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小橘灯 Feb 12th, 2005 09:38


ChinaSmileJoe Feb 12th, 2005 10:04


Mississauga市政府 Feb 12th, 2005 12:02

老Joe, 你这才真真是专家意见!
需要的时候就买!其实,买也就是为了需要嘛 :D

作者: ChinaSmileJoe

heysheep Feb 12th, 2005 12:54


小橘灯 Feb 12th, 2005 19:16


作者: heysheep

Dormouse Feb 12th, 2005 20:24

我觉得大家的意见并没错,你本来就不是为了投资,而是因为需要的自住房子跟房市没什么太大关系 - 即房市涨跌不应是考虑因素之一。

fushao Feb 12th, 2005 20:26

但有人不这样想,所以他们大把大把的赚了钱,成了房产投资(商)个人.他们可以将你变成"负资产",因为他们想从房产买卖中赚到最多的欲望是不可能停止的.他们可以将整个房产市场导向有利于他们牟利的方向.但却可能有一天由普通老百姓来承受房产市场下辍甚至泡沫破碎蹦盘后的阵痛.你见过李嘉成在房产买卖中亏了没?没有! 是普通香港老百姓来帮他买单的,哪怕你的所有DOWNPAYMENT 和房产全部抵押给银行,你也还是欠银行和财务公司一大节,你可能只有破产或一辈子给银行打工还债了.还完债,还是没房子住.



一天到晚 Feb 12th, 2005 21:09


fushao Feb 12th, 2005 21:23


b747lr Feb 12th, 2005 21:38


作者: fushao




fushao Feb 12th, 2005 21:58


勤劳的牛牛 Feb 12th, 2005 22:08


作者: b747lr




fushao Feb 13th, 2005 07:48



fushao Feb 13th, 2005 07:52


One Bedroom
Two Bedroom

Over 3.8 %

3.0 %

Ontario Historical Rent Increase Guidelines

Date Percent

Oct 1979 6.0
Jan 1985 4.0
Jan 1987 5.2
Jan 1988 4.7
Jan 1989 4.6
Jan 1990 4.6
Jan 1991 5.4
Jan 1992 6.0
Jan 1993 4.9
Jan 1994 3.2
Jan 1995 2.9
Jan 1996 2.8
Jan 1997 2.8
Jan 1998 3.0
Jan 1999 3.0
Jan 2000 2.6
Jan 2001 2.9
Jan 2002 3.9
Jan 2003 2.9
Jan 2004 2.9
Jan 2005 1.5

fushao Feb 13th, 2005 08:21

The graph below clearly shows the pattern of the annual real estate cycle for Toronto
看看1995年到现在的情况吧.这些PEO ENGINEER的人做的比房产经纪和BROKER做的客观吧, PEO ENGINEER才有义务站在公众利益方面说话,一般的BROKER是不可能的.

The graph below clearly shows the pattern of the annual real estate cycle for Toronto, Ontario.


fushao Feb 13th, 2005 10:00

Shall We Buy or Rent

作者: 小橘灯




To buy or not to buy, that is the question. Like most of life, there are no easy answers. For many, it's a simple matter of economics. If you can afford it, you buy. After all, isn't home ownership an essential element of the "American dream"?

For others, it's not so automatic. Some folks are overwhelmingly enthusiastic about renting versus owning. They cite many reasons, including the freedom to spend their weekends doing things other than mowing the lawn, repairs, and house painting.

In most areas of the country, it's less expensive to rent than to buy. But what if you are able to buy your home outright with no mortgage? Your obligations for taxes, insurance and repairs may be considerably less than rent. However, it's important to remember you are spending the "opportunity cost" of your purchase money. For example, if you buy a home for $200,000, that money could conservatively earn you $12,000 per year at a 6% return if you didn't buy. Can you rent the same home for less than $12,000 plus the amount of your taxes, insurance and repairs?

