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旧 Nov 16th, 2005, 12:52     #1
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默认 鲁莽小胆儿是别有用心呀!

作者: magic_tang
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旧 Nov 16th, 2005, 12:56     #2
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作者: -GoGoGo-
小声说一句, 据说CAMRY压根儿就不会坏, 据说COROLLA设计上可以跑到100万公里
大家不要迷信什么,有点Common Sense好不好?
驾车兜风 当前离线  
旧 Nov 16th, 2005, 14:58     #3
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作者: binnwang
一点幽默感都没有, gogogo就是那个坚决反日货(不过我记的他说过只反日,同时强调不爱中国)的人. 天天挤兑日车是永动机的人. 同时,讥讽买日车就是亲日的人.
那天有人以革命的名义把你也镇压了,你也别奇怪呀, 和法国革命挺像的,今天你送别人上断头台,明天有人送你上断头台,无一幸免.
Haha, 这你就不太了解迷信人儿们的心理了,啥叫执迷不悟,说的就是这些人呀。很多迷信日车的人士识不破GoGoGo的幽默感,所以我就干脆点破。

我认识同期来的好几位,刚来时大家过渡困难期,我买五六年新的美车,他们花多两三千块买八九年新多公里数的日车。几年后,区别就出来了,毕竟10年车龄的车儿,毛病就来了,修修搞搞的随便就千来块了。我那款车还好,不给我找麻烦。所以,我就总结并安慰他们,车不到10年和不过15万,一般不会有啥毛病(当然那些Braking Pad、tire之内的寿命期件除外),车开了10年且公里数上了15万,就别指望不出毛病;车10年以上,公里数20万,最好别跑出15公里之外。

然后,大家计划买新车。我就谈了Common Sense:三年全保、五年Powertrain,这就是品质的保证,这几年就不用操心;之后,就会有Braking Pad等寿命期件的更换,但可以运行至10年和15万公里基本不出毛病;10年后,就别想那么多了,怎么的都该换车了,为经济做点贡献好不好?所以,买新车应该按自己的喜好、适用性、和性价比去选择。
驾车兜风 当前离线  
旧 Nov 17th, 2005, 07:32     #4
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作者: binnwang
车的寿命在保养,我同事的1997年,honda accord,30万公里,功能好好的,我看了里程表才相信.他对此车是赞不决口. 不过这个人不是汉奸,是又蠢又笨的白人. 呵呵,不看论坛文章真是不知道中国人有多聪明.
再说,我这儿说的10年且15万公里以上是这么个概念:首先这是个并列条件,“两者真”才有“毛病就来了”这个结果;然后车龄10年还城里LOCAL开得多。按你所说的那车,97年但30万公里,首先车不到10年,然后公里数高可以肯定大多开高速而LOCAL就很少,这车应该再开两年不会有什么问题,说不定连BRAKING PAD都从来没换过。
当然,保养无疑是很重要的。但人的毛病就是很难坚持,保修期间,定时换油还打蜡什么的;这之后,就很难说了。其实,在北美,车不过就是TOOL AND TOY,用旧了就会寻思着换新的,开过了CAR就想着SUV,SUV过了就想TRUCK。我觉得,还是TRUCK实用。

此帖于 Nov 17th, 2005 07:48 被 驾车兜风 编辑。
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旧 Nov 18th, 2005, 16:48     #5
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默认 粘粘糊糊的跟个娘们似的

看你把钱拽得紧紧跟个命根似的,就最后给你点意见吧:别犹豫了,觉得什么好就下定决心买吧,多花点时间和精力考察Dealer,找找清货的2005 Model, negotiate price and best deal省点钱才是正经事儿。日韩车,花钱查Dealer Invoice price也许能帮你省点银子。
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旧 Nov 18th, 2005, 18:02     #6
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作者: brudog
4 Door的truck,空间很大,一家老小装下来没什么问题,内部也很舒服,其实跟SUV没太多区别;
再说这Trailer Vacation的事儿,虽然我们华人都不感冒,但其实是我们都没有配置truck的缘故,如果有了truck,租个Trailer去Vacation,比较住旅馆等也不是那么贵的事,但玩起来这别番滋味让人玩味呀。
还有,跟别人万一撞上了不吃亏呀,你高别人一个身子,而这Car Driver不过才及你的屁股;
驾车兜风 当前离线  
旧 Nov 18th, 2005, 23:51     #7
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默认 啧啧,再次见识日车的贵

