编辑。 |