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旧 Oct 28th, 2003, 16:34     #1
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tc is an unknown quantity at this point

我很骄傲的说, 我是 Primerica 的 agent。 已经 3 年了。我同大家一样,有着类似的经历。

5 年前,我的朋友介绍我加入 Primerica,我没有立即加入,但我的确非常认真地在思考着我的前途。当时我已经出国10 年,在美国和英国流浪了8 年(因为我们一直都是学生或访问学者的身份, 所以我称这段时间为流浪),念了许多书, 花了不少时间和精力, 移民加拿大后, 我的年龄已经不小了, 虽然学历不低,但没有加拿大经验,从我一登陆后不久,我就一直在苦苦地思考和寻找一条适合于我的发展的路。 来加后的两年的生活经历使我确认了两点:1,我必须作自己的生意; 2, 我必须做一种越老越能使我身价高的生意。 我当时已经看准了金融和财会专业。但是怎样进入和具体做什么,我还很茫然。朋友的介绍使我开始认真地考虑和调查这个行业。 我当时已快结束了我在 SIAT 的会计证书的学习。我认真地调查了同行业的另外两家公司 (Investors Group 和 Edward Jones) 的情况。 关于调查的详细情况, 若有人感兴趣,可以给我打电话, 我可以给你细说。

两年后,即3 年前,我终于决定加入 Primerica, 开始了我的真正的事业。



咋一听来, 对我们这些从共产党中国来的移民这个问题好像很不舒服。但仔细想想, 不是吗?

这难道不是所有的人想要得到的东西吗? 那么答案是什么哪?

我从芝加哥大学市场经济学教授 Dr. Charles King 那里得到的答案是:

只有两种办法:1, Leverage money
2, Lverage people


我不知道应该怎样翻译 "Leverage" 这个词。若有谁知道的,麻烦请帮个忙。
另外还有谁知道有不同答案的, 也欢迎大家讨论。

我既没有钱,也没有人, 我能 Leverage 什么呢?

经过学习,调查和研究, 我发现 Primerica 和其他 network marketing 公司的分配系统是人类文明发展至今的最公平的分配方法。 人类文明发展史不就是一部社会财富分配方法的发展史吗?

Network Marketing 也是至今为止最有效,最经济的市场营销方式。现在几乎世界上所有的大公司都已经部分或全部将他们的产品用 network marketing ( 或人们说的“传销“)的方式来进行销售。 几年前,我们公司是唯一的一家金融行业的“network marketing" 公司, 这几年已有许多公司开始效仿我们公司的许多做法。 不是吗? 银行里的“commision - based" 职位越来越多。

至于“传销和传销公司“这个词,如果不给它定义内容,则是一个毫无讨论价值的贬义词。就象“共党,共妻“ 这样的词来定义最初的“共产党“一样。

公平的分配制度,为大多数人服务的理念和产品,完善和先进的训练内容及系统,身边有真正能效仿的楷模,能让我和所有的大公司的 CEO 一样有机会 Leverage people, 这些是 Primerica 吸引我的东西。

在我加入Primerica 之前,加入初期直到现在,我一直在对 Primerica 进行仔细的调查和研究。 我阅读了大量的有关的 Primerica 的正反两方面的材料。我的结论是:我的选择是对的。 无论有什么样的困难, 我会坚持不懈的走到底。

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good" --- Ann Landers
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旧 Oct 28th, 2003, 22:52     #2
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To: terry/fox

我不是学经济的,我知道我有太多的东西要学。正是 Primerica 给我提供了学习和实践的机会, 让我能不断地自我完善, 充实,和提高。

Primerica 总是提醒新加入的人:Primerica is not an employment, it's an opportunity. Is it easy? No, but worth it.
Can everybody do it? Yes, everybody can do it. Primerica does not care where you are come from, but they do care where you are going to. 这难道不是我们新移民的机会吗?我们有着我们在当今 job market 竞争中无法改变的缺陷,像年龄,语言,文化,在加的经验,皮肤和头发的颜色..... 正是 Primerica 这样一个 "Business School" (Robert T. Kiyosaki) 培养出了成千上万个百万富翁, 而大多数这样的百万富翁都是在人们的嘲笑和攻击中成长起来的,就像至今还有许多文章以诬蔑的口气称 Art Williams "一个不起眼的足球教练“。 在 Primerica 不仅仅是学习做 Business, 跟重要的是学习做人和生活。这就是为什莫 Primerica 的百万富翁不同于其他的百万富翁, 他们有一些共同的特征:they all are cash millianiar, they all have happy family, they all come from nobody, they all work very hard, they all are coachable...