But what about appreciation? This is an investment issue. Where do you feel most comfortable investing your savings? If you really believe residential real estate is a good choice, then you might want to buy a home. But don't forget the people who lost significant amounts in recent years when they sold their homes in down markets. You need to be prepared to keep your home for many years to be confident of appreciation. We are a mobile, changing society. How many people can feel sure that their needs and desires in housing won't change over the long haul?

People who rent talk about other, more subtle benefits. Renting an apartment often involves having less room to store things that we really don't need or want, less space to clean. Renting eliminates concerns about property taxes, insurance, and the economic risks of earthquakes, floods and hurricanes. There is a sense of freedom with renting. If you lose your job and need to reduce your expenses, you can change your housing more easily without suffering further economic losses.

Let's consider some of the tangible benefits of owning a home. Some people love to garden and it is often difficult to get a landlord's permission to tear up existing landscaping for a garden. Others want to have pets which are rarely popular with landlords. Privacy is often mentioned as a benefit of owning a home. While this is undoubtedly relevant when considering a home versus an apartment, you can always rent a home if you want privacy.

There are also intangible benefits of owning a home. People talk about a sense of security and a sense of pride. When you rent, your landlord can kick you out when your lease expires. If you own, you are unlikely to be forced to move (unless your local government decides to build a freeway through your living room).

Why do we have a greater sense of pride in owning than in renting a home? The answer to this question reveals the underlying symbolism we ascribe to home ownership. In our society, home ownership represents a form of status. It means that you have arrived at a certain socio-economic level. We have been taught that home ownership is a wonderful dream, a significant accomplishment. So, it's understandable that you would feel a sense of pride when you reach this milestone.
For some reason, we take better care of our homes when we own them. Perhaps it is because we view our home as an extension of ourselves, a reflection of our status in life, a way to impress others. Unfortunately, some people devote their entire lives working in jobs that are exhausting and stressful to pay for increasingly larger, more expensive homes that they have neither the time nor the energy to really enjoy.

In our society of "more is better" we want to own as much as possible. A more spiritual approach would be to realize that we are living this life as stewards of the earth and that we are only temporarily using the necessities of life. From this perspective, it's less important to own a home. I challenge you to base your decision to buy or rent on the tangible benefits that affect your quality of life. Home ownership is not an essential element of the American dream.

fushao Feb 13th, 2005 10:17

The benefits of buying a house

Why should you buy, instead of rent? You’ll love the feeling of having something that's all yours -- a home where your own personal style will tell the world who you are. A thriving vegetable garden in the backyard, a tiled entryway, a yellow kitchen. When you own, you can do it all your way!

Many benefits
But there's more to owning a home than personal satisfaction. You can deduct the cost of your mortgage loan interest from your federal income taxes, and usually from your state taxes, too. And interest will compose nearly all of your monthly payment , for over half the number of years you'll be paying your mortgage. This adds up to hefty savings at the end of each year. And you're also allowed to deduct the property taxes you pay as a homeowner. If you rent, you write your monthly check and it's gone forever. Another financial plus in owning a home is the possibility its value will go up through the years.

HUD homes
Housing and Urban Development (HUD) homes can be a very good deal. When someone with a HUD insured mortgage can't meet the payments, the lender forecloses on the home. HUD pays the lender what is owed and HUD takes ownership of the home. Then HUD sells it at market value as quickly as possible

Bad credit and no down payment
Have bad credit and no money for a down payment? You may be a good candidate for one of the federal mortgage programs that are available. A good place for you to start is by contacting one of the HUD-funded housing counseling agencies. They can help you sort through your options. In addition, contact your local government to see if there are any local homeownership programs that might work for you. Look in the blue pages of your phone directory for your local office of housing and community development or, if you can’t find it, contact your mayor's office or your county executive's office.

Single family incomes
Although you won’t have the benefit of two incomes on which to qualify for a loan, there's no reason that you can't become a homeowner. Become familiar with the process, pick a good real estate broker and think about getting pre-qualified for a loan. You might want to contact one of the HUD-funded housing counseling agencies in your area to talk through your options.

