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旧 Dec 30th, 2007, 16:36     #1
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默认 【转帖】【推荐】社论转载:2007年精彩花絮


Worth repeating: Day of the :-), and other hits of 2007
(2007-12-28 下午05:00),

Wars rage, the economy is shaky and the sport of politics continues to draw blood. But on this page, where such topics are tackled on other days of the year, today is different. Today is a time for reviewing the lighter elements of the year, the international reports that didn't quite make it to the front page but are nonetheless crucial to any understanding of world events.


It wasn't a good year for would-be thieves. A man tried to open an account in South Carolina by giving the teller a $1-million bill, foolishly assuming a trained bank employee wouldn't know there was no such bill. In Georgia, two teenagers stole a man's car keys and jumped into his Accord, but were stymied by the vehicle's manual transmission. They jumped out of the car and into the woods, where police caught them. No doubt they received an automatic sentence of manual labour.

加州Anaheim的警方发现了一名“有烂泥味道”的银行劫匪,并将其称为山水强盗。Tim Schmidt警官说:“他的体味并非因为很久不洗澡,只是因为他长期在打通向银行的隧道。”安省Walkerton的一位醉驾嫌犯在拒绝接受呼吸测试酒精程度时,喝下了他的隐性眼睛药水,吞下他的一片隐性眼睛,而当警方试图阻止他时,他正试图吃自己的袜子,以及他的衬衣。由于他坚决不听警察的劝阻,警察只好向他喷胡椒粉。鉴于他醉得不成样子,我们有理由相信他以为警察在给他所吃的东西加调料呢。

Police in Anaheim, Calif., sought a bank robber who "smells like dirt" and has been called the Landscape Bandit. "It's not like he hasn't bathed in months," said Sergeant Tim Schmidt. "It's just he's been outside working in the dirt." A suspected drunk driver in Walkerton, Ont., refused to take a breath test. Instead, he drank his contact-lens fluid, swallowed one of his lenses and was attempting to eat his socks and part of his shirt when police moved to stop him. He resisted so strongly that they used pepper spray, which in his state he likely assumed was seasoning.

在接到某人的投诉,称有有毒化学物品泄漏后,警方封锁了这家位于伦敦中心地带的泰式餐馆周围的街区。事实是,这位餐馆主人Chalemchai Tangjariyapoon正在配制他的独家辣椒酱。当看到消防队员们带着毒气专家闯入他的名为“泰国别墅”的餐馆后,他感到异常惊讶。他倍感伤心地表示:“我能够理解非泰国人是无法了解这种辣酱的,但它闻起来并不像化学制剂。”

Police closed the streets around a Thai restaurant in central London after someone complained of a leak of dangerous chemicals. In fact, owner Chalemchai Tangjariyapoon had been preparing his nam prik pao chili sauce and was surprised to see firefighters smash down the Thai Cottage's door with hazardous-materials specialists in tow. "I can understand why people who weren't Thai would not know what it was," he said with a wounded tone. "But it doesn't smell like chemicals."


A Manhattan restaurant introduced a dessert with a price tag of $25,000. Its "Frozen Haute Chocolate" mixes 28 varieties of cocoa with a dash of edible 23-karat gold and conceals an 18-karat gold bracelet with one carat of white diamonds. If the person you serve it to says, "Mmm, crunchy," best to intervene quickly.

在奥地利的Steyr,当一位新娘在婚礼中被问是否接受新郎成为她合法的丈夫,这位新娘开玩笑的回答“不愿意”。主持婚礼的官员立即停止了婚礼,并要求双方在两个半月后再回来重办仪式。在奥地利的另一个村庄,该村被恰当地称为Villach村,新婚夫妇和30位宾客在一家饭店享用完炸肉排和烤猪之后甩手逃单。当他们被带到执法官员面前时,他们解释说自己不喜欢那些食物,也不喜欢饭店的环境。是不是那位Chalemchai Tangjariyapoon帮这家饭店调制了菜的口味?

In Steyr, Austria, when the bride was asked in a civil ceremony whether she took the groom to be her lawfully wedded husband, she said "no" as a joke. The official immediately halted the ceremony and told the pair to come back 2½ months later to try it all again. In another Austrian village, appropriately called Villach, newlyweds and 30 guests stuffed themselves with schnitzel and pork roast at an inn and fled without paying. When hauled before the authorities, they explained they didn't like the food and the ambience. Was Chalemchai Tangjariyapoon helping out with the recipes?


Housing starts occupied the business pages, but the real news was in housing finishes. A man in Sonneberg, Germany, was so upset about his divorce that he sawed the wooden family bungalow in two and carted half of it away on a truck. A man who was denied the chance to buy a house in Hillsboro, Ohio, used a power saw to slice the building in two with a horizontal cut at chest height - giving new meaning to the term split-level. In New York City, a jury heard the case of a husband and wife who treated each other so badly, and refused so vehemently to vacate the house in each other's favour, that a judge ordered them to build a wall through their three-storey Brooklyn brownstone. She got the third floor and the second-floor kitchen; he got the first-floor living room and the second-floor dining room. If there was any justice, the jury put them both in the doghouse.


News arrived that researchers at the University of Jena in Germany had been trying for three years to get a sloth to climb up and down a pole. They tried to lure the animal, named Mats, with cucumbers and spaghetti, but he wasn't biting. Have they tried a $25,000 dessert?

那些思想保守的泰国军官要求驾车者在每日国旗升降以及国歌响起的时候停下车辆。退休的将军Pricha Rochanasena解释道:“国歌的时间只有一分八秒,驾车者们为什么不能为了祖国停一会车呢?反正他们已经被堵在路上了。”泰国议会已将这一法案提交到委员会,不过他们担心这一爱国法案会制造“混乱”。

Conservative forces in Thailand urged that motorists be forced to stop their cars twice a day as the country's flag was raised or lowered and the national anthem was played. "The national anthem lasts only one minute and eight seconds," explained retired general Pricha Rochanasena, "so why can't motorists stop their cars for the sake of the country? They already spend more time in traffic jams anyway." The National Legislative Assembly sent the bill to committee, fearing that this brand of patriotism might be "chaotic."