我只知道只要我不停地耕耘, 我是会有收获的。 而且我知道我的产品是对客户最好的产品,我永远都不需要掩饰任何东西。 我即便不像我身边的百万富翁那样成功, 我也不会失去什莫,因为我不是在赌博,我付出的是时间和精力,我将得到知识和能力。我想不出我将怎样亏大本。一颗本质良好的种子,只要我们辛勤耕耘,从自然环境中吸取能量,吐故纳新,经受风雨, 耐心地从春到秋做我们应该做的事, 到秋后我们就一定会得到一穗饱满的果实,这是自然规律。

如果你已有了保险和互惠基金的 Licence, 而你不喜欢 Primerica, 或者是不适应 Primerica, 你应该去银行或其他金融公司谋职。 现在有很多银行或金融公司都在招有 licence 的人来补 “full commision-based" 位置, 以此来逐步取代它们 "salary-based" 位置。 你可以去Investors Group 和 Edward Jones, 还有 RBC Financial, BMO 和 CIBC 看看, 前段时间我在报纸上看到过他们的广告。
Organization 需要提高效率,降低成本;人们要求高质量,个性化的服务; 这就是趋势。

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good" --- Ann Landers
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旧 Oct 28th, 2003, 23:34     #3
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白人也是一样的。 他们的退出率同新移民是一样的。 这同人种,来加的先后时间没有关系。

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good" --- Ann Landers
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旧 Oct 29th, 2003, 00:10     #4
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To: A_han

谈 PRIMERICA 的金融服务理念, 营销模式是可以的,但谈产品则要根据你的 licence 的情况。 你只能谈你有 Licence 的产品。

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good" --- Ann Landers
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旧 Oct 29th, 2003, 09:16     #5
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To: terry/fox

注意:我没有说 "commision-based" 是 “传销“。

Primerica 的收入形式是 “commision-based" income. 同许多在银行工作的“commision-based" 同行是一样的。

“传销“ 是一种营销方式。使市场学的一个概念。
“commision-based income" 是收入的一种形式。 是社会经济学的一个概念。


"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good" --- Ann Landers
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旧 Oct 29th, 2003, 09:59     #6
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To: Not-true

If you do not mind, can I use English to write a few words to you? (Because it is easier for me to write in English than in Chinese).

I do not know where you are based. But I do suggest you that go to see your friend who is working for Primerica.
According to your discription, I am sure that he/she is a person who is worth for you to be hung with. Trust me, you will benefit from he/she, let's say a dollars value, you will get, earn, or find thousand of dollars if you just hung with he/she.

The second suggestion that I want to give you is to go to see your Primerica friend and ask he/she if you are allowed part-time agent in your province/territory. If that is the case, you had better join Primerica for all your benefit but one nasty thing - all not nice words will pour into you from people around you who will temperaryly misunderstand you.

The benefits are:

1. Tax benefit. You can get back part of your hard earned tax money from the government if you joint Primerica.
2. Learning benifit. You can learn the valuable knowledge about tax savings, investment. The benefit on your personal financial life is priceless.
3. Earn extra income when ever you wish.
4. Extra tire for your car of life. I am sure that there are times which you will be laid off, what are you going to do?
5. Help frieds and families. You will have chances to make a difference in people's life. Every family you helped with will become your life-long friend. Why not make more of them?
6. You will get more licenses. More licences means more way of living and more way of making money.

You will not loose anything (well, $212.93 in Alberta, if you consider that is a lost) but benefit you all.

Remember? You have to pay the price. Nothing is free in this world.
The price you pay is your time and efforts.

God has granted everybody the same amount of time, how are you going to spend it is your choice of life.

Think about it and let me know what is your thoughts, if you do not mind. I will certainly appreciate it.