就一基本配置,2.4L,还Trade in,一次性付清,保守估计至少3万块,换我也觉得肉痛,难怪这么粘糊,这个决心下得不容易呀。


驾车兜风 当前离线  
旧 Nov 19th, 2005, 00:42     #8
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作者: 鲁莽电工


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旧 Nov 20th, 2005, 18:03     #9
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默认 日车儿毛病还是不少的。

42,000 miles Camry LE engine died by michele8 Nov 20, 2005 (2:03 am)
The engine to my 1997 Camry LE died. It has extremely low mileage, 42,000 miles and this does not seem reasonable. Shouldn't the engine lifetime be much longer than this type of mileage? Would Toyota be responsible for covering this? ... such as some type of warranty? If so, who can I contact?

Toyota Camry Ignition Switch/Steering Wheel Lock by mckay1 Nov 19, 2005 (4:02 am)
New (5K Miles) '05 Camry --
Intermittently (5 times in 3 wks) the ignition switch has failed to unlock the steering column -- ie the key will go in the lock mechanism, but with 'normal' tugging on steering wheel, the switch fails to turn and release the 'pin'.
Dealer has replaced the lock mechanism (2 x the 2nd/3rd key released the mechanism w/o tugging on anything) -- 15 minutes was the last 'extended period' to release --
Toyota doesn't want to open up the column and look for burrs or even examine -- Told me to park the car w/ wheels alway straight (Not reasonable in my observation)
Anybody else have this? -- Currently they're giving me a 'rental' to see how it works -- otherwise - will require arbitration to swap vehicles

2002 Camry -----what a POS by sean3
OK I drove the 2002 Camry at the Toyo dealer. what a POS..I thought I was driving a 90's Ford..It rattled so bad interior wise, from the Pillars, dash, seatbelts, doors...Then drove another 2002 same trim with slightly more miles...Same exact car exept the Color...It was rattle free...what gives? I thought Toyota was pretty uniform in there manufacturing process..the dealer had no explanation, acting so suprised...the quiet one was listed at $$325 less but has 4,000 more miles....this made me rethink the whole Camry thing... Any Advice?? Thanks Sean

Engine idling problem by marcel2 2001 Toyota Camry XLE, 105,000 km. V6 loaded. I have experienced starting problems after the engine is warm or hot, the idle control normally at 700-800 rpm will not hold and the rpm's drop off to O rpm's and the engine stalls. This only occurs occasionally, and ocassionally the engine light will come on. I have had a mechanic check the error codes, but nothing is showing up as an error???

'03 Camry Batteries keep die-ing by mrsacks Oct 30, 2005 (9:30 am)
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The battery on my 2003 4 cyl Camry with 15k mi. died on Thursday. Charged the battery, drove it around Thurs nite. Friday morning battery was dead. Installed brand new battery on Saturday and this morning (Sunday) the NEW battery is dead. Nothing works - checked and no lights (courtesy, trunk, etc.) lights left on.
Can anyone please HELP! Thanks

97 camry - 4cyl.(84k) valve seal problems-what to do? by toughnut Nov 20, 2005 (1:05 pm)
have blue/white smoke coming from exhaust when I first start car. I had a 98 which didn't do this until 150k. Toyota did an engine job on the 98 but the 97 is not covered. Eventually if i am not careful my oil will disappear. The only reason I found out on the 98 was at oil change(3k) and i was down 2 qts. Can anything be done without spending $1500 on new valves? I hope the answer is not as depressing as i think it is going to be.

New Car Smell by cvia1
I just bought a 2000 Camry and the smell gives me headaches--I don't know if it's the leather or plastic--but the new car smell is really strong--
Any suggestions??

brakes on 1998 camry by geesell
My brakes failed on my 1998 camry. only half the dual system was functioning. i actually kept on complaining that it was not stopping to no avial. Does anyone know of a similar problem or the cause? NHSTA has 50 cases that seem similar. Also ther was a recall in 1997 on the vaccum pump. Anyway how many complaints are needed ofr a recall and how do i know they fixed the 1997 problem? Does NHSTA give folow-up? Thanks

Door closing problems by mxylplik2
'99 camry and passenger side door does not close flush - requires a harder closing force. The other doors do not require the same amount of force. Toyota dealer indicated that not a problem - there is a "pocket of air" that makes the last door harder to close flush. Sounded suspicious to me. Looked at striker plate and didn't notice scratches that were different than those found on the other doors. I believe that door is not aligned properly.
Anyone with similar problem? Your thoughts would be much appreciated.