You also might want to think about buying a HUD home. They can be very good deals. Also, contact your local government to see if there are any local homebuying programs that can help you. Look in the blue pages of your phone directory for your local office of housing and community development or, if you can't find it, contact your mayor's office or your county executive's office.

Finding and using a real estate broker
Using a real estate broker is a very good idea. All the details involved in home buying, particularly the financial ones, can be mind-boggling. A good real estate professional can guide you through the entire process and make the experience much easier. A real estate broker will be well-acquainted with all the important things you'll want to know about a neighborhood you may be considering -- the quality of schools, the number of children in the area, the safety of the neighborhood, traffic volume and more. He or she will help you figure the price range you can afford and search the classified ads and multiple listing services for homes you'll want to see.

With immediate access to homes as soon as they're put on the market, the broker can save you hours of wasted driving-around time. When it's time to make an offer on a home, the broker can point out ways to structure your deal to save you money. He or she will explain the advantages and disadvantages of different types of mortgages, guide you through the paperwork, and be there to hold your hand and answer last-minute questions when you sign the final papers at closing. And you don't have to pay the broker anything! The payment comes from the home seller, not from the buyer. If you want to buy a HUD home, you will be required to use a real estate broker to submit your bid.

Coming up with a down payment
Coming up with enough money depends on a number of factors, including the cost of the house and the type of mortgage you get. In general, you need to come up with enough money to cover three costs: earnest money -- the deposit you make on the home when you submit your offer, to prove to the seller that you are serious about wanting to buy the house; the down payment -- a percentage of the cost of the home that you must pay when you go to settlement; and closing costs -- the costs associated with processing the paperwork to buy a house.

When you make an offer on a home, your real estate broker will put your earnest money into an escrow account. If the offer is accepted, your earnest money will be applied to the down payment or closing costs. If your offer is not accepted, your money will be returned to you. The amount of your earnest money varies. If you buy a HUD home, for example, your deposit generally will range from $500 to $2,000.

The more money you can put into your down payment, the lower your mortgage payments will be. Some types of loans require 10 to 20 percent of the purchase price. That's why many first-time homebuyers turn to HUD's FHA for help. FHA loans require only 3 percent down and sometimes less.

Closing costs, which you will pay at settlement, average 3 to 4 percent of the price of your home. These costs cover various fees your lender charges and other processing expenses. When you apply for your loan, your lender will give you an estimate of the closing costs, so you won't be caught by surprise. If you buy a HUD home, HUD may pay many of your closing costs.

fushao Feb 13th, 2005 10:25

Buy Vs. Rent. what's right for you?
Common wisdom holds that in the long-term, it's always better to buy a home than to rent. However, given the changes in how people work and live in the last 20 years, it's not obvious that buying is necessarily better than renting.

When is it better to rent than to buy? Financially speaking, the rule of thumb is that if you don't stay in a home for at least 3 years, you probably won't break even on the closing expenses incurred while buying it. That is, of course, as long as you're not speculating that property values will rise dramatically. Given the high costs of owning a home, it's possible that you will not see the financial benefits of buying for 5 to 10 years.

Besides some potential financial advantages, renting a home offers other benefits. For example, renting relieves you of the risk and headache of maintaining and repairing the structure--if a pipe bursts, it's not your responsibility. Some people also value the flexibility it offers--i.e., the freedom to pull up stakes, not having to go through the process of selling a home. And with lower monthly payments, renting may allow you to save more for a down payment when you do decide to buy.

fushao Feb 13th, 2005 10:58





























fushao Feb 13th, 2005 11:26

Rent or Buy Calculator
那就交给这York University Professor Moshe A. Milevsky的CALCULATOR帮你算吧,点击如下website:
http://strategis.ic.gc.ca/epic/inter.../ca01821e.html, 自己进去算吧.

Should you rent or buy a home and what are the long-term costs? On the one hand, you're tired of your landlord. On the other hand, buying a home likely means borrowing a lot of money. As well, when buying a home you must make a down payment, money that could otherwise be invested or put into savings. What should you do?


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