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good" --- Ann Landers
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旧 Oct 29th, 2003, 10:52     #7
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tc is an unknown quantity at this point

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by terry/fox:
TC 这个态度不错,知错就改了。不过你说的实在是太学术化了,我帮你理清一下:
1.commision-based income:是做单的人拿回扣,的确现在很多银行,保险都采用这种方式
2. 传销主要是通过口口相传的关系网把产品发布出去,传销是必然要用commission-based的.但commission-base 不一定是传销。
但是现在除了primerica是用传销来买金融产品的,其它金融机构只有commision-based 的职位,没有采用传销。

我这说主要是为了证明TC的一个错误认识,以为金融机构会越来越多变成primerica 的样子,他们只是多一些commision-based的职位。


还有,请TC不要在我贴子里贴无关的东西,你想和Not-ture 沟通,自己写mail好了,这样会浪费大家的时间的。也是对楼主的不尊重啊。<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

回扣 = rebate is the cash benefit for the purchaser. (
Comminsion is earned income for salesperson who made the sales.

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good" --- Ann Landers
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旧 Oct 29th, 2003, 11:12     #8
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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by terry/fox:
TC 这个态度不错,知错就改了。不过你说的实在是太学术化了,我帮你理清一下:
1.commision-based income:是做单的人拿回扣,的确现在很多银行,保险都采用这种方式
2. 传销主要是通过口口相传的关系网把产品发布出去,传销是必然要用commission-based的.但commission-base 不一定是传销。
但是现在除了primerica是用传销来买金融产品的,其它金融机构只有commision-based 的职位,没有采用传销。

我这说主要是为了证明TC的一个错误认识,以为金融机构会越来越多变成primerica 的样子,他们只是多一些commision-based的职位。


还有,请TC不要在我贴子里贴无关的东西,你想和Not-ture 沟通,自己写mail好了,这样会浪费大家的时间的。也是对楼主的不尊重啊。<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

terry/fox 可能是在国内学的经济学,在这里(加拿大)有些概念可能同国内不同:

回扣 = rebate is the cash benefit for the purchaser. (例如:PC mastercard 的 1% 回扣用作 PC points 而给回客户; 或者我们在商店买了一台电视机, 商店或厂家给我们 $10 的回扣 或 "Rebate" )

Comminsion is earned income for salesperson who made the sales. 中文也许应该叫“计件工资“(我不敢肯定应该叫什么,在这里请教 terry/fox )

所以,“回扣“ 和 “commision“ 在加拿大是两个完全不同的概念。 在会计学上和税法上, 他们是完全不同的两码事,因而进入不同的分类账,有这完全不同的税务责任,而面临着完全不同的税务政策。

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good" --- Ann Landers
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旧 Oct 29th, 2003, 11:16     #9
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"我这说主要是为了证明TC的一个错误认识,以为金融机构会越来越多变成primerica 的样子,他们只是多一些commision-based的职位。"

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good" --- Ann Landers
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旧 Oct 29th, 2003, 11:49     #10
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To: terry/fox

"我这说主要是为了证明TC的一个错误认识,以为金融机构会越来越多变成primerica 的样子,他们只是多一些commision-based的职位。"

我没有“错误认识“, 而你恰恰说对了,“金融机构会越来越多变成primerica 的样子“

Primerica 的模式是“One stop financial supermarket", all the banks now start to learn from Primerica and Citigroup.

不是吗?越来越多的银行 not only change their function, but also change their names.

例如:Royal Bank 现在是:RBC Financial
Bank of Montreal 现在是:BMO Financial Group
Alberta Treasurary Branch 现在是:ATB Financial

"commision-based的职位" 在银行和其他金融机构会越来越多,“Salary-based" 职位会越来越少, 这不仅仅是发生在金融行业的变化,而且是所有的行业都开始这样(如果情况允许的话), 就像我前面说一样:

Organization 需要提高效率,降低成本;人们要求高质量,个性化的服务; 这就是趋势。

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good" --- Ann Landers
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旧 Oct 29th, 2003, 12:52     #11
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This is "compounding".

Eistan said: compounding is the most powerful force in the universe.

That is how the compounded interst make us rich and poor. This is what we are teaching people to understand.

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good" --- Ann Landers
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旧 Oct 29th, 2003, 14:12     #12
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Why not?


Primerica 的系统伤害了你吗? Primerica

All you have complained is that you have "lost" your $199 and your time. But you have get your licence, doesn't that cost money?

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good" --- Ann Landers
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旧 Oct 29th, 2003, 15:01     #13
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Why not?

这种 Leverage 会伤害谁呢? 你在公司里工作,你被你上面不知道多少人直到 the owner of the business "Leverage" 着, 其他人根本没有机会“leverage" 别人,你认为这样公平吗? 