Braking Problem by billmahan
I have a '94 XLE, a '97 XLE and, of course, the '00 Solara. On the '94 and '00 everything is working fine.
On the '97 I am hearing what I can only describe as a "groaning, grinding" noise when I apply the brakes. Even if you brake only moderately hard, the front end noses down a little and when the car comes back up this noise is heard. But only if you continue to apply the brakes. If you let off the brakes as the car comes back, the noise is not present.
Any ideas as to what might be causing this? I tested all three cars today and only the '97 made this noise. The '94 XLE and the '00 Solara were perfectly quiet.

camry heat by carlvta
The heat on my 98 camry 6 cyl. is poor, only warming the car when I am doing hiway driving. The dealer could find nothing wrong and would not replace the thermostat unless I paid for it. Help!!!

Engine Burns Oil by hboyd
Our 1995 Camry 4-cyl emits blue smoke upon startup in the morning. I need to add about 1/2 qt/3K. It unfortunately has 75K miles... past the Powertrain warranty. Will Toyota still cover this valve seal "defect" past the original warranty? (BTW, the repair is approx. $750) Are there some dealers out there that will take your side? Toyota says its "normal" wear that is not covered, but this is quite unusual internal wear at 75K on this car's engine. Very disappointed with my "reliable" Toyota. Any thoughts and helpful advice??????

2000 Camry LE V6: front suspension noise by etalon
I first posted the question under topic #1029 (Any Toyota suspension problems?), and didn't get any response, so I'm hoping to get you folk's attention in this Camry topic. Thanks in advance.
We've had our Camry for 3 weeks, and we now notice
a low frequency tapping sound emanating from the driver side front suspension area (I think). It's not very loud, but it's annoying, and we always hear it. It probably started from day one, we just did not pay much attention since we usaully had the audio on every time we drove it, until one day when the radio was off, the noise suddenly became audible thanks to the quiet interior of this car. It's most noticeble during the first half hour of driving from start up, and also when going over small to moderate road bumps at slow speed.

Side front passenger window blow out all by itself by toyotaowner
I have a 1-year old Toyota Camry CE 1999 with 11,000 miles. I bought it new.
Recently I parked it in my garage and hour later a front passenger window blow out all by itself. It was all covered cracks and looked like a spider web. I checked for any object that could fell on the window and found nothing. I know for sure that nobody was in the garage.
I contacted dealership C they did not hear about such thing and their explanation is that I had a chip on a window. I guess it is possible, but why the window did not break when I was driving the car and broke hour later while sitting in the garage? Any thoughts?

Squeaks / Rattles by mxylplik2
'99 Camry and I hear squeaks / rattles coming from either the glove compartment or the passenger side window / door / pillar. I've emptied out the glove compartment but that didn't solve it.
What has been your experience with identifying the source of the squeaks / rattles and having the dealer repair this type of problem (under warranty)?

Toyota Camry Tire Problem by dbungard2
Has any Camry owner experienced excessive tire wear on General HP400 high performance tires? I only have 19K miles and they are worn out. Toyota says that this is typical on the Camry V6s. Toyota recommends the Dunlop SP4000 which gets 40K miles and is one of the tires used on tbe Camry
V6s. Since Toyota puts two different tires on the Camry V6, General HP400 which gets 20k miles and the Dunlop SP4000 which gets 40K miles, shouldn't Toyota put the Dunlop tires on my car at 1/2 the cost?

2000 Camry 5 speed transmission concern by jefbor
I just bought a demo Camry LE V6 5 speed with about 6k miles on it. I love the car except for a couple of things. First and foremost, the transmission does not shift very smoothly. About half of the time that I am shifting into 3rd gear, I feel like something is "catching" as I engage. Is this a "normal break-in" thing as the dealor has said? I wonder with 6k on it already. Has anyone with a 5 speed noticed the same thing?
Also, I'm hearing what sounds like a metallic noise coming from the engine on my accelearations. Is this normal as well?

Engine noise by georgeh5
I am one of those unlucky camry owners. I have a 99 LE V6. Generally speaking it runs great, especially between 8k to 12k. Now it's close to 13k and I notice a noise/vibration from engine. It appears at any speed over 20 mph. It's rather noticable on high quality road. As Camry is always a quiet car, I feel very uncomfortable.

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