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旧 Feb 27th, 2011, 22:47     #1
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注册日期: Feb 2011
帖子: 44
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Thumbs up 千里挑一的加拿大锂矿(CLQ)

随着电动车的推广,已经紧俏的锂矿更加供不应求,未来消耗量将加速膨胀。Canada Lithium Project 是全世界最大battery-grade 锂矿前三名。
这个锂矿不但特别纯,而且某些特定的杂质少。经国际,包括日本一些电池生产商测定,该矿产的 Lithium Carbonate 纯度达99.5%-99.9%, 优于厂家要求的标准,而优于标准的矿产,意味着更高的市场价值。锂电池前沿技术Lithium-iron-phosphate batteries formulations 要求最终Lithium carbonate 产品的杂质,特别是Chlorine Sodium and magnesium 含量低于标准,而加拿大锂矿的样本中,这两种杂质的含量都低于标准,成为厂商的首选,可谓奇货可居。
此矿的PFS(pre-Feasibility study)圆满完成,资金已到位,将于2011年五月动工construction,2012年底投产,2013年全面生产。开采时间14.8年,年产battery-grade lithium carbonate 20,000吨,另外还有40,000-50,000吨锂辉石将卖到北美及欧洲用于玻璃、铸造和陶瓷工业。
该矿还有一个优势:位于QUEBEC的矿业中心,Val d’Or, 附近,有优良的公路、铁路和廉价的电力。开车到MONTREAL港只要4个小时,驾车到北美电动车及电池生产中心DETROIT只需14小时。
Canada Lithium 已经和日本金属交易商Mitsui and Co. Ltd 签定协议,由其代理将产品销售到亚洲锂电池生产商。
Canada Lithium Corp. 拥有该矿100%产权,公司在TSX 和 OTCQX上市,代码分别是:CLQ,CLQMF。网址:www.canadalithium.com
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共 4 位会员
感谢 车臣1 发表的文章:
笑熬漿糊 (Feb 28th, 2011), 老甲鱼 (Mar 5th, 2011), martins (Mar 3rd, 2011), Onyva (Mar 3rd, 2011)
旧 Feb 28th, 2011, 22:19     #2
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注册日期: Feb 2011
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车臣1 is an unknown quantity at this point

不好意思, 实在巧合。 建设继续, 又委任第三方理清数字,不知用意。现在大雪封山,不可能重新勘测。南山石兄的问题很难回答,今天想了8小时也没答案。
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旧 Mar 1st, 2011, 10:09     #3
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注册日期: Feb 2011
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车臣1 is an unknown quantity at this point

这个公司真能折腾,12底月大涨前曾经无缘由地把股价打回0.98, 本来预计5月开工是个利好,会顺势涨一些,到3月它又生出一件事,把股价弄下来。大投资商都有内线,它们心中有数,即使矿有问题它们也不会坐以待毙,会联手演一出戏好逃出来,只有我们在摸黑。 一点想法供大家参考。
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旧 Mar 1st, 2011, 22:14     #4
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注册日期: Feb 2011
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默认 炒股最大的敌人是:恐惧和贪婪

恐惧面前保持冷静, 昨天消息提到一个关键人:OCT. 28 报告的负责人, 一个博士, 这一次风波的争议在于储量的评估, 这个博士是低调保守还是高调夸张风格将很重要, 于是我google了一下, 发现他在www.cciconline.com做事, 是个专家,很多矿都由他领导评估, 而CCIC本身也是独立的第三方, CCIC在TORONTO有办公室, 有时间不妨去走访, 作为CCIC的一个KEY PERSON, 他的质料如下:MICHELLE STONE: Resource Geologist Ph.D., P.Geo.
Experience in a wide variety of base, precious and rare metals (Ni-Cu-PGE, Au, Ag, Cu-Pb-Zn, Ta-Nb and pisolitic iron ore) and potash
Involved in mineral exploration and metal mining in Canada, Australia and Mexico since 1992
Expertise in management and integration of multi-disciplinary data leading to construction of 3D geological models for resource estimation
Strong background in project management, implementation and management of drilling programs (exploration through to grade control), target generation, and quality control and assurance
Past experience includes surface exploration and open pit mining with WMC Resources Ltd and BHP Billiton in Australia and surface and underground exploration and mining with junior companies in Canada and Mexico
google完这些资料, 感觉塌实一些。 这一次REVIEW是在DRILING的原始数据基础上验算结论, 或用其他数学模型推算总量, 用意可能水很深, 因为事先知道消息的投行如果做空头将大赚一笔, 如果矿主不满自己财富沽得不够高, 修正后又能发行很多股票, 如果没有不同, 在股价一跌一涨中也能赚钱, 如果原计划开采14.8年的矿,发现只能开采7年, 它也还是好矿, 矿产在开采中发现傍边地里还有很多贮藏也是常有的事, 总之对矿主来说是一步好棋。
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感谢 车臣1
Makelive (Mar 2nd, 2011)
旧 Mar 3rd, 2011, 01:19     #5
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注册日期: Feb 2011
帖子: 44
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车臣1 is an unknown quantity at this point