如果以上想法是添乱的话,那么下面这件事算不算是混乱呢?当Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co.公司在俄罗斯电视台上准备播放了一支口香糖广告后,他们要求配一段活泼的曲子。莫斯科Omni组织的广告部门主任Igor Kirkchi从一家英国公司买下了这么一支曲子。不幸的是,这支曲子竟然是中国国歌《义勇军进行曲》。《人民日报》对此抗议,称将国歌作为广告背景音乐“玷污了中国的国家尊严”,中国驻莫斯科大使馆也提出抗议。这家公司也不想引起两国关系的僵化,就把这个广告给撤了。

Call that chaos? When Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co. produced a chewing-gum commercial for Russian television, it asked for a rousing musical score. Igor Kirkchi, general director of an advertising subsidiary of Moscow's Omni group, bought just such a tune from an English company. Unfortunately, it turned out to be China's national anthem, March of the Volunteers. The People's Daily newspaper protested that using the anthem as backing music had "harmed the dignity of China," the Chinese embassy in Moscow lodged a protest, and the company, not wishing to gum up international relations, yanked the commercial off the air.


In Osaka, Japan, a 31-year-old employee of an online clothing sales company was so upset when his boss paid scant attention to a gift of jelly candies that he destroyed 22 computers in the office. Hallmark has yet to issue an opportune line of greeting cards: "I thought you'd like the gift I sent./ Your conduct was sadistic./ I don't know where my manners went./ Forgive my going ballistic."

Carnegie Mellon大学的教授Scott E. Fahlman说,他是第一个在文字中使用:-)作为笑脸的人,如果他所说没错的话,今年是这个笑脸的第25岁生日。这一次,他可能会用;-)来庆祝。

If Carnegie Mellon University professor Scott E. Fahlman is correct in saying he was the first person ever to use :-) to indicate a smiley face in text, the emoticon celebrated its 25th birthday this year. Then again, he may have been ;-).


In a Missouri jail, prisoners in one cell wanted to help a female inmate visit a male prisoner in the next cell. They used a nail, wire and toothbrush to claw a block from the wall so she could slip through, and used a mixture of toothpaste and pancake batter to simulate the missing mortar so the guards wouldn't catch on. Very efficient: If you get hungry and nibble on the wall, you'll be cleaning your teeth at the same time.

辛辛那提大学的Julia Taylor和Lawrence Mazlack研发了一种软件让机器人来辨识那些突发场景下的词语,并教它说“哈哈”。这可以让机器人看上去更象个人,即使机器人目前只能听懂一些简单的话。的确,这刚好正是现代工作场所所需的,这个机器能够鼓励那些办公室中爱开玩笑的人多搞一点搞笑的噱头。

Julia Taylor and Lawrence Mazlack of the University of Cincinnati developed software that cues a robot to recognize when words are used in unexpected contexts, and to say "ha, ha." The point is to make the robot seem friendlier to humans by appearing to understand basic jokes, though its comprehension is limited at this point to word play. Yes, that's just what the modern workplace needs: a machine that encourages the office joker to increase his dissemination of lame puns.

加州公司的一位雇员是负责剪辑电影里裸露、粗话、暴力和猥亵镜头。为了剪辑Helen Mirren的电影《女王》,他忙了一整天。他觉得“上帝救助女皇”这句话不大恰当,就对七处提及上帝的地方进行了消音处理。最终被观众投诉,这家加州公司对此道歉。估计道歉用语也将同样被剪辑成:“G-sh, we're s-rry.”

An employee of a California company that excises nudity, swearing, extreme violence and profanity from movies had a field day with the Helen Mirren film The Queen. None of this "God save the Queen" nonsense for him; he bleeped out all seven mentions of God. When viewers complained, the California firm apologized. Likely wording: "G-sh, we're s-rry."

伊利诺斯州的Geoge Hood决定通过在一辆固定在地板上的自行车上骑82小时以上来赢得一项吉尼斯世界纪录。当他的支持者们告诉他已经完成85小时时,他觉得自己创立了这项纪录。但无奈吉尼斯的官员称Hood的朋友在读表和加减时间上“出了大错。”。谁会觉得你在一个车上骑了3天半,却哪都没去呢?

George Hood of Illinois set out to win a berth in The Guinness Book of Records by cycling more than 82 hours on a stationary bike. He thought he had it made when his supporters told him he had completed 85 hours. Alas, the Guinness authorities said his friends had made "fundamental flaws" in addition, subtraction and reading of a 24-hour clock. Who'd have thought you could ride a stationary bike for 3½ days and get nowhere?


A Japanese company said it would soon sell a patch that, when placed on a paw, could calculate a dog's or cat's level of anxiety by measuring its perspiration. Too much sweat would mean that the pet needed care, or counselling, or a greater sense of self-worth. Or, perhaps, that it had been running around the park for an hour.


A 27-year-old man who got drunk at Munich's Oktoberfest beer festival climbed onto a roof to reach his friend's apartment. Before he could say, "This would be a stupid move even if I were sober," he slid head first into the chimney and was stuck there for 12 hours. So much for Santa Claus being a good role model.


And finally, to raise money for library renovations, officials in Vienna started a "sex hotline." Callers who paid the equivalent of 60 cents a minute could hear an Austrian actress read excerpts from erotica of the past three centuries. Presumably with a librarian over her shoulder saying, "Ssshhhh!"

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