Business owner, 要想赚大钱,他必须 “Leverage" people --- Hire more people work for him/her.
The more people he/she hire, the more "leverage" he can do and the more money he can make.

Primerica provided the system that everybody (no matter who you are) can have an equa opportunity to try to learn how to "leverage" people, in any other traditional system, only certain kind of people will be given the opportunity to leverage people. 你认为这样公平吗?

这就是为什么“network marketing" 会这么有生命力的发展起来的。 因为它公平。人类文明的发展史不就是一部社会财富分配由不公平到公平的一个过程吗?

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good" --- Ann Landers
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旧 Oct 29th, 2003, 15:02     #14
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Sorry for my mistakes.

I always hit the wrong button before I finished.

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good" --- Ann Landers
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旧 Oct 29th, 2003, 15:11     #15
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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tc:
This is "compounding".

Eistan said: compounding is the most powerful force in the universe.

That is how the compounded interst make us rich and poor. This is what we are teaching people to understand.

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good" --- Ann Landers

Sorry, here I spell it wrong for the name of Albert Einstein as Eistan.

中文翻译是:阿尔伯特 爱因斯坦, 我相信人人都知道这个名字的。 

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good" --- Ann Landers
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旧 Oct 29th, 2003, 16:05     #16
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To: terry/fox

如果你把加入 Primerica 作为一种赌博, 那你真是在冒险, 如果你把加入 Primerica 作为你的事业,脚踏实地的一步一个脚印地做下去,你一定会有收获的。 这个系统之所以吸引我就是因为它有一个系统能让老实工作,勤奋学习,努力上进的人一个公平的回报。

每个人都“deserve" 公平的回报.

如果你想“make quick money", 或者想“make big money without working",那末, 你来错了地方。

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good" --- Ann Landers
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旧 Oct 29th, 2003, 16:39     #17
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To: terry/fox

I am sorry that my last comment may have been too aggrasive, it may has hurt you. I did not mean to it. If it does, please accept my applogy. I am sorry.

I can understand your feeling. You may have been taught the wrong technics while you were recruiting and when you are quiting, you feel sorry for the people you have recruited. You are very kind, when you find out you have got bad thing and you have introduced the bad thing to your friend, you feel bad. The thing is that not everybody think the same. As long as you did not hurt people intensionally, people will understand you. Beside, Primeirica is not bad thing at all, you should not worry about it. May be one day one of your recruits will really thank you for your introduction.

Good luck to your new advanture!

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good" --- Ann Landers
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旧 Oct 29th, 2003, 17:16     #18
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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by liszt:

Thank you! liszt

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good" --- Ann Landers
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旧 Nov 1st, 2003, 09:00     #19
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tc is an unknown quantity at this point

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by terry/fox:
A_han ,你终于来了,好久不见,真是怪想的。你那几位前辈NOT-ture,TC 呢。




你有你的经验和体会, 很感谢你能拿出来同大家分享。从这一点又体现了 Primerica 的又一大好处, 那就是 Flexbility, you can try it before you can committe it. 这就是我以前贴过的一篇文章:The Idea Business 中的一个好的 Business 所应该具备的特点之一。在本文中是特点#3, 若感兴趣的话,大家可以再读一读这篇文章。 其链接如下:



Primerica 几乎就是这个 “Idea Business" 的缩影。 这也是我之所以能坚持下来的原因之一。

我以前说过,在 Primerica 成功与否与种族,肤色,语言,学历,以及来加的时间的长短没有关系。 它和所有的 Business 一样, 你想 do it easy in easy way, you will get easy result. 你想有大的收获, 那你必须付出劳动。

Primerica Business 是我见过的最诚实的, 最透明的 Business, 最简单的 Business, 它从里到外, 从上到下,从业绩到收入, 从训练倒卖单,无不晶莹透明, 每个人都可以在网上察到每个人的所有信息。挣钱争得舒服,自豪, 给钱给的愉快,甘心。 卖单时不用隐瞒任何东西, 不用学会自圆其说, 不用担心危害客户而遭报应, 这是我为什么把这个 Business 作为我终身的事业来做的原因之一。

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good" --- Ann Landers
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旧 Nov 1st, 2003, 09:05     #20
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tc is an unknown quantity at this point

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by 1/2:


Primerica 完全不是你说的这种 Business.

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good" --- Ann Landers
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