我们可以做股东, 不算惨, 只是帐户上的数字变小了, 有机会翻盘。想想玩margin的炒家, 可能已经被消灭。 我想CLQ的股权结构小小洗牌, 正在上演大鱼吃小鱼。
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旧 Mar 3rd, 2011, 20:09     #6
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注册日期: Feb 2011
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Canada Lithium Provides Background Information on the Quebec Lithium Project
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旧 Mar 3rd, 2011, 21:26     #7
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注册日期: Feb 2011
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车臣1 is an unknown quantity at this point

1. 今天是第三天, 主力在两天里基本达到目的。
2. 舆论压力很大。
3. 矿本身没问题。
4. Review结果不会有太大不同,而且已经不重要。
5. 矿主装傻,扯个理由,既结束一场闹剧,又不和CCIC结梁子。
6. 动这么大心思收股票, 很可能该股票以后有较大价值。
7. 该股票主力大胆强悍。
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旧 Mar 4th, 2011, 09:07     #8
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作者: 卡城房奴 查看帖子

这是个秘密, 可能是董事会, 可能是藏在幕后的投行, 可能是黑帮, 它是不能见光的, 不能留下证据, 否则会被告上法庭, 一切活动都以合法的方式, 炒做痕迹明显, 又能说得过去, 团队里一定有律师。它们拉高的时候也不会手软。简直可以写个剧本排电影。
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旧 Mar 4th, 2011, 20:49     #9
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注册日期: Feb 2011
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作者: 笑熬漿糊 查看帖子
笑老真会说笑话, 我以后还需多多向您请教。
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感谢 车臣1
笑熬漿糊 (Mar 4th, 2011)
旧 Mar 7th, 2011, 20:56     #10
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注册日期: Feb 2011
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Lightbulb 有空去看看, 问一些问题的机会, 也是FA的一部分


TORONTO, March 7 /CNW/ - Canada Lithium Corp. is hosting a special series of presentations on the future of lithium-powered vehicles on Tuesday, March 8 at 5: 15 p.m.
Where: Ballroom B, Intercontinental Toronto Centre, 225 Front St. W. (adjacent to the Metro Toronto Convention Centre).
Highlights: One of the first prototype electric vehicles built in Canada will be on display.
Bill Moore, Editor of EV World, a publication with a global readership devoted to the rapidly expanding growth of electric cars.
Gatanjali das Gupta of Electrovaya Inc., a Toronto-based manufacturer of lithium-ion SuperPolymer® batteries, will offer the Electrovaya perspective on the potential for the rapid growth in demand for lithium batteries not only in electric vehicles, but in Utility Scale Energy Storage.
Canada Lithium Corp. Chairman Kerry Knoll will host the event.
Lithium Forum 2011begins at 5:15 p.m. on March 8. Presentations begin at 5:30 p.m. Beverages and canapés will be available during the event.
For further information:
Olav Svela, 416-479-4355

此帖于 Mar 7th, 2011 21:12 被 车臣1 编辑。 原因: 补充
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旧 Apr 25th, 2011, 21:35     #11
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默认 一点发现, 和大家分享

今天注意到大股东之一DUNDEE 在0.75 买进了不少, 还有Vancouver的投资公司Haywood Securities 也在0.75/0.76 买进很多. 不知是机构行为, 还是散户在它们公司开了户。 会不会有点意思?
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旧 May 5th, 2011, 22:44     #12
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作者: skyblue23 查看帖子
很嫉妒, 我的弹药打完了。
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旧 May 16th, 2011, 09:33     #13
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注册日期: Feb 2011
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默认 新消息, 大家看看,

Canada Lithium Announces Revised Mineral Resource Estimate for Québec Lithium Project and Confirms Proposed Development Timeline; Capital Costs Unchanged at $201.7 million
Default Status Report Pursuant to National Policy 12-203
TORONTO, May 16 /CNW/ - Canada Lithium Corp. (TSX: CLQ) (OTCQX: CLQMF) announces the following:
AMC mineral resource estimate for the Québec Lithium Project (the "Project") confirms material reduction from previous estimate announced October 28, 2010
BBA Inc. now completing updated mineral reserve estimate, modelling and mine planning
Effect of mineral resource reduction on the project will be addressed within the updated reserve modelling.
Upon completion of updated mine plan and reserve modelling, an updated NI 43-101 Feasibility Study Technical Report will be completed
Mine and plant capital costs confirmed at approximately $201.7 million
A 10,000-metre, 50-hole drill program is under way with two rigs on-site
The Company reports that AMC Mining Consultants (Canada) Ltd. ("AMC") has completed an independent mineral resource estimate for the Project. The AMC mineral resource estimate, together with the previous October 28, 2010 estimate, is as follows:
Mineral Resources Reported by Class (0.8% Li2O cut-off)
Classification AMC Estimate AMC Estimate October 28/10 Estimate October 28/10 Estimate
(Tonnes) Grade (% Li2O) (Tonnes) Grade (% Li2O)
Measured (M) 6,101,000 1.16 5,654,000 1.15
Indicated (I) 23,194,000 1.20 41,015,000 1.20
Total M + I 29,295,000 1.19 46,669,000 1.19

Inferred 20,935,000 1.15 57,581,000 1.18

Notes: Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.
Tonnes rounded to the nearest thousand.
The AMC resource figures are constrained by a pit shell, whereas the October 2010 resource model was not.
The mineral resource review undertaken by AMC (see press release dated March 16, 2011) involved the re-evaluation and re-estimation of the mineral resource estimate previously announced on October 28, 2010. The October 28, 2010 resource estimate involved a commonly used inverse distance squared (ID2) modelling technique that should have delineated the main pegmatite dyke systems within what in geological terms are known as constrained boundaries. These boundaries are defined from sampled drill-core sections and, where relevant, underground workings, and should contain only mineralized material. Within these boundaries, or "mineralized envelopes," resource volumes were calculated using a block model and grades estimated using ID2 methods. This is an accepted and widely used industry practice.
Based on this methodology, only mineralized material with an associated Li2O grade lying within these envelopes should be incorporated in the resource estimate. The review by AMC identified certain issues with regard to the mineral resource estimate previously announced on October 28, 2010. Some of the mineralized envelopes, as originally developed, were broad, included some waste material and, in certain cases, did not conform to the pegmatite dyke boundaries. Therefore, some reinterpretation of the original model was required. In addition, some of the intervals within the dyke boundaries, which had not been sampled or assayed, were not assigned a zero grade. Consequently, some of the resource blocks should have been classified, in whole or in part, as waste material rather than having Li2O grades assigned to them.
The Company will file a NI 43-101 compliant mineral resource estimate technical report within 45 days of this release.
BBA Inc. is currently reviewing the resource model prepared by AMC and completing mineral reserve estimates and mine planning. The results of this work, together with the mineral resource estimate announced today, will comprise part of an updated N1 43-101 Feasibility Study Technical Report that will be prepared once all of the updated information is available.
Update on Project Development
During the past six weeks, mine and plant design has continued according to schedule. In addition, BBA Inc. has commenced an updated mineral reserve estimate based on AMC's mineral resource estimate. Project commissioning, based on the current timetable, is still being scheduled to commence in December 2012, assuming key equipment orders are finalised by the end of May 2011.
Canada Lithium noted that the Québec Lithium Project's construction capital costs remain unchanged from the previously announced $201.7 million (Feasibility Study estimate announced December 17, 2010), with GENIVAR Inc. in charge of the EPCM.
As a result of the time taken to prepare the revised mineral resource estimate, GENIVAR has proposed a revised construction schedule, with site work on the project near Val d'Or, Que., commencing in the third quarter of 2011, as opposed to the May commencement date previously announced. The proposed schedule for commissioning of the mine and processing plant indicates commissioning should be under way by late 2012 and initial lithium carbonate product sales could be under way during the first quarter of 2013. This schedule assumes that delivery timetables for the major key equipment purchases are finalised by the end of May 2011.
There are currently two drill rigs operating at the Québec Lithium site and a 10,000-metre, 50-hole drill program is under way, infilling and upgrading a portion of the 20.9-million-tonne inferred mineral resource to an indicated mineral resource category. Seven holes have been completed to date. Geotechnical drilling related to the optimal location of the Tailings Management Facility, overburden stockpiles and processing plant location will commence shortly.
Default Status
In a press release dated April 29, 2011, Canada Lithium Corp. (TSX: CLQ; OTCQX: CLQMF) (the "Company") announced that the Ontario Securities Commission ("OSC") had noted the Company in default of its continuous disclosure obligations under Ontario securities law due to the Company's announcement on February 28, 2011 that an internal review had indicated a material reduction in the measured, indicated and inferred mineral resource for its Quebec Lithium Project (the "Project") that was announced on October 28, 2010.
The February 28th announcement stated that the Company had appointed Roscoe, Postle & Associates ("RPA") to undertake a preliminary independent review of the October 28, 2010 mineral resource estimate. On March 16, 2011, the Company announced that RPA had confirmed that there were significant issues with the geological modelling that had produced the mineral resource estimate announced on October 28, 2010. The Company also confirmed that it had appointed AMC Mining Consultants (Canada) Ltd. ("AMC") to independently conduct a resource estimate of the Project and expeditiously prepare a new NI 43-101 compliant technical report.
In its press release of April 29, 2011, the Company reiterated its previously announced belief that the independent resource estimate being prepared by AMC would indicate a material reduction in the measured, indicated and inferred mineral resource estimate for the Project that was announced on October 28, 2010.
The OSC has noted that the Company will remain in default until it files a new National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-101") compliant technical report on the updated feasibility study for the Project which will include the independent resource estimate for the Project that has been prepared by AMC. The new NI 43-101 compliant technical report on the feasibility study will replace the existing technical report on the feasibility study filed by the Company on January 11, 2011 which contains the mineral resource estimate announced by the Company on October 28, 2010.
As previously announced in its press release of April 29, 2011, the Company applied to the Canadian securities regulatory authorities pursuant to National Policy 12-203 Cease Trade Orders for Continuous Disclosure Defaults ("NP 12-203") requesting that a management cease trade order be imposed upon the Chief Executive Officer ("CEO") and the Chief Financial Officer ("CFO") of the Company in lieu of a general cease trade order in respect of the Company's continuous disclosure default. On May 10, 2011, the OSC imposed a temporary management cease trade order on the CEO and CFO. The Company intends to continue satisfying the alternative information guidelines prescribed by NP 12-203 by issuing bi-weekly default status reports in the form of news releases so long as it remains in default of continuous disclosure requirements.
In addition, the Company reports that a Statement of Claim has been filed in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice in respect of the proposed class action lawsuit that was previously announced on April 11, 2011.
Qualified Persons
The AMC mineral resource estimate was prepared by Dinara Nussipakynova, P.Geo, Senior Geologist, AMC, under the supervision of Mr J Morton Shannon, P.Geo., Geology Group Manager and Principal Geologist, AMC. Ms Nussipakynova and Mr. Shannon are independent Qualified Persons as defined by NI 43-101. Mr Shannon has read and approved the contents of this release.
Mitchell Lavery, P.Geo., is the Qualified Person for the Québec Lithium Project in accordance with NI 43-101. Mr. Lavery has read and approved the contents of this news release.
*The mineral resource estimates in this press release were prepared in accordance with the CIM "Definition Standards on Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves" adopted by the CIM Council on December 11, 2005, and the CIM "Estimation of Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves Best Practice Guidelines," adopted by CIM Council on November 23, 2003, in compliance with NI 43-101 guidelines.
About Canada Lithium Corp.
Canada Lithium Corp. holds a 100% interest in the Québec Lithium Project near Val d'Or, the geographical heart of the Québec mining industry. The Company plans to build an open-pit mine and processing plant on-site. Metallurgical tests have produced battery-grade lithium carbonate samples. The Company trades under the symbol CLQ on the TSX and on the U.S. OTCQX under the symbol CLQMF.
Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information
This press release contains "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation. Generally, forward-looking information can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "plans", "expects" or "does not expect", "is expected", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates" or "does not anticipate", or "believes", or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will be taken", "occur" or "be achieved".
Forward-looking information is based on reasonable assumptions that have been made by the Corporation as at the date of such information and is subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements of the Corporation to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Forward-looking information in this press release includes, among other things, disclosure regarding the anticipated timing for completion of the independent review and audit and the review of the existing mine plan of the Company.
Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such information. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. The Corporation does not undertake to update any forward-looking information referenced herein, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.

%SEDAR: 00007891E
For further information:
For further information please contact:
Peter Secker, President and CEO (416) 361-2821
Olav Svela, Director, Investor Relations (416) 361-2821 or (416) 479-4355 or email osvela@canadalithium.com
Christine Stewart, Renmark Financial Communications Inc. (416) 644-2020 or email cstewart@renmarkfinancial.com
Please visit the Canada Lithium website at www.canadalithium.com.
Corporate Office: 401 Bay Street, Suite 2010, P.O. Box 118, Toronto, ON, M5H 2Y4
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旧 Nov 7th, 2011, 10:12     #14
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注册日期: Feb 2011
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有点动作. 不知是不是转势.
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旧 Feb 13th, 2012, 14:11     #